
Archive for the ‘Bernie Sanders’ Category

COMMON SENSE: Between 2010-2012, the IRS was weaponized against the Tea Party to deny them their right to organize as 501-C4 not-for-profit entities. This is no longer in dispute. It happened, and the Obama administration was behind it.

That this happened was shocking to most Americans, because no President had ever done anything like this before. Then, it became apparent that the Obama administration was also using the EPA and the NSA in the same way. Now, we are learning that the FBI and the DOJ have been weaponized against a Presidential candidate, a President-Elect, and a sitting President—Donald J. Trump.
Because other agencies have been used to target Americans by the Obama administration, denying them their Constitutional rights, we shouldn’t be surprised that the FBI and the DOJ have also been used, but we are. What Obama did—not just Hillary and the DNC—we are so shocked that we simply do not want to admit that something like this could happen—not in the land of the free and the home of the brave; but it has happened.
It’s not just Crooked Hillary. This goes straight into the Oval Office, when Barack Obama was President, and his deeds of darkness are being exposed to the light of day. Although the Deep State and the Progressive media will do everything in their considerable power to protect Obama, there is simply too much evidence emerging against him to prevent Obama from being exposed. His days of being respected are nearly over. Richard Nixon will be forced to move aside. Obama’s name is about to become synonymous with Presidential corruption and abuse of power. Just watch. It’s going to happen.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: On his staff, Special Investigator Robert Mueller has sixteen full time prosecutors. He has impanelled two separate grand juries, but there is no underlying crime for him to investigate. For one year, despite all of the clamoring of President Trump’s critics, there hasn’t been even one documentable crime. Nevertheless, in their bitterness, Trump’s enemies are determined to drive him out of office, even if it destroys the most stable democracy in the history of the world.
Just as bad, the Special Investigator was appointed because the President fired a corrupt Director of the FBI. In retaliation, Comey, sleaze that he is, leaked privileged information to the “New York Times,” for the express purpose of having an Independent Investigator appointed—all in vengeful retaliation for his legitimate firing.
Meanwhile, there has been no Special Investigator appointed to seek justice for those who were unlawfully unmasked by senior Obama administration appointees, which definitely is a crime. There hasn’t been a grand jury impanelled to investigate Hillary’s uranium deal with Russia, her pay-to-play access to the State Department, or her charitable foundation that gives less than 5% of its funds to worthy causes.
Despite all of this, Trump is making America great again. The economy is booming, due to Trump’s deregulation. Once again, under his leadership, our allies trust us, and our enemies fear us, which is the exact opposite to the record of the Obama administration.
Like Nehemiah, Trump has to rebuild the walls for our nation, while constantly having to fight off his enemies, but this is exactly what Trump is doing. He is being success for the same reason Nehemiah was. Trump has the favor of Almighty God. Because the Progressives do not, all they can do is chafe, just as Sanballat did toward Nehemiah twenty-five hundred years ago.

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COMMON SENSE: This was the last meaningful vote Senator John McCain will ever make. His brain cancer, which is very aggressive, will force him to retire from the Senate, and I doubt he will live to see another Christmas.

Instead of making a stand for the principles he and all of his Republican colleagues have steadfastly promised to the American people to repeal and replace ObamaCare, he chose to be a Quisling instead. He used his last vote to shoot a bird at his constituency and to conservatives nationwide.

While the Democrats will champion him for saving Obama’s disastrous scheme to socialize medicine in America, those of us he has betrayed will not allow his perfidy to demoralize us. We are taking America back—period.

This is just a setback—a lost battle—but it is not the end of the war. In fact, McCain’s treachery marks the beginning of the campaign of 2018, where the following Senators need to lose their jobs:

—Bill Nelson, Florida
—Joe Donnelly, Indiana
—Angus King, Maine
—Debbie Stebenow, Michigan
—Claire McCaskill, Missouri
—Joe Tester, Montana
—Sherrod Brown, Ohio
—Heidi Heitkamp, North Dakota
—Bob Casey, Pennsylvania
—Tim Kaine, Virginia
—Joe Manchin, West Virginia
—Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin

Each of these Senators voted for ObamaCare, and they have been obstructionists to the Trump agenda. They are all vulnerable, especially the ten from state Trump carried in 2016. Let’s get rid of all of them. They may be heroes to the Beltway Progressives, but they are worthless, dead weight to the American people.

—Jack Watts​

Creating Trump Nation: mcgeeandme.net

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17760171_1166945333431164_4892622199645181364_nCOMMON SENSE: “Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man . . . ” Stated clearly in the book of Romans, this is the great sin of Progressivism—the Leftist worldview that has deceived millions of Americans, including most Millennials.
Almighty God created Man, and from Man, fashioned a Woman—two distinct genders. Now, according to Progressivism, there is no distinction. You are whatever you think you are, regardless of your unchangeable genetic markers.
From the union of a man and a woman, God established a family, but this has been under attack by Progressives for decades.
From families, God established nations, with Israel having a unique place in history. America was established as a nation to be “a City on a Hill” for the entire world to emulate, but this vision is being soundly repudiated by Progressive globalism. To them, we are citizens of the world first and American second, which is exactly opposite to the way we were founded. This is why “Make America Great Again” is so distasteful to them.
So, ISIS may be our enemy without, but Progressivism is definitely our enemy within, deceiving millions of misled Americans.
—Jack Watts

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angry-obama-scCOMMON SENSE: Only 52% of Americans are proud of our nation. In 2003, the number was 70%. This is a dramatic drop, and it is the true legacy of Barack Hussain Obama. This nefarious accomplishment is far more destructive than anything else he did during his failed Presidency, including ObamaCare, the secret Iran nuke deal, weaponizing the IRS and intelligence agencies against Americans, or the abdication of American leadership worldwide.
From his perspective, however, and that of his sycophantic legion of Progressive followers, this is exactly what he wanted. Obama said he would “fundamentally change” America, and he did. At that, he was very successful, but not in a good way. By destroying patriotism in the eyes of millions, especially Millennials, Obama has punched a hole in the fabric of our society that is wide enough that it may lead to the collapse of our nation. Again, in my estimation, this was Obama’s intent.
To be fair, some of the disillusionment among Americans originated with George W. Bush’s decision to dismantle the Middle East, but the lion’s share belongs to Obama. This is his true legacy.
But we are not about to sit by idly and allow his globalist agenda to stand, are we? Hell no, we’re not. Obama has done a great job of shaking our foundation, but our resiliency is one of our greatest attributes. Just as our forefathers did, we will overcome this, and America will become stronger than ever. You can count on it.
(There are many posts like this in my book, “Creating Trump nation“)
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: There is a reason why the continuous hammering of the mainstream is not working, and it’s very simple. Trump won the election, fair and square, and it grates against our American sense of fairness for his victory to be challenged. We see what they are doing, including many of his detractors, and we think it is dishonorable. I watch all of the pundits give their analysis, and none of them mention this simple fact. Instead, the great Progressive political thinkers hedge, hem and haw, and spew out excuses that are nothing more than drivel.

Let me explain the fairness issue this way. I hate the Florida Gators. It’s very difficult to lose to them, which the Bulldogs do much too often. But when we lose, we accept that we lost and deal with it. We don’t try and investigate the officials or do anything other than try our best to do better the next time.
That the media, the Radical Left, and the Democratic Party will not accept that they lost the election is wrong. It’s being a poor sport, and being a good sport is a critical part of the American way of life that we hold dear. The Progressives tell us that Trump is unpopular, but he comes out on top with the American people all the time. Why? It’s because we view him as being honorable, which his unfair opponents are not. It’s as simple as that.
Jack Watts

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161534_100003471255753_672416768_nCOMMON SENSE: Having to face relentless daily attacks by the bitter mainstream media is the new normal for us. This is not going to change. Regardless of how successful President Trump’s agenda is, as long as he is President, he is going to be hounded by a hostile press. This will test his resolve, and it will test ours as well.
It will help to start thinking of Trump like Nehemiah, who rebuilt the wall to Jerusalem, while simultaneously having to ward off repeated attacks by his adversaries. Trump is having to do the same thing, which means we have to redouble our efforts to undergird his Presidency with prayer and immovable support. We must stand in the breach of the wall and fight with him to protect our nation from the Progressives.
The future of America depends on it. We must not allow the constant naysaying of the Progressives in the media to wear us down. Our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are depending on us to remain faithful.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: How can we prosecute Reality Winner and not prosecute James Comey? The answer is, we cant.

Comey, working on his FBI computer, on company time, while riding in his FBI limousine, wrote about his meeting in the Oval Office with the President of the United States. What he wrote is a work document, and it does not belong to him. He’s a lawyer; he knows that, or he should know it. Any private meeting with the President is classified by nature. This makes Comey’s willful, intentional act of leaking an FBI document to the New York Times a felony. It also makes his Law Professor friend at Columbia University an accomplice.
Foolishly, Comey has admitted his guilt before 200 million Americans, and he needs to spend 10 years in Leavenworth for his crime. Either that, or don’t press charges on a misguided but idealistic twenty-five-year-old. She had no concept of the consequences of her actions, Comey certainly did. His goal was to bring down the President, but that’s not going to happen. Let him think about that in a cell for the next ten years.
(If you like what I write, take a look at my new book, Creating Trump Nation)
Jack Watts

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th-1COMMON SENSE: Here are 10 things we have learned from former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony:
1. President Trump was never under investigation about Russia.
2. President Trump did not obstruct justice, despite his disgruntled former employees desire for this to be true.
3. President Trump did not collude with Russia.
4. Although they tried, Russia did not alter the election’s outcome.
5. President Trump wanted all “satellite” staffers, who were behaving illegally, to be caught, exposed, and prosecuted.
5. Comey, the former Director of the FBI, admitted to leaking at least one memo illegally.
6. Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton, which is Obstruction of Justice.
7. Despite overwhelming evidence to indict Hillary, Comey chose not to pursue this. Why not?
8. Because they hate the President, CNN and other news outlets have been falsifying their coverage of this story the entire time.
9. No reasonable person can still believe President Trump has done anything criminal or worthy of impeachment.
10. The Russia narrative is now dead, although it will be pushed by the Progressives for quite a while longer.
It’s time to get back to work. It’s time to Make America Great Again.
Check out my book, Creating Trump Nation
Jack Watts

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12434698_10208354548806112_17676164_nCOMMON SENSE: The entire narrative of Trump’s collusion with Russia, now debunked, was carefully scripted to keep the President from achieving the goals he was elected to implement. Because the Progressives do not want to see the Trump agenda enacted, they would prefer to destroy the nation instead.

Led by John Podesta and Robby Mook from Hillary’s campaign, at least half of our nation has been seduced by false news stories. The Deep State, which includes former FBI Director Comey and nearly all of the mainstream media, has knowingly falsified information to destroy our President. What they have been doing is criminal, and they should be held to account for their crimes, especially Loretta Lynch and Hillary.

It’s time to fight back. Now that we know the truth, let us use it to set our nation free. We need to get back on track immediately. Let’s redouble our efforts to Make America Great Again.

I have been right about this all along, as “Creating Trump Nation” confirms:

—Jack Watts​

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