
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

COMMON SENSE: That President Trump has caught COVID-19, despite being in the world’s most protected bubble, provides us with a teachable moment about two important issues. To begin with, we like to believe we control our situation personally and nationally, but we don’t. No matter how many precautions we take, we cannot control our environment. Although the Left likes to believe we can, championing the belief that government is the answer to everything, it isn’t.

When you get right down to it, as human beings, we are frail. The belief that we are all-powerful is an illusion. People of faith know this. We understand it well. God is in charge, not us. He is all-powerful and omniscient; we are not. This is why we bow our knee to Him and to no one else. Those on the Left do not understand this at all. They never will.

The second issue providing a teachable moment is our response to the President’s illness. When I heard the news, I was devastated but, along with many others, I participated in a prayer meeting about Trump’s health. This just seemed like the natural thing to do. Had it been Joe Biden, I wouldn’t have been devastated, but I certainly would have prayed for his recovery as well.

Those on the Left, by way of contrast, chose a heartless response. They ridiculed the President for getting sick. On social media and on network news, they have mocked him for allowing it to happen, calling him a fool. That they would choose to be this callous doesn’t speak well for them, does it? But it also wasn’t surprising, was it?

Taking a step back, seeing the dramatic difference in how people of faith respond versus the response from those from the Left, we need to ask ourselves what kind of a nation we want to be? Do we want to follow our founding fathers, who universally ascribed to the Judeo-Christian worldview, or do we want to embrace the misanthropic hatefulness of the Nihilists, Socialists and Communists? It’s an important question. Being 2020, we will have this question answered for us in a month. I hope we choose well. Meanwhile, I will continue to pray multiple times a day for our President’s speedy recovery.

—Jack Watts


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COMMON SENSE: The obstacles we face in our efforts to save the United States from the penchant of the Democrats towards Socialism is vast. At times, it seems overwhelming, even insurmountable, but this is an illusion. It isn’t unbeatable.


Remember, we are doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason. More importantly, we can be comforted by the knowledge that Almighty God is on our side—the side of righteousness. Because He is, we have nothing to fear, regardless of what the Left does to try and thwart us.


As we get closer to the election, what we post on social media will be increasingly scrutinized. That’s a given. If they can find fault with anything we post, especially people like me who have a substantial following, they will silence those voices exactly the way they have done with me several times in recent months.


That their actions have been arbitrary, capricious and unjustified is irrelevant. Acting as Big Brother, they have their finger on the control button, poised to shut people like me down until after the election. Since I am keenly aware of their desire to silence me, it is important for me to not trigger them without purpose. That I have is something I must watch carefully in the days ahead.


Therefore, I intend to be much more cautious and circumspect about the way I say things. I will not engage in political humor for the foreseeable future, but I fully intend to continue posting the truth about the Left’s depravity and their desire to transform our nation into something our founders never envisioned.


—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In 2017, when Amy Coney Barrett testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee about her qualifications to be confirmed as a U.S. District Judge, Senator Dianne Feinstein took umbrage. Feinstein found Barrett’s Catholicism particularly offensive, saying, “The dogma lives loudly within you.” To Feinstein, who opposed Barrett’s nomination, the Catholic nominee’s religious beliefs were depicted as being misplaced and offensive, something unsuitable for an appellate court judge nominee.


Many cried foul about Feinstein’s assertion, saying the Senator was making a religious test for confirmation, which is unconstitutional. They did their very best to defend Barrett. Their strategy was to mitigate the damage caused by Feinstein, saying that Barrett’s belief system would not be detrimental in her judicial  rulings. In their defense of Barrett, her advocates apologized for her belief system. Although their intent was noble, I believe they were sending Americans the wrong message. What they were doing was pursuing the wrong strategy.


Instead of apologizing, asking forgiveness for Barrett’s belief system, her supporters should have championed them back in 2017, just as we should be championing them now. In an era of nihilism, where the Rule of Law is constantly under attack, we need men and women of conviction to stand strong for theism in the Supreme Court.


In 2020, the virtues of government are being consistently proclaimed by educational leaders, the media, and those in the world of sports and entertainment as being all-important and omni-powerful. This makes having a Justice with a rock-solid worldview that is founded on the Judeo-Christian ethic essential. Amy Barrett has these core convictions and the intestinal fortitude to stand strongly for them.


Any jurist Joe Biden would pick certainly would not. His nominees would have no religious conviction at all. Dianne Feinstein certainly doesn’t ascribe to the Judeo-Christian worldview either, despite her Jewish heritage.


