
Archive for the ‘2nd Amendment’ Category

COMMON SENSE: The largest contributors to Hillary’s campaign were the Saudis. They didn’t like her, but they thought she was going to win. Now, with U.S. foreign policy backing the Saudis and Israel, they are thrilled with President Trump and the $110 billion arms deal he has negotiated.
While in Riyadh, if I were Trump, I would ask about what Saudi intelligence knows about Russia, Obama, Hillary, and the attempt by the press to destroy my Presidency. What the Saudis have learned, which is completely out of the box, may be quite interesting. Because they like what Trump is doing as much as Deplorables like us do, they may have a great deal to say.
When Trump goes to Tel Aviv, which will be the first direct flight from Riyadh ever, I would ask the same questions of the Israelis, knowing how much they hate Obama and Hillary.

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COMMON SENSE: Sen. Mitch McConnell wants President Trump to appoint Judge Merritt Garland to become the new Director of the FBI. Evidently, McConnell wants to appease the Democrats. This is about the worst idea I have heard since Obama sent planeloads of cash to Iran.
We do not need another political Director like Comey. We need a hard-nosed, fierce advocate for the Constitution and the Rule of law. We need someone who understands the nuances of investigations, knows the law, and is a proud American.
We need Representative Trey Gowdy. He is who we need—period. He stands head and shoulders above any other choice. If you think I’m wrong, just look at the response this post gets.
Jack Watts

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th-2COMMON SENSE: The mainstream media has charged that the 1st Amendment is under attack because President Trump calls their reporting “Fake News,” but is the press’ assertion accurate? I don’t think so.
First, Trump gives the press more access to him than any President in recent history, and the White House holds daily press briefings. Second, unlike Obama, Trump hasn’t used the power of his office to squelch reporters he holds in disdain, which is what Obama did to Fox News’ James Rosen. Third, the press corps accompanies the President, wherever he goes, on Air Force One. So, why does the press insist there is a problem?
It’s because President Trump does not, and will not, submit to the press’ way of thinking. Trump refuses to submit to their “Totalitarianism of Thought.” Instead, he ridicules it, calling it “Fake News.”
Because Trump is not a Progressive, his worldview is not the same as the Washington media’s. Its entirely different. Trump is not a Globalist, which the members of the media are. He puts America first; the media doesn’t. Trump wants growth, a strong military, and strong borders, none of which are highly valued by the media.
So, when they say that the 1st Amendment is under attack, it simply means that Trump will not knuckle under to the media’s way of thinking. Thank God he doesn’t. I like this about Trump.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: It’s no secret that the Democrats and the Leftwing Media have been relentless in their criticism of President Trump’s America first agenda. Their attack has been vicious and personal, and it has gone unchecked for too long.

The one promise that Candidate Trump made that has made no progress, however, at least as far as I can tell, is his commitment to Drain the Swamp. This needs to change, and it needs to change immediately.
The criminals from the Obama administration who have undermined our national security for profit need to be held to account, including people from the White House. Endless investigations about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS targeting of Conservatives, and the Bowe Bergdahl deal have never been finalized or brought to prosecution. This is unacceptable. The Swamp must be drained.
Now, the ill-advised Iran Nuclear Deal has taken a sinister turn that may involve criminality on the part of President Obama as well as Hillary Clinton. It involves seven men, six of whom were Iranians. While under indictment for espionage by Obama’s own Department of Justice, Obama had them spirited away in the middle of the night and returned to Iran. He told the American people they were businessmen, which was a lie—Obama’s specialty.
This incident, like all the others, needs to be pursued like a spurned wife pursues her ex-husband for alimony. Drain the Swamp, Mr. President. You promised you would. Do it now.
—Jack Watts

