
Archive for August, 2018

COMMON SENSE: If you have any doubts concerning the true purpose of the Mueller investigation, this week’s events should put everything into perspective for you.
When Michael Cohen made his plea bargain with the Justice Department in Manhattan, he was forced to confess to a crime that really isn’t a crime. Supposedly, paying off women for Trump was a violation of campaign laws, but there is no statute against doing this.
If there is no law against what Cohen did, and there isn’t, then why did he confess to a crime that doesn’t exist? It’s because the attorneys at the Justice Department required him to do so. Why would they do that? It’s because their true purpose is to find a way to end the Trump Presidency. They were doing Mueller’s bidding, and they were willing to misuse the law to achieve their purpose.
Members of the press, licking their chops, have behaved predictably, calling for Trump’s impeachment; but it is all based on Cohen admitting guilt to a crime that does not exist. What happened in New York is part of a broader mosaic initiated by Robert Mueller’s singular goal of nullifying the 2016 Presidential election. His goal—the Deep State’s goal—is to take Trump down.
There is nothing fair and impartial about what Mueller is doing, as this false confession verifies. It’s all aimed at twisting the law to make it easier to destroy President Trump. Because this is the truth, the President should not consent to be interviewed by Mueller’s team. It’s a trap—no doubt about it.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: During the last administration, we were repeatedly told America’s best days were behind us. Because we were assured this was true, we needed to be content with an annual growth rate that wasn’t much above 1 percent. Accepting our decline gracefully and with dignity was the best future we could hope to experience.
As a result, in December 2016, the last full month of the Obama administration, it wasn’t a surprise that our gross domestic product (GDP)—the total goods and services produced by the United States—was $18.6 trillion. While still large, most economic prognosticators predicted that both China and the European Union would soon overwhelm us with their capacity to outproduce us.
That was then; this is now. Under our current leadership, our GDP has improved dramatically to $20.5 trillion. Even better, it is expected to continue growing for years—thanks primarily to massive tax cuts, deregulation, and unchaining our energy sector. Best of all, every American is benefitting from this unprecedented growth.
But what does it all mean? What is the difference between $18.6 trillion and $20.5 trillion, other than the obvious numerical difference of $1.9 trillion? This is a question that can best be answered by comparing our economy with the GDP of other nations. For example, the $1.9 trillion difference between what the Trump administration has been able to produce, as compared with that of the Obama administration generated two years ago, is greater than the entire economic output of countries like Russia, Canada, South Korea, or Italy.
Because Russia is in the news daily, let’s use them as an example. In a nation of about 147 million people, Russia’s GDP is just $1.5 trillion. This means our economy is 13.6 times larger than Russia’s, which is substantial. It means the growth differential between what the Obama administration produced and what the Trump administration is currently producing is larger than the entire economy of Russia. Our growth under Trump, as versus Obama, is greater than the total output of Russia. The difference between Trump’s economy and Obama’s is staggering.
This isn’t political spin. These are real numbers that have created real growth, and a dramatic increase in American power; and it has all occurred in less than two years. Every American, regardless of his or her political belief system, should be proud of this accomplishment.
Unfortunately, these accomplishments, as well as numerous others, have been obscured by the media’s obsession with focusing on trivialities and personality-driven journalism. The big picture, which is our geo-political resurgence to world dominance, has either been under-reported or not reported at all.
Therefore, it is up to us to not only proclaim this message.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The media and former CIA Director, John Brennan, have been relentlessly criticizing President Trump for revoking Brennan’s national security clearance. But the question needs to be asked, was this a fair thing for Trump to do, or wasn’t it?
The media’s primary criticism is that this was a mean-spirited and petty attempt by Trump to silence one of his harshest critics. Millions of Americans agree with this assessment, but is it accurate?
To begin with, Trump’s actions have nothing to do with taking away Brennan’s 1st Amendment rights. He remains free to say whatever he pleases. In fact, he is freer now than he was when his national security clearance was intact.
If you have a national security clearance, you do have access to information others do not, but you are not allowed to share this information with others. In this sense, those who have a clearance do have their freedom of speech constrained. They are duty bound to keep our national security secrets to themselves, and to behave in a way that does not conflict with the Commander-in-Chief’s foreign policy.
By calling President Trump a “traitor,” Brennan violated his sworn duty, so rescinding his clearance for cause was perfectly justifiable. Additionally, Brennan is being paid by MSNBC as an analyst. By having an intact security clearance, this would give MSNBC greater access to information than other networks, which obviously provides them with a competitive advantage, even if Brennan never divulged national secrets. The perception that he “knows more than the rest of the analysts” is there, and it’s an accurate one.
For the same reason, James Clapper, who is an analyst at CNN, should have his national security clearance revoked. It would be the same for John Bolton, if he returns to Fox News after Trump leaves office. His clearance should be revoked as well.
