
Archive for the ‘Senator Mitch McConnell’ Category

COMMON SENSE: Senator McConnell, go nuclear. Put an end to Senator Shumer’s petty obstructionism. Elections have consequences, according to Obama, and he was right. Trump won, and he gets his choice.

More than any other factor, Trump’s promise to appoint Constitutional Conservatives to the Supreme Court is what made millions of Americans vote for him. By naming Judge Gorsuch, President Trump has kept his promise to the American people in an outstanding way. Now, the Senate must confirm Gorsuch.
I don’t care what Chuck Shumer wants. Confirm Gorsuch this week—period. After that, someone needs to check Justice Ginsberg’s blood alcohol levels when she is sitting on the bench. Being an active out-of-control alcoholic, she needs to retire. When that happens, it will really hit the fan.
Jack Watts

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jeff-sessions-l-and-donald-trump-ap-photos-640x480COMMON SENSE: There is a reason Senator Sessions’ nomination has been held up for so long, and it has nothing to do with his qualifications to be our next Attorney General. There is no way to “Drain the Swamp” without the Attorney General spearheading the effort.
By stalling on Sessions’ confirmation, the Democrats are simply trying to avoid the inevitable. Like everything else they have done, however, it’s backfiring on them. If Sessions had been voted on earlier in committee, he would have already been confirmed by the Senate and sworn into office. Because this didn’t happen in a timely manner, Sessions is still a Senator and will be able to vote for Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education.
Because Shumer and the Democrats are so shortsighted, they have shot themselves in the foot. All of Trump’s appointments will be affirmed, including DeVos. Thinking about how their obstruction has failed makes me feel warm inside. How about you?
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I don’t see the wisdom of Democratic Senators boycotting their responsibilities to Advise & Consent. Saying “No” is fine but not showing up for the vote is not. It is sophomoric and irresponsible. If the shoe was on the other foot, like it has been for the past eight years, I would want my Georgia Senators to represent our state in one way or the other.
Nobody likes to be stood it, but that’s exactly what the strategy of the Democrats is. How is this a winning strategy? I don’t get it. I would never vote for someone who refused to show up and do his or her job, would you?
Jack Watts

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th-21COMMON SENSE: As more comes out about Hillary’s corruption and pay-to-play scheme, requiring donations to her foundation before gaining access, I wonder what Barack Obama is thinking? Don’t you? He was her boss, but she not only lied to him, she also authorized her private server before she was even confirmed. This means she planed to be corrupt from day one. She didn’t just drift into it, and her actions definitely will taint Obama’s legacy.
Another thing to think about is this: If Hillary was this corrupt as Secretary of State, when she had limited power, how corrupt will she be when her power is 100 times greater? If she lied to Obama about what she intended to do, what would make anybody think she’s telling us the truth now? To take her at her word is ludicrous. Since past performance is the best indicator of future actions, we can count on Hillary to be deceitful, corrupt, and incompetent—nothing more, nothing less.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Every Presidential campaign has gaffes and shaky moments. It’s inevitable. The difference between successful candidates and unsuccessful ones is how they deal with these setbacks. In 2012, Governor Romney never recovered from his “47 percent” misstatement, as he fumbled away the election, never recovering. In 2008, however, Senator Obama was able to put the “God-Damn America” remarks of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright in the rearview mirror and get back on message, winning the election easily.
Now, in 2016, Trump’s terrible blunder about the Mexican judge threatens to derail him, or he can learn from it and use its lesson to make him stronger, wiser, and more Presidential. Trump is best when he is larger than life—not when he succumbs to petty squabbling. If he can get back to who he is, painting a hopeful picture for the future, as many are encouraging him to do, he has the opportunity to do something truly great for America. In his heart, I believe this is what he wants, but it is also very difficult for him to disengage from conflict, especially when he believes he has been treated unfairly.
Millions of us are rooting for him. He’s all we have. He’s our last, best hope to save us from being dominated by the depravity of Progressivism. If you haven’t prayed for Donald Trump, it’s time to get started.