We need more jurists like Barrett who are constrained by a fundamental sense of right and wrong, of Good and Evil. To have no convictions leaves one adrift in a sea of bewildering issues. This means a judge appointed by Biden would be unable to adjudicate wisely.


That Barrett is constrained by her belief in God is a good thing. It will make her a better Supreme Court Justice. This is why we should champion her Catholicism loudly and repeatedly. As an Evangelical, I would never apologize for my beliefs, nor should she apologize for hers. This is why I support Barrett’s nomination without reservation.


—Jack Watts


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COMMON SENSE: It has taken four years to get to the bottom of who was behind the attempted coup against President Trump. Now, we finally have most of the answers. Although I am not at all convinced there will be any real accountability for the scoundrels responsible for this criminal conspiracy, indictments against them should be made.


The entire Crossfire Hurricane, the codename used for the operation to “get Trump,” originated with the Steele Dossier. This has been successfully linked to Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson. His company was paid by the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee for the Dossier. This isn’t news. We’ve known this for quite a while.


What is news, however, is the primary source for the information contained in the Steele Dossier was a Russian spy—not a fictitious spy but a real one. This means our FBI, our Department of Justice and the Mueller investigation willingly allowed themselves to be compromised by a Russian operative.


But why would they do such a thing you might ask? It’s because our national security was not as important to them as it was to get Trump.


That this actually happened is almost unimaginable. I couldn’t have made this up in one of my novels if I tried. Our secret police, which is our FBI, knowingly and willingly participated in a scheme to have a duly-elected President removed from office. Essentially calling Trump a Manchurian Candidate, meaning Trump was compromised by the Russians, the FBI, the Obama DOJ, the Clintons Campaign and the DNC were the ones who were actually complicit with Russia. If Attorney General Barr and his team continues to dig, I believe they will discover Seth Rich’s murder was intricately tied to this heroic young man exposing this cabal..


Nearly as damnable, fearful of the repercussions, the FBI has continued to hide information about what transpired within the Comey FBI.


None of this can be allowed to stand. The American people need to know the complete truth about what happened, and the traitorous culprits of this cabal must be indicted and prosecuted—the sooner the better. We have already waited too long. Because he has not been forthcoming, FBI Director Wray must be fired. Again, the sooner the better. Although we can never trust Hillary Clinton and the DNC, we must be able to trust the FBI but, at this point, how can we?