None of this requires the drama we have been exposed to for the past week. Trump was right to revoke Brennan’s clearance, but it certainly could have been handled better. After all, Brennan was in charge of the CIA when Osama Bin Laden was taken out. If, for no other reason than that, the revocation should have been done quietly and discretely.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: With the firing of FBI Agent Peter Strzok, the gloves have come off, and serious questions about the legitimacy of the Mueller investigation are finally being asked. I have maintained for over a year that this has been a criminal conspiracy. Now, others are also speaking out—people far more important than I am, including Peter Swecker, the former Assistant Director of the CID Division of the FBI.
According to Swecker, while there “clearly is no love lost between the president, Strzok, Comey and McCabe, there is no doubt that by any objective standard, all three deserved to be fired for misconduct . . . All three of these rogue FBI officials put themselves on pedestals and cast themselves as noble heroes willing to sacrifice their own careers for the cause of truth and justice. That’s great PR spin, and much of the media has fallen for it. But it’s simply not true.”
The investigation into Russian interference in our elections is legit, but trying to use this to drive President Trump from office certainly is not. In a coordinated effort to execute a soft coop, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and numerous others not only violated their oats of office, but they also engaged in criminal behavior unprecedented in American history.
This cabal cannot be allowed to continue. Each of these conspirators must be held to account for their actions. We, the American people, demand that they be investigated, and we demand it now.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Peter Strzok is a victim. Just ask him or his lawyer. This discredited and fired FBI agent, who did his best to keep Hillary out of jail and frame Donald Trump, refuses to take responsibility for his actions, but how could he be this obtuse?
It’s because he doesn’t believe he has done anything wrong, and neither do millions of Americans. In their depraved, godless thinking, Strzok is a noble and heroic figure—not a deceitful public servant who abused his power. He even has a Go Find Me page that is doing quite well.
Strzok is a perfect example of how badly our standards have declined. When the American people can no longer trust the FBI to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, we are in trouble. As FBI Director, James Comey led a renegade group of our nation’s most powerful law enforcement officials in a direction that has undermined our democratic institutions and the rule of law. Now, we have to deal with the aftermath of their damnable actions.
That Strzok, or any of these other rogue criminals, consider themselves to be victims is mind-boggling. They belong in prison—all of them—and I hope that each of them does time in jail.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Because the basis for the Mueller investigation is predicated upon the fraudulent Steele Dossier, President Trump should not subject himself to the obvious perjury trap that the Deep State has set for him. Even the hacking of the DNC server is suspect, since the FBI had nothing to do with obtaining the evidence that the Russians were responsible for hacking it.
This is all an elaborate con job that has been given tenuous credibility by those whose only purpose is to drive the President out of office.
As an ancillary byproduct, we now have millions of clueless Americans who are inaccurately convinced that Trump’s election was illegitimate and that he is a puppet of Putin. We could end up having an unnecessary military confrontation with Russia, and it’s all because of the Deep State’s need to cover their corruption by getting rid of Trump.
Nearly all of the media backs Mueller, but the American people do not. Each and every day, more people are seeing through this false investigation. Let me assure you we, the American people, will not sit by idly and allow our hard-fought victory in the 2016 election to be nullified. That is not going to happen—no way in hell that is going to happen.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Years ago, one of my clients was Prison Fellowship—the ministry of Chuck Colson. Although this was a great ministry, he was better known for his role in the coverup of the Watergate scandal of President Nixon. In fact, Colson went to prison for what he did, but he was not embittered by his experience. Instead, he used it to change his life irreversibly.
Colson knew what he had done was wrong, and he accepted the responsibly for his actions. His remorse was genuine. This is what differentiates him from those in the Deep State who are currently perpetrating a non-violent coup, aimed at driving President Trump from office.
There are several things that have been surprising to me about the CIA, DOJ, and FBI’s attempt to bring impeachable charges against Trump, but nothing has been more surprising than the solidarity these men and women have maintained about their mission. They want Trump out, and they have been willing to do anything, including violating the law and their oaths of office to achieve their goal.
In their minds, Trump is so bad that the ends justify the means, regardless of what that might entail. Collectively, these Deep State operatives have no shame, no guilt, and no sense of remorse about falsifying information to achieve their ends. There isn’t one person among them that is like Colson. So far, not one man or woman has been willing to man up and confess that what he or she has done has been fundamentally wrong.
Instead, these people steadfastly and consistently call wrong right and right wrong. Even worse, they believe that their version of reality is correct, even though it violates the duty they have sworn to uphold. Truth means nothing to them—only the goal they desire to achieve.
They have depraved minds, and in their depravity, they are perfectly willing to destroy the nation they believe they are protecting. Because so much of their perfidy has been exposed to the light of day, I do not believe they will achieve their goal. They will not be able to drive Trump from the White House, but foiling their plans is not good enough—not nearly good enough.
