
Archive for the ‘RINO’ Category

COMMON SENSE: On his staff, Special Investigator Robert Mueller has sixteen full time prosecutors. He has impanelled two separate grand juries, but there is no underlying crime for him to investigate. For one year, despite all of the clamoring of President Trump’s critics, there hasn’t been even one documentable crime. Nevertheless, in their bitterness, Trump’s enemies are determined to drive him out of office, even if it destroys the most stable democracy in the history of the world.
Just as bad, the Special Investigator was appointed because the President fired a corrupt Director of the FBI. In retaliation, Comey, sleaze that he is, leaked privileged information to the “New York Times,” for the express purpose of having an Independent Investigator appointed—all in vengeful retaliation for his legitimate firing.
Meanwhile, there has been no Special Investigator appointed to seek justice for those who were unlawfully unmasked by senior Obama administration appointees, which definitely is a crime. There hasn’t been a grand jury impanelled to investigate Hillary’s uranium deal with Russia, her pay-to-play access to the State Department, or her charitable foundation that gives less than 5% of its funds to worthy causes.
Despite all of this, Trump is making America great again. The economy is booming, due to Trump’s deregulation. Once again, under his leadership, our allies trust us, and our enemies fear us, which is the exact opposite to the record of the Obama administration.
Like Nehemiah, Trump has to rebuild the walls for our nation, while constantly having to fight off his enemies, but this is exactly what Trump is doing. He is being success for the same reason Nehemiah was. Trump has the favor of Almighty God. Because the Progressives do not, all they can do is chafe, just as Sanballat did toward Nehemiah twenty-five hundred years ago.

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17760171_1166945333431164_4892622199645181364_nCOMMON SENSE: “Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man . . . ” Stated clearly in the book of Romans, this is the great sin of Progressivism—the Leftist worldview that has deceived millions of Americans, including most Millennials.
Almighty God created Man, and from Man, fashioned a Woman—two distinct genders. Now, according to Progressivism, there is no distinction. You are whatever you think you are, regardless of your unchangeable genetic markers.
From the union of a man and a woman, God established a family, but this has been under attack by Progressives for decades.
From families, God established nations, with Israel having a unique place in history. America was established as a nation to be “a City on a Hill” for the entire world to emulate, but this vision is being soundly repudiated by Progressive globalism. To them, we are citizens of the world first and American second, which is exactly opposite to the way we were founded. This is why “Make America Great Again” is so distasteful to them.
So, ISIS may be our enemy without, but Progressivism is definitely our enemy within, deceiving millions of misled Americans.
—Jack Watts

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neil-gorsuch-donald-trump-supreme-court-nominee-09COMMON SENSE: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has stated he will not vote for Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Instead, Schumer has threatened to filibuster the nomination, even though Gorsuch is definitely qualified to serve.
Perhaps this is just payback for Obama’s appointee, Merritt Garland, never having been given an up-or-down vote. Nevertheless, Schumer’s actions are a clear indication that the Senate Democrats intend to obstruct everything President Trump intends to do.
So be it. We will just have to move forward without any Democrats supporting Gorsuch. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell needs to act accordingly. Change the rules so that Gorsuch only needs 51 votes, not a super majority of 60. By nominating Gorsuch, Trump has kept his promise to the American people to appoint a Conservative, and we need to make sure Gorsuch is confirmed. According to Obama, “Elections have consequences.” Obama was right.
Jack Watts

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hillary trump_4COMMON SENSE: Hillary Clinton has contempt for the Rule of law—shame on her. The Republican Establishment has equal contempt for the will of it’s party’s voters—shame on the Republican Establishment.
My original candidate was Sen. Cruz. When he quit, I shifted to Trump. The Republican elites refuse to do this. Dan Senor, a Bush/Romney/Paul Ryan hack, is behind the audio clip aimed at derailing Donald Trump. This makes Senor a Quisling in my book. If Ryan had anything to do with this underhanded plot, he needs to resign as Speaker of the House.
When Trump went up against Hillary Sunday night, he was simultaneously fighting a coup from within his own party. Yet, he stood tall and soundly trounced the Queen of Corruption. Fighting for us, the American people, Trump was Presidential. I don’t know about you, but I will proudly vote for him in November.
Jack Watts

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12647126_929269360475183_8664983865575063534_nCOMMON SENSE: If Donald trump suggested that Russia get involved in disclosing Hillary’s 30,000 missing emails a month ago, even in jest, I might have been as enraged as the Left-Wing Media. But that was before I knew the FBI and Department of Justice could be compromised. That was before I knew the “Fix” was in for Hillary, and she would not be indicted, regardless of how egregious her behavior has been.
Until I witnessed Hillary walk, when she should have been indicted, I was still foolish enough to believe in the Rule of Law. I also believed nobody was above the law, but that’s not true either.
I no longer believe either of these things because they are no longer true.
So, if Russia has the missing 30,000 emails, I hope they post them on Wikileaks—I really do. I love our nation, but I am appalled by the depth of corruption in the Obama administration. I’m equally offended by Hillary, her foundation, and establishment Republicans who willingly look the other way. I want them exposed—all of them, particularly the Queen of Corruption.
Hillary loves the darkness, rather than the light, because her deeds are Evil. If it takes Russia to expose her, then let it be. I want the truth—no matter what.
—Jack Watts

