
Posts Tagged ‘Worldview’

14502950_10207228057080323_2461444677858539009_nCOMMON SENSE: I’ve read and watched the posts about how the Clinton Campaign rigged the Presidential Debate, and how Hillary and Lester Holt were complicit in a massive fraud. Considering all of the other scandals involving Hillary, I shouldn’t be surprised by this, but I am—not for the reason you might expect.
Hillary Clinton must have a terrible self-image and an extraordinarily low view of her competency. That she didn’t believe she could beat Donald Trump is an honest, ethical debate—playing by the rules—speaks volumes. If she had any self-esteem, personal pride or dignity, she wouldn’t have allowed such a thing to happen. If she was self-assured, she would have said, “I don’t need any help. Bring Trump on, I can take him,” but that’s not what she did, is it?
She schemed to rig the system in her favor—just like she did to Bernie—revealing just how serious her dishonesty is. Because of this character flaw, the woman cannot play it straight no matter what.
Years ago, there was a great western, “Maverick.” The star, Bret, played byJames garner, made his living by gambling. The people he always liked to play poker with the most were cheaters. Once he knew their game, it was easy for him to beat them. It’s the same with Hillary. Other nations can’t wait to get her elected, knowing just how easy it will be to manipulate such a weak person. Soulless and characterless, with her at our nation’s helm, we will be in for some very serious troubles throughout the world. If you have kids or grandkids in high school, be nice to them because many will end up in body bags.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: While CNN was busy deleting Hillary’s use of the word “bomb” in her interview, after the attacks in NY Saturday night—in an effort to make her look good and Trump look bad—the Jihadists were busy planning their next attack.
We have allowed this Trojan Horse of Radical Islam into our country, and we are going to pay a terrible price to get rid of it. Using the Internet, the “Cyber Islamic Army” is busy recruiting, indoctrinating, and sending out misguided fools to create havoc and carnage in America, while Obama is busy telling us how peaceful Islam is.
The time for submitting to this politically correct nonsense, at the expense of American lives, is over. We need new leadership, from people who are not corrupt, to forge the way. If we continue doing the same thing, which is Hillary’s strategy, we will continue to get the same results. This tired, sick old woman cannot possibly do the job necessary to keep us safe. Trump has been consistently right on the issue of terrorism, and he is definitely strong enough to protect us. The choice is clear.
Jack Watts2016-09-19t115410z_1007000001_lynxnpec8i0lw_rtroptp_2_cnews-us-usa-attacks-jpg-c

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COMMON SENSE: Concerning Hillary’s email scandal, although having her own personal server and destroying evidence from it was criminal, this certainly isn’t the most important issue. The greatest problem is why Hillary set it up in the first place.
It was the communications vehicle between her office as Secretary of State and the Clinton Foundation. She used the server to funnel large amounts of money to her Foundation.
Since its inception, there has never been an external audit of the Clinton Foundation, so nobody knows exactly how much money has been amassed or how deep her corruption goes. Suffice it to say, when the details of this pay-to-play scheme come out, which they will, Hillary will be featured in the “Guinness Book of World Records” for having accomplished the most massive fraud in world history.
Jack Watts

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14212540_10209250439650696_4928376597585475848_nCOMMON SENSE: We all remember where we were and what we were doing, when we heard about the attack on 9/11. I was in a Barnes & Noble with Ernest Pullen, when his wife, Melanie Dugger Pullen, called, telling us about it. At first, it didn’t seem plausible that we had been attacked. By the time the second tower was hit, I had returned home and saw it on TV with Jim Smith.
Renewing my mind, from that moment forward, I have never altered my viewpoint or perspective. We were attacked by Radical Islamic Terrorists—by those who want to destroy us and our American way of life. To them, we are all the Great Satan—not just some of us.
On this day, let us remember we are Americans first and political opponents second. Many disagree with my worldview and I disagree with theirs. Nevertheless, none of us want to cut off each other’s heads. That we can argue without killing each other is what makes us different, but it is also what makes us strong.
Remember, Jihadists have a sense of history, which makes every anniversary of 9/11 is a particularly dangerous day for Americans, so be careful.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Ya gotta love Hillary! Just when you think there isn’t any other low-down, devious, or sneaky thing she can do, she comes up with something new to surprises us.

In last night’s semi-debate, she had a listening devise in her ear. This means that the “Most Qualified Person to Run for President” and “The Smartest Woman in the World” needed information to be fed to her to answer Matt Lauer’s questions. Unbelievable!

There is nothing about Hillary that is straightforward and honest—not one thing. According to actor, James Wood, “She can’t even lie without help.” How can anyone take this woman seriously?

—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: World War II ended in August 1945. When it did, Germany and Japan were reduced to rubble. Pouring money and ideas into both nations, we began the arduous task of nation building, with surprising success. Both Germany and Japan embraced democracy and have become strong allies of the United States ever since. When the Korean War ended, we used the same strategy in South Korea, and they have also become a strong democracy and ally.
Having been so successful, the United States has maintained the conviction that we can win every war and successfully rebuild vanquished enemies into successful democracies, just like we did in Germany, Japan, and South Korea. As successful as that model was, it doesn’t always work. In fact, it has never worked again. Yet, we keep trying to replicate it, despite having failed miserably in Indochina and the Middle East.
The reason we are no longer successful is we are trying to force our solution on people who don’t want it, especially in the Middle East. People who want Sharia Law have nothing but contempt for constitutional democracy. Remember seeing the footage of people with a black thumb in Iraq, showing us they had voted? Although this made us feel good, it was an illusion. It seemed like we had won but we hadn’t. That was an illusion as time has revealed.
We need to realize that our post World War II model no longer works. We cannot successfully impose our will on others. This was Bush 43’s error and Obama’s too. Instead, out of self-preservation, where political Islam is concerned, our policy should be one of containment. It’s all we can do, but it’s all we need to do to remain safe.
—Jack Watts

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My heart aches and my spirit is grieved,
As I watch the systematic destruction of out great nation,
By those who took an oath to defend and protect us,
While they lead us in the exact opposite direction.
Haughty, arrogant, and corrupt, our leaders champion depravity,
Calling it noble, healthy, and the fulfillment of the American dream.
Reinterpreting history to suit their twisted, deceitful worldview,
They smile smugly at how successful they have become.
Father, there is so little that I can do to stand in their way.
I want to expose them and tell others how perilous the road ahead
Will be, but few are willing to listen or heed my warning.
Choosing to embrace deceitfulness over truth, they mock Your ways.
Will You hear my prayer, Lord? Will You intervene?
Will You move in a mighty way and spare or land,
Or have we traveled this foolish path for so long
That nothing but destruction and sorrow lie before us?
I do not have the answers, nor do I know the future.
All I can do is bow my knee before You and humbly
Beseech You to intervene and restore our nation
Before our self-serving ways devastate our future.
—Jack Watts

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loretta-lynch.jpgCOMMON SENSE: Under oath, Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified to more than seventy questions, saying that she took the advice of the FBI concerning her decision not to indict Hillary Clinton. Lynch said this so many times that it was clear her intent was to stonewall Congress about Clinton’s email server issue. For Lynch, the FBI was her cover. for not doing her job
Now, we learn that at least three FBI Field Offices have requested authorization to investigate Hillary’s pay-to-play scheme concerning her role as Secretary of State and donations given to the Clinton Foundation. What Hillary and her aides did, providing favors for donations, is criminal, and Lynch knows it.
Lynch wants it both ways. For one investigation, she relied on the FBI completely, but for the other, she has been unwilling to listen to the FBI at all. Something stinks here.
Lynch is corrupt. She has been compromised, and she has to go. Congress has it within its power to impeach her and make her stand trial for corruption, and our lawmakers need to do this. This entire Clinton State Department stinks to high Heaven, and the American people are tired of all of it.
The chant, “Lock her up,” is appropriate for Hillary, but it is also the right one for Lynch. Our top cop is a crook.
—Jack Watts

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MAR-A-LAGO MONOLOG: Mr. Trump, as I watch how the mainstream media has taken it upon themselves to “protect” us from you, I am amazed. Not one thing about you is being judged or reported on merit—not one thing. Instead, everything they say falls into a carefully crafted narrative, making you seem dangerous and reckless, which you are not, but your opponent, Hillary Clinton, is.
The media is projecting onto you Hillary Clinton’s egregious character qualities—all in an attempt to uplift her by marginalizing you. Those of us who have the ability to discern the media’s true motives understand what is happening, and we want to thank you for standing strong for us. America needs you at this critical hour of history. Hang in there, Donald, and be strong. In the long run, it will be worth it.
—Jack Watts

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thCOMMON SENSE: What amazes me it this: Hillary Clinton is a criminal. She should have been indicted for what she did and for her role in the pay-to-play scheme of the Clinton Foundation, but that hasn’t happened. Yet, the entire Democratic machine is behind her. There isn’t anybody saying that they will not vote for her because she is a “flawed” candidate, which she definitely is. She lies more often than she tells the truth.
On the other hand, Republicans, Conservatives, and Christians view Donald Trump so suspiciously that they abandon ship over trivial matters, saying they cannot support him. They are doing this despite knowing how important this election is. Although they agree with Trump about securing our borders, making us energy independent, strengthening the military, and appointing conservative Justices to the Supreme Court, they have become so easily offended that they are as fickle as a teenage cheerleader. This has to stop.
When Democrats show more intestinal fortitude than Republicans, Conservatives, and Christians, then you know we are in trouble. Folks, the future of our nation is at stake. It’s time to grow a pair.
—Jack Watts

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