For our nation to heal, these Deep State reprobates must be held accountable. Perhaps if they spend enough time in prison, like Colson, they will also have a “come to Jesus” experience.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The more I learn about the origins of the Mueller investigation, which is considerable, I more firmly I am convinced that it is a complete scam. Nothing about it is straightforward and honest—not one thing. Based on the fictional Steele Dossier, everything that has occurred before the election was aimed at denying Trump the White House. When he won the election, it morphed into a conspiracy to remove him from office. In other words, the Mueller investigation has been founded on a fraud.
Because nothing like this has ever happened before, and because he American people have had such trust in our governmental institutions, very few people believed that anything like this could happen—not in the land of the free and the home of the brave. But it has. Officials from the last administration have been so intent upon denying Trump the Presidency that they have brazenly hatched a plot to take down the man they despise with a passion.
Aided by the sycophantic media, who are so consumed by their own loathing for Trump that they refuse to do any real investigative journalism, along with the appointment of Jeff Sessions, perhaps the most incompetent attorney general of all time, a perfect storm for a Constitutional crisis has been created.
On one side, we have President Trump, a significant portion of Congress, and a mass of loyal citizens who are determined to reestablish the nation of their youth. On the other side, the renegade DOJ and FBI are backed by the media, a large subset of Congress, mindless Hollywood elites, and legions of bitter citizens who are convinced that Trump is a puppet of Vladimir Putin. The hatred of the Left for Trump is so significant that they would rather see our nation destroyed than for Trump to get the credit for making America great again.
How will this all end? Que sera, sera? Only God knows, but if I was an advisor to the President, I would state unequivocally that he should not walk into the trap that the Mueller team has set for him. Instead, expose this cabal for what it is. Let the entire world see every document behind this plot, un-redacted. The Left will chafe, but that’s no different than what they are already doing. Expose these villains for who they are and prosecute them. It’s the only way to reestablish the public’s trust in our government.
Jack Watts
Jack’s Books: mcgeeandme.net/books

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COMMON SENSE: In July 2016, I predicted that Donald Trump would defy the odds and be elected the 45th President of the United States. My prediction is well chronicled in my book, “Creating Trump nation,” which many continue to read. I based my forecast on the assumption that most Christians would refuse to vote for the corrupt Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and I was right.
Because so many people on Facebook wanted me to be correct, they started reading my posts, and I have developed a large following ever since. Because I have also been correct about many other issues, my base has continued to grow, but there are a few things that have surprised me.
I thought it would take longer for our economy to turn around, but this happened with lightning speed, thanks to Trump’s tax cuts, deregulation of the energy sector, and overall consumer confidence. I also mistakingly believed that the corrupt Deep State would be dismantled quickly, and those who were corrupt would be brought to justice and held accountable.
This hasn’t happened at all. So far, nobody has been held to account—not Lynch, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, Page, Yates, Ohr, or anybody else. Andrew McCabe lost his job the day before he retired, but that’s it. There have been no indictments, despite our belief that this would happen.
Instead, what we have had is a steady diet of the Deep State using fraudulent documents to concoct a phony investigation into the Trump Presidency. Over time, the purpose of this investigation has become clear. It is to unseat Trump from his office, even though there is no legitimate reason to do so. That this cabal has gone this far has been a surprise to me.
Robert Mueller has one purpose—to destroy the duly elected President of the United States—and Mueller will do anything in his considerable power to accomplish his task, whether legal or ethically marginal. Because he is being championed by the media, the corrupt, and the bitterly resentful, he continues to doggedly pursue the President. Everything he has done has the appearance of being honorable and legitimate; but it is not. It is a political hit job, which the American people need to repudiate by standing firmly behind President Trump in his hour of need.
Jack Watts

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Our Gracious God and Loving Heavenly Father,
You are light and in You there is no hint of darkness.
We know this and accept this truth in our hearts and souls.
As Your obedient children, we are grateful to serve
A God who wants His children to walk in the light and not in the dark.
Father, to be honest, for most of my journey with You,
For most of the time I have sought your will for my life,
My focus has been primarily on my personal conduct and not
On the clarity of my thinking or the accuracy of my worldview.
Father, I now recognize this has been a significant mistake.
Please open my heart and my mind to Your Holy Spirit.
Allow me to take a good, hard, and honest assessment
Of what I have considered to be true, but could be deep-seated
Deception, leading me away from Your will for my life.
I want to know and follow Your ways and Your precepts.
Search me to see if there are any strongholds of darkness—
False beliefs that prevent me from discerning Your will accurately.
If such areas exist, direct Your Holy Spirit to reveal them to me,
Because I do not want anything to prevent me from being
The person You have created me to be. I ask this in Christ’s name,
I Am Not Ashamed also available at Jack’s Books: http://mcgeeandme.net/books/i-am-not-ashamed-1

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