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16508334_10206232700175825_3255171521002844344_nCOMMON SENSE: Today, in Canada, their Parliament is voting to make “Islamaphobia” a crime. So, our northern neighbors, in an effort to codify their politically correct nonsense into law, intend to criminalize calling a spade a spade. If I lived in Toronto instead of Atlanta, I would be guilty of criminal behavior routinely for simply stating the obvious.
Thank God for the 1st Amendment and for President Trump, who has consistently stated the truth about Radical Islamic Jihadism. What the Progressives in Ottawa are doing, which is enforcing Totalitarianism of Thought, is exactly what the Progressives in the United States desire to impose on all Americans, but that’s not what we want, is it?
Jack Watts

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13936697_10210209248812453_1993330275_nCOMMON SENSE: Will the war between President Trump and the mainstream media ever abate, or will this be the new normal for the next four or eight years? Many people wonder. They are hopeful it will stop, but I do not believe it ever will. There are reasons why.
Both Trump and the media hold each other in mutual contempt, and they go back and forth doing their best to inflict punishing blows on each other—kind of like a couple going through a nasty divorce. But this part of the equation is easy to understand. Malice always is. So, let’s simply factor this variable out. It’s critically important, obviously, but there is a causal factor beneath it that is far more important.
Donald Trump has an entirely different worldview than those of the media. He is an unapologetic patriot who is committed to putting the interests of the United States above all others. He believes he is right, and he cannot understand or accept the validity of any other position. This is why he is loved and held in high esteem by millions. That he will never change is what makes Deplorables fiercely loyal to him, despite being rough around the edges.
The worldview for nearly all of the media is Progressivism, however, is antithetical to Nativism. Progressives do not see America as a City on a Hill for the world to emulate—far from it. They view the United States as a nation that has grown wealthy on the backs of slaves. To a Progressive, we are imperialists who have grown fat by robbing the world of its wealth, and it is high time we make amends for centuries of our criminal behavior. Progressive view reality through this prism. They consider Trump’s prism to be invalid, and via-se-versa.
So, everything President Trump does is viewed by the press as being counterproductive to establishing a New World Order, where there are no borders, and there are no deeply held patriotic views that disparage the oppressed. The god of Progressivism is the state. Those who adhere to a Judeo-Christian worldview are simpletons and fools—unfortunates who lack the intellectual capacity to evolve.
To Progressives, we are obscurants. They believe our Christian worldview is racist and must never prevail. To them, we are their intellectual inferiors and their mortal enemies. That we are in power is intolerable, and it is their duty to oppose our belief system.
Because Trump embraces our values at every turn, he must be de-legitimized and hounded out of office. The Progressives are crystal clear about their goal and their agenda. This is not going to change.
Christians, and other virtuous people, need to realize that the faith and values of our Founding Fathers is being assailed at every turn. We must stand strong, be vigilant, and continue to be high-minded. We must be fully-convinced that is is our duty to tack back our country.
So, the conflict is not just between Trump and the media, which will continue. It’s also between Progressivism and people of virtue. It’s a life-and-death conflict between the god of this world and Almighty God. It’s a moral war between Good and Evil.
Jack Watts

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Marine_Le_Pen_-_cropped.jpgCOMMON SENSE: French Presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen, refused to wear a head scarf when meeting with Lebanon’s Muslim Mufti. This was a requirement for the meeting to take place, so it never occurred. Le Pen refused because wearing the scarf is an “act of submission” in Islam, and she had no intention of being submissive.
Politically, millions of potential voters in France, who are sick of what Radical Islam has done to their country, will be thrilled by her refusal. By this simple act, which some will view as being disrespectful, Le Pen has staked out a position and rallied French men and women behind her. Personally, I agree with her refusal.
When he was President, Barack Obama routinely bowed to Islamic leaders. Some considered this to be respectful, while others, including me, considered it an act of making the United States subservient to the goals of Islam, which was unacceptably infuriating.
Look at the results of Obama’s feckless policies and weak-willed leadership. Islamic leaders, including the terrorists, viewed Obama as timid and tentative and exploited his weakness. Thank God, Almighty God, we now have a strong leader—one who will never make America subservient to Islam. Trump is tasked with cleaning up Obama’s mess, but he’s strong enough to do it.
Jack Watts

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PRESIDENT TRUMP: Since it is the strategy of the Progressives to challenge everything you do in court, hoping to derail your agenda, I think you need to be proactive to counter their efforts. If you don’t, they will be far more successful than they should be at tying you up in court and dominating the news cycle. There is a way to hold them in check tough. Here it is.
Hire Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley, perhaps the two best liberal Constitutional lawyers in America, who are also patriots. Have them review each of your Executive Orders and policy papers from the viewpoint of a Progressive adversary. Let them point out all of your weaknesses or vulnerabilities. All them to suggest modifications when appropriate. Even if you reject their ideas, at least you will be forewarned about where your adversaries will strike.
Have these two men argue the case of your opponents before Progressive lawyers have a chance to see what you are doing. This might add a week to the process, but by making your Executive Orders “bullet proof,” you will be much more effective in implementing your agenda. As an added bonus, doing this would make it far more difficult for the media to criticize you unfairly.
—Jack Watts

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jeff-sessions-l-and-donald-trump-ap-photos-640x480COMMON SENSE: Now that President Trump has his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, it’s time to begin “Draining the Swamp.” Until Sessions was confirmed and sworn in, this couldn’t happen.
In his confirmation hearings, the strategy of Senator Schumer and the Progressives was to vilify Sessions in an obvious effort to discredit him. Without the necessary votes to derail Sessions’ nomination, the strategy was doomed. Although the strategy was mean-spirited and devoid of truth, the idea behind it was a good one. Let me explain.
Although bearing false witness breaks the 10 Commandments, exposing darkness to the light certainly isn’t. To “Drain the Swamp,” we must expose the corruption that has plagued our nation’s Capitol for decades, and it’s the specific responsibility of the Department of Justice to do so. My suggestion is for Sessions to begin with the three following places, each of which has been an area where darkness reigns:
1. Concerning Fast & Furious, President Obama unlawfully extended Executive Privilege to his Attorney General, Eric Holder. President Trump should rescind this and allow an investigation to commence. Hundreds lost their lives because of Fast & Furious, including a U.S. Border Agent. This scheme to provide guns for the Mexican cartel needs to be exposed for what it is.
2. A thorough investigation of the Clinton Foundation needs to be put on the front burner, with immunity from prosecution revoked for all who have testified fraudulently. I suspect Hillary’s tentacles of corruption will touch many swamp dwellers. Some should end up in prison.
3. President Trump should negate President Barack Obama’s first Executive Order, which effectively closed access to Obama’s past. By reversing this, we will finally be able to see for ourselves exactly who Barack Obama really is for the first time. This Executive Order was enacted because Obama has something to hide. Perhaps what we find will help us undo much of his mischief.
By seeking the truth, rather than vilifying people with ad hominum attacks, with the help of the Department of Justice, we can “Drain the Swamp” and fulfill Candidate Trump’s campaign promise.
Jack Watts

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jeff-sessions-l-and-donald-trump-ap-photos-640x480COMMON SENSE: There is a reason Senator Sessions’ nomination has been held up for so long, and it has nothing to do with his qualifications to be our next Attorney General. There is no way to “Drain the Swamp” without the Attorney General spearheading the effort.
By stalling on Sessions’ confirmation, the Democrats are simply trying to avoid the inevitable. Like everything else they have done, however, it’s backfiring on them. If Sessions had been voted on earlier in committee, he would have already been confirmed by the Senate and sworn into office. Because this didn’t happen in a timely manner, Sessions is still a Senator and will be able to vote for Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education.
Because Shumer and the Democrats are so shortsighted, they have shot themselves in the foot. All of Trump’s appointments will be affirmed, including DeVos. Thinking about how their obstruction has failed makes me feel warm inside. How about you?
Jack Watts

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