
Posts Tagged ‘government’


MY PRAYER: Father,
You have been so gracious to us,
Answering our deep heartache
In a way that cannot be denied.
In Your mercy and goodness,
You have spared us from the destruction
Of those who mock Your name
And champion darkness and depravity.
Thank you, Father, for intervening
And for giving us another chance to be
The people You have called us to me.
By answering our prayers, You have provided us
With the opportunity to walk in the light,
Free from the constraints of those who mock You
And support the evil of this world’s god.
Now that we have bowed our collective knees to You,
Give us the wisdom and courage to stand and move forward,
Championing the rights of all, including the unborn.
Give us the strength to stand firmly against those
Who hate You and Your ways. Let us be kind
And forgiving, while making certain to hold each citizen
Accountable to the Rule of Law, regardless of who they are.
You still have a purpose for the United States of America,
And we humbly ask You to make Your will known to us.
Your mercy and graciousness are boundless.
On this day, when righteousness has been victorious,
We want to acknowledge You as the Author
Of our great victory over the arrogantly corrupt.
Without Your active intervention, all would have been lost.
We know this; help us to never forget it,
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: We wanted either WikiLeaks or Anonymous to have made our job easier. Maybe they have and we just don’t realize it. We didn’t get what we expected, but we may have obtained what we need.
We now know exactly what Team Clinton is. It has become crystal clear. They are far worse than anything we ever imagined. By learning about Spirit Cooking and all of Hillary’s schemes to arm our enemies, while enriching herself, there is no gray area about any of the goals these depraved people have.
Our goal is to take our nation back from those who will destroy it—nothing more, nothing less. The United States has been in the hands of the corrupt special interests and their bureaucratic henchmen for too long. Trump says we need to “Drain the Swamp.” He’s right, but there is also a spiritual battle that is raging. Everything may be against us, but the Lord certainly isn’t, despite what some jaded, cynical Christians have to say.
Unapologetically, we stand in the tradition of our Forefathers. We intend to keep the faith; remain strong; and be ever vigilant. Our cause is just and the outcome is in the hands of Almighty God—not in the hands of the damnable god of Spirit Cooking.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Last summer, we were told that no foreign governments hacked into Hillary’s email server. We now know that was a lie. At least five nations have, and I believe one of them was Iran. If I’m right, and the evidence indicates that I am, it explains a lot.
Because the Obama administration does not want the contents of Hillary’s server to be revealed, going to great lengths to aid her in a cover up, it has been easy for Iran to blackmail the United States. It explains why we lifted economic sanctions on Iran and gave them $1.7 billion, including at least $400 million in cash. It also explains why our Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, would take the 5th about her involvement in this disastrous one-way, criminally negligent deal.
It also provides insight into why we have signed a disastrous deal that will lead Iran to develop nuclear weapons in less than five years. Maintaining the cover up has been so important that we have put Israel’s existence at risk. It’s also why Iran can buzz our Navy without fear of reprisal and why they can capture our sailors with no fear of reprisal. Secretary of State Kerry even thanked Iran for treating our sailors well, which the photo flatly contradicts.
What is Hillary and the Obama administration so intent on hiding? The FBI has the answers and so does the NYPD. It’s also why our corrupt Department of Justice is so intent on squashing the investigation into the server and the Clinton Foundation. We need answers, and we need them now.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Hillary is convinced Putin has intact versions of her 33,000 Bleach-Bitted emails, which certainly could destroy her. It’s why she is doing everything in her power to tie Trump to Putin. Although this is a stretch, it’s all she can do to mitigate the damage she believes is coming her way.
Conservatives and