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COMMON SENSE: In American history, nearly every generation has faced a significant challenge—a moment in time, when good men and women have been asked to make a stand. This is our moment. For such a time as this, God has prepared many of us. It’s now up to us to answer the call.
The future of our great nation is at stake and, depending on what we do or do not do, our destiny will depend. I know what I am going to do.
I am fully aware that my choice for President is deeply flawed, but his goals are righteous; and he is willing to accept godly counsel. That’s enough for me. Rather than curse the darkness like others, I intend to shine a light, knowing that the alternative is a devious woman who has a reprobate mind. Corrupt to the bone, under her leadership, the America we know and love will cease to exist.
The forces of darkness threaten to extinguish our light, but we do not need to allow this to happen. I know the Source of my strength, and I firmly believe that He is greater than anything that opposes us.
Now, the question is this: who will be strong and stand with me? Who will refuse to bow his or her knee to the god of this world? Who is willing to pay the price to retake this great nation from the barbarians, the Progressives, and everyone else who is accursed?
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: So far, the post I put up about Bush 41 and 43 refusing to supporting Donald Trump has been reposted on Facebook 1,555 times, and it has more than 1,700 likes.
On my blog, We Believe America, 2,200 people from all over the world have read what I wrote in the last two day, including from these nations: Ecuador, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, UK, Mexico, Australia, Germany, Philippines, Malaysia, Bahrain, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Italy, Singapore, France, Ireland, and Israel. 
I am just one guy, but we are making a difference—a big difference, worldwide. Politicians and media analysts cannot understand this movement, nor do they have a clue about how powerful it is. But they will. It’s inevitable. We are taking our nation back from the politicians, and they can’t stop us.

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COMMON SENSE: Frankly, I couldn’t care less who endorses Donald Trump or not. Endorsements from the establishment are counterproductive anyway. This cycle, they will have virtually no impact.
I am interested in who endorses Hillary Clinton though. There are the men and women who may be complicit in her corruption, when she was allegedly was influence peddling, while being Secretary of State. I’ll even be more interested in who President Obama pardons his last week in office. I’m interested in both of these lists. I’ll bet Obama’s list of those being pardoned is the largest in American history.

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COMMON SENSE: Why is John Kasich still in the race? Why is he still receiving as much attention as Donald Trump and Ted Cruz? Kasich has no chance of winning the nomination—not one in a million. Yet, he is still out there peddling his ideas—like he’s a viable candidate—and the media treats him like he’s still in the running.
He just doesn’t have enough integrity to bow out gracefully, that’s all. Bush, Rubio, Walker, and even Lindsey Graham had enough integrity to do so, but not Kasich.
If I were Trump or Cruz, I would demand that Kasich not be included in any debates or anything else. All Kasich wants to do is deny Trump the nomination and create a brokered convention—something the voters do not want. If anybody thinks Kasich is helping Cruz; think again. He isn’t. Kasich’s sleazy attempts to nullify the will of the voters should make all of us look at him like he has you-know-what on the soles of his shoes. That doesn’t smell very good, and neither does he.
Kasich, you have no following and should get out of the race—NOW!

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COMMON SENSE: Many of us worked diligently to flip the Senate in 2014, only to discover that it made virtually no difference. The Republicans consistently caved into Barack Obama’s demands. More than anything, this explains Donald Trump’s popularity with the American people. If Obama is Putin’s “bitch,” which he is, then the Senate Republicans are Obama’s.
But they do have an opportunity to redeem themselves. With the nomination of Judge Garland to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, the Senate has a chance to make things right with its core constituency—people like you and me. The Republican Senators seem determined, but they are a weak-willed lot. My guess is they will stand firm for one reason: They fear the wrath of the electorate—you and me—more than that of a lame-duck President. Nevertheless, even on their best day, the resolve of the Republicans is tenuous at best.
—Jack Watts

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