
Posts Tagged ‘society’

COMMON SENSE: The most significance difference between Hillary and Trump will not be discussed by the mainstream media, but it may impact our lives more than all other differences put together.

It’s the “No Fly Zone” over Syria and parts of Iraq. Hillary is committed to it; Trump thinks it’s a bad idea. This is a critical policy difference. Hillary’s position will create a military confrontation with Russia. She has already screwed up the Middle East. Now, she wants to make it worse—far worse.
Hillary says that Putin wants Trump to win. I suspect that’s true, but it’s probably because Putin doesn’t want to have a war with the United States. No sane American wants to have war with Russia either.
Currently, the tensions between the United States and Russia are nearly as high as the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, and it’s because of how poorly Obama and Hillary have handled the Middle East and Eastern Europe. The reckless candidate is not Donald Trump; it’s Hillary Clinton.
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hillary trump_4COMMON SENSE: Hillary Clinton has contempt for the Rule of law—shame on her. The Republican Establishment has equal contempt for the will of it’s party’s voters—shame on the Republican Establishment.
My original candidate was Sen. Cruz. When he quit, I shifted to Trump. The Republican elites refuse to do this. Dan Senor, a Bush/Romney/Paul Ryan hack, is behind the audio clip aimed at derailing Donald Trump. This makes Senor a Quisling in my book. If Ryan had anything to do with this underhanded plot, he needs to resign as Speaker of the House.
When Trump went up against Hillary Sunday night, he was simultaneously fighting a coup from within his own party. Yet, he stood tall and soundly trounced the Queen of Corruption. Fighting for us, the American people, Trump was Presidential. I don’t know about you, but I will proudly vote for him in November.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Hillary is convinced Putin has intact versions of her 33,000 Bleach-Bitted emails, which certainly could destroy her. It’s why she is doing everything in her power to tie Trump to Putin. Although this is a stretch, it’s all she can do to mitigate the damage she believes is coming her way.
Conservatives and Trump supporters love this. They are counting on Putin releasing the emails before the election, handing the White House to Trump. Thinking it’s their ace in the hole, they are counting on this.
If Putin has her 33,000 emails, which he may or may not, I doubt he will release them. The reason is simple. He’s a Russian, looking out for Russian interests—not American interests. From his perspective, he would rather see Hillary win. Once she does, then he will release the emails, which are certain to destabilize the United States. That is in Russia’s best interests—not helping Trump win.
If Putin can create a Constitutional crisis for us, by letting everybody know our President-elect is definitely a crook and maybe a traitor, he will. Whatever weakens us, like having Obama or Hillary in the White House, is in his best interest. So, don’t expect to see the email before the election—not if Putin is the one who has them. Look for them shortly thereafter.
Jack Watts

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Can you hear it? Can you feel it? Does it make you tremble? It should, because there’s a stirring in America that is palpable. It’s the rumbling of disquietude among people of faith—among those who long for righteousness. We are the producers of plenty in this great nation, and we are fed up with your deceit and corruption. We have been forced to accept your deceptive version of reality as normal, which it certainly is not. Even worse, we have been bullied by the leaders of Progressivism in our nation’s capitol. They are an odious lot of Cretans.

With one unresolved scandal after another, we have been manipulated and deceived, never getting close to the truth, as the spin-doctors deflect from factual accuracy to create a new reality, which we the people are expected to accept as true. These leaders of Progressivism smile at their mischief, certain the mainstream media will turn a blind eye to protect their deceptions and America’s first black President—the most deceitful and incompetent man to ever hold the office. Because he is black, the press and spin-doctors expect us to refrain from any criticism of his behavior, his leadership, or his anti-American policies. At first, this strategy was successful, but it will not work any longer.

Being obedient to the Holy Spirit of God, we will not sit by any longer and witness the demise of our great nation. We are going to rid ourselves of the damnable corruption that threatens to destroy us. We will not tolerate your ways any longer.

Instead, we will stand for God’s way and not for the perverted worldview we have been force-fed by you for years. We are tired of your corruption—sick of it. We are tired of your deceit, tired of your manipulation, tired of having our values discarded in favor of perversion.

We are not just tired of President Obama. We are equally tired of most of our self-serving legislators—both Democrats and Republicans—who have sworn to uphold our Constitution but do the exact opposite. We are tired of right being called wrong and wrong being called right.

In your arrogance, you have mocked Almighty God and His people, thinking we are powerless to stop your encroachment upon our inalienable rights, but you are wrong. We are not weak, and we are not powerless. We are stronger than you can possibly imagine, and we are resolute in our convictions. We will prevail—if not now, soon. You can count on it.

—Jack Watts

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