—Jack Watts


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COMMON SENSE: The Senate report on Burisma, the Ukrainian Company associated with Hunter Biden, the wayward son of the Democratic Presidential candidate, has finally been released. That it revealed the Biden’s were involved in corruption doesn’t surprise me. I would have been surprised if it didn’t. What did surprise me, however, was Hunter’s involvement with helping to fund a trafficking operation. As corrupt as the Biden’s are, this is a new low for them.
Hunter has paid for hookers for years. Such behavior often accompanies cocaine addiction. Again, this isn’t surprising, but to be involved with trafficking in any way, exploiting human misery, is unacceptable for a Presidential candidate’s son. Can you imagine the uproar this would cause if Trump’s family was involved? Hunter’s behavior probably hasn’t even made the mainstream media news.
Specifically, the report asserted:
“The records note that it is a documented fact that Hunter Biden has sent funds to nonresident alien women in the United States who are citizens of Russia and Ukraine and who have subsequently wired funds they have received from Hunter Biden to individuals located in Russia and Ukraine. The records also note that some of these transactions are linked to what ‘appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.’”
Joe Biden is trying to make integrity a campaign issue, maintaining that he has it and Trump doesn’t, but we are being gaslighted. Biden is the one who lacks integrity. In the Presidential Debate, even if Chris Wallace doesn’t ask Joe about his son’s conduct, I hope President Trump does. Let’s see how old Joe explains helping to enable Hunter’s depravity.
I hope the American people recognize what is happening before it is too late. Joe Biden is not suitable to be the President of the United States, and Hunter belongs in prison. My conclusion is the Biden’s are nearly as corrupt as the Clintons.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The other day I asked my FACEBOOK FRIENDS what they would like me to address in these posts. I expected a dozen or so answers, but I received over 120 responses. Although there was some redundancy and overlapping, many topics and questions were presented.
In the coming weeks and months, I will attempt to address these questions. I will try to answer about one a day. Here’s the list:
  • What happens if the election results are delayed?
  • Conflict of interest between USPS endorsement and mail in ballots
  • What can Conservatives do to prevent them from stealing the election?
  • Explain the difference between absentee ballots and mail-in ballots
  • Executive orders to stop corrupt plan for mass mail outs of mail-in ballots
  • Extended ballot counting after November 3
  • What if Dem states stretch out calling elections in blue states until 2021?
  • Blockchain voting technology (patent published several weeks ago)
  • How to deal with voter fraud
  • Trump’s stand on Social Security
  • Stimulus for the unemployed
  • Trump’s plan to replace ObamaCare.  What is his plan?
Rioters & Protestors:
  • Difference between rioters and protestors. What does the Constitution say?
  • How the anarchist groups should be charged with sedition.
  • Should Trump override the states’ autonomy and send in the National Guard to quell the violence if he wins reelection?
  • Your thoughts on MoveOn and why subversives are permitted to openly try to overthrow our Constitutional Republic.  Does the Constitution allow for this?
  • Soro’s funding riots
Biden mental health repercussions:
  • What if Biden becomes incapacitated before the election?  Are there laws in place to direct them?
  • What if Biden wins and then is incapacitated and Harris is found ineligible because she’s an anchor baby?
  • Hillary’s missing emails
  • Organizing the right to repel the cultural revolution against the attack on American values
  • The letters at George H. W. Bush funeral
  • Child Trafficking/Epstein
  • Dealing with left mentality
  • Biden’s son
  • Covid biological warfare
  • Hidden agenda of the left
  • Color revolution
  • Critical theory corrupting the church
  • Term limits
  • Super soldiers
  • Cancel culture
  • Socialist indoctrination of educational institutions
  • The last days
  • Communism
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When I watch Senator Schumer or any of the other Democrats on TV crying foul about President Trump’s intention to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court left by Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, I simply marvel at their audacity and cheekiness. After the despicable and disgraceful way in which they treated Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, for them to even utter a word about civility and decorum is preposterous, but this is exactly what they are doing.


Senator Schumer (D-NY) said, “By all rights, by every modicum of decency and honor, Leader McConnell and the Republican Senate majority have no right to fill it, no right.” What utter nonsense. Of course, the Senate Republicans have a right to fill the vacancy. They have the Constitutional responsibility to fill it. What Schumer doesn’t have the right to do is speak about “decency and honor,” not after the character assassination of Kavanaugh, or of Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito either. All of these fine men were subjected to incivility and dishonor at the hands of the Democrats in the Senate. Destroying the reputation of their opponents is one of the arrows in the quiver of Democrats. They do it repeatedly.


The Democrats have brought this situation entirely on themselves. Had RBG retired ten years ago, when she should have due to her declining health, Obama would have appointed a Liberal to take her place, but RBG didn’t do that, did she? No, instead she refused to go quietly into the night, but that’s not all she did. She allegedly told her granddaughter her last wish was for someone other than President Trump to appoint her successor. So, from the grave, she continues to try to do what she should have done gracefully a decade earlier, but it isn’t going to work—not this time.


Elections have consequences, and exercising appointments to the Supreme Court is one of them. It’s Trump’s duty and responsibility to appoint a judge of his choosing. Since the Republicans control the Senate, it is their responsibility and duty to advise and consent to his nomination. That the Democrats are threatening to “pack the Court” if they flip the Senate tells you one thing. It would be unwise, even Constitutionally destructive, to vote for any Democrat running for the Senate. It’s as simple as that.


—Jack Watts


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COMMON SENSE: On Saturday, once Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been buried in Arlington National Cemetery, name Judge Amy Coney Barrett to succeed her. There are several great reasons why you should choose her instead of the other candidates.
First, she has already been thoroughly vetted and moderately hassled by the Democrats. She can not only take the heat, but I doubt there will not be any surprises with her. Unlike the others, she is a known commodity. With her, the chances of an unacceptable issue arising are practically nil.
Second, as the mother of seven children, two of whom are Haitian adoptees, she has a squeaky clean reputation. Even if she wanted to have an affair, there’s no way she would have time to engage in one. So, let the Democrats go after her character between now and the time of the election. This will definitely work in your favor.
Third, let them attack her Catholic values. This will put Biden and Pelosi on the defensive. They would have to explain they wear ashes on their foreheads for Lent while vilifying a fellow Catholic for her faith.
Fourth, have Senator McConnell schedule the vote for the week of October 26th. That way, Barrett will be the campaign issue all the way until the end. It’s a winning issue for you,. The longer the Democrats are nasty to a Catholic woman the better it is for you. This will offend Catholics and Evangelicals in PA, WI, MI, MN, and even in FL and NC. There is no downside to this.
Fifth, the greater the emphasis upon her Confirmation the better it is for your reelection. In the last election, when push came to shove, the authority to appoint Justices to the Supreme Court trumped every other issue in the minds of your voters. It’s why you won and it may be the reason you are reelected.
RBG’s death was providential. The timing has jettisoned all of the dirty tricks the Democrats have been planning. Now, with no preparation, they have to focus exclusively on trying to stop Judge Barrett from being confirmed, and they don’t have any realistic way to succeed.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Have you ever noticed how committed each of the Democrats are, whether in the Senate of the House of Representatives, to the position of their Party’s leadership? None of them ever balk, hem and haw, or flatly refuse to maintain the Party line. When the issue is important or even moderately so, they stick together, fearless of the repercussions.
Now, juxtapose this with the Republicans. They are as fickle as a pretty high school cheerleader. It seems like there are always a few of them with their fingers in the wind trying to discern which way their political fortunes will blow. They consider their vacillation to be an estimable character quality, something their constituents will reward. In reality, it is the exact opposite.
Take Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski for example. When President Trump announced he would make a nomination to fulfill the Supreme Court vacancy left by Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, which is his Constitutional responsibility to do, Senator Murkowski couldn’t wait to announce that she would not vote to confirm his nominee, regardless of who it might be. In her twisted, disloyal and self-serving thinking, she believes she is doing the right thing, but she is mistaken.
Those in Alaska who voted for her want Trump to change the makeup of the Supreme Court. They want this very badly, but Murkowski is more fearful of offending Senator Feinstein and the other Democrats in the Senate than she is of having to explain her treachery to her Alaska constituents.
This is wrong thinking. Her misplaced loyalty will cost the Senator her seat in 2022. Alaskans will not stand for what she intends to do, nor should they. My advice to her is to change her position immediately. She does not want to be associated with the shenanigans the Democrats are certain to attempt to derail Trump’s nominee, but this is what she is doing. She may try to make a distinction but there isn’t one.
Instead of championing weakness, Murkowski, along with Susan Collins of Maine, needs to show some gumption. Make a principled stand to support Constitutional Conservatism and allow the good people of Alaska and Maine to stand behind their Senators based on their righteous decision to stand with President Trump. This is not only the right thing to do but also the politically wise position to maintain.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When Donald J. Trump stepped onto the political stage, with all of his strengths, flaws and idiosyncrasies, a large segment of the American electorate embraces him immediately. They loved his brash ways but, more than anything, they believed him when he promised to Make America Great Again. This included changing the Supreme Court from Liberal to Conservative. Trump made a commitment to us, the American people, to do this. This is what his supporters wanted. It’s still what they want. It’s certainly what I want.
With the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who should have retired years ago due to her declining health, President Trump now has the opportunity to fulfill his commitment. He has the power to change the philosophical direction of the Supreme Court profoundly, returning it to its Conservative, strict-constructionist foundation. Ginsburg’s departure provides the President with a perfect opportunity to fulfill his promise to the American people to Make America Great Again.
To his credit, he has not flinched or hesitated to do exactly what we elected him to do. He has boldly embraced the moment. By the end of the week, shortly after RBG is buried, he will announce her replacement. This is exactly what he should do.
Recognizing that a fundamental shift in power is about to happen, the Democrats intend to make the future nominee’s life miserable, regardless of whom she happens to be, Trump’s life miserable, and by proxy our lives miserable—you and me. They have it within their power to do this, but they do not have it in their power to stop us. That is, unless four Republican Senators become weak-willed and join the Democrats in their opposing Trump’s nominee.
Sadly, perhaps tragically, several of our Republican Senators are great at talking the talk but are unwilling to take a principled stand to walk the walk. In their foolish hearts, they believe that opposition to Trump’s nominee would be the safest position for them to take, but they are mistaken. Like infidelity in marriage, once trust is broken with their constituencies, it would be nearly impossible to restore.
So, with all eyes on Senators Collins, Murkowski and Romney, we shall see what they will do. If they prove to be Quislings, they will pay a huge political price for it. Like someone walking the long green mile, this vote would prove to be the end of their political careers. If they are treacherous, they will have brought their demises upon themselves.
—Jack Watts

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