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th-1COMMON SENSE: I believe Ted Cruz will endorse Donald Trump. He will do this because he said he would, and keeping his word to us is more important than anything to Senator Cruz. I do not expect Jeb Bush to keep his word. He has said that it would “violate his conscience” to vote for Trump, but what about us? He gave his word to us that he would support the nominee, didn’t he? He even signed a pledge that he has no intention of honoring.
Bush’s word doesn’t mean a damn thing. It’s not much better than Hillary’s. It’s also why he was a colossal failure in the primaries. His political carer is over, as it should be. We do not need people like him—those who speak out of both sides of their mouth. I feel the same way about Sen. Graham and Gov. Kasich.
If Cruz fails to come through, even though I voted for him, I will be equally critical. Trump is our nominee, and I intend to support him vigorously. I suggest you do the same thing.
—Jack Watts

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c2b9c0e6-e8c4-4c62-a0bd-8777944d29e4COMMON SENSE: The reemerging obsession with the O.J. Simpson case is very interesting. Like so many others, I can remember where I was, when the slow-speed chase happened and when the verdict was announced.
In many ways, that case reminds me of what is happening in our country today. When O.J. was acquitted, I was at the Varsity in Atlanta. All of the white people were stunned—shocked by such a miscarriage of justice, while the African-Americans cheered that he got off. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, they just wanted him to get off.
It’s the same thing in 2016. Our societal morality has declined so far that multiplied millions willingly support Hillary Clinton—the most corrupt politician in American history. Like O.J., they just don’t care what she has done or how badly she has violated her oath of office. They just want to see a woman win.
It’s the same with Obama. Fools by the millions excuse his deceit, his incompetence, and his loathing for the people he has sworn an oath to protect and defend. Progressives, blacks, gays, spineless Republicans, and those on the dole simply do not care that he has done everything in his considerable power to take the United States “down a notch or two.” Calling right wrong, while they champion the wisdom of foolishness, with smug, self-righteous grins on their faces, like lemming racing to their inevitable demise, they are systematically destroying the foundations of our nation that required centuries to build.
Equally at fault are many deluded Christians and Jews—those who should be able to discern this evil, but are too compromised to do so. It’s just like the Simpson trial. Just as I could not believe the verdict reached by O.J.’s jury, I cannot believe what I am seeing in America today. It’s heartbreaking. I grieve for the future of our beloved nation.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Has Elizabeth Warren really become a surrogate for Hillary Clinton? Or, is something else going on?
I suspect Warren has come out swinging against Donald Trump, hoping to scalp him, because the Democratic Establishment, beginning with its leader, is concerned that the legal issues facing Hillary Clinton may make her candidacy untenable. If I am correct, and I believe I am, this means Barack Obama is manipulating things from behind the curtain, fully intent on taking Crooked Hillary down.
Remember, the Inspector General’s Report from the State Department came from the Obama administration—not a vast Right Wing Conspiracy. When you add the investigation of Governor Terry McCauliffe to the mix—a Clinton crony—a pattern is beginning to emerge. The FBI report about her email server will be next.
Pocahontas is not a friend of Hillary’s, and the Obama’s call the former Secretary of State, Hildabeast. I believe Obama secretly wants Hillary to go down, and he certainly has the power to make that happen. On the outside, Barack appears to be very supportive, but I do not believe he wants her to succeed him. At the same time, she has enough power to destroy Obama’s legacy. So, he has to be very careful about how he undermines her, which explains the emergence of Pocahontas, who has certainly gone off the reservation.
If I am right, more bad news about Hillary will be forthcoming before the California primary. If it does, “The Bern” will win the state, and that will change everything about Hillary’s viability. The Democrats cannot win the White House without California, and a Hillary loss will be depicted as putting the state in play for Trump. Her candidacy will collapse, including her Super Delegate support, but Bernie will not be the benefactor. Pocahontas, riding in on a pinto horse, will be tasked with doing that. A Native American will save the day for the Democrats, sparing the country from evil white men.
Stay tuned; the next few weeks should be a lot of fun.

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COMMON SENSE: When the missing twenty-eight pages of the classified 9/11 Report are finally released, which shouldn’t be long from now, both the Bush and Obama administrations are going to take a massive public relations hit. The American people are going to feel like they have been purposefully deceived for years by W and Barack, and they. have. The outrage over this deception will be deafening.
Because she was Secretary of State, during this time for four years, Hillary’s credibility and competence will be called into question once again—justifiably so. She had a role in this cover-up, and it’s going to hurt her—but not as bad as Benghazi has. Trump, who is already up by 22 percent among men, will get another massive boost to his “outsider” candidacy. Because safety is a key issue for women, his negatives with women will diminish, as Americans of both genders come to realize that we need a massive purging of the status quo.
In words Trump might use, this is “going to be huge . . . Huge!”

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COMMON SENSE: Four years ago, my first choice for President was Newt Gingrich. He was clearly the most capable man, but Mitt spent a small fortune to destroy Newt in FL and take the nomination. In the general election, knowing how disastrous Obama had been, I supported Mitt, even though he was a very weak candidate.
Now, four years later, Mitt will not reciprocate and support the will of the Republican electorate. Although I voted for Cruz, I have no problem transferring my allegiance to Trump, knowing how disastrous Hillary would be as President. Why can’t Romney do the same thing? Is his arrogance and self-importance so great that he cannot condescend to accept the will of the people? His behavior is appalling, as is Eric Ericsson’s, and that little twerp from the “Weekly Standard.” I’m truly disappointed with them and will never support anything they ever do again.
—Jack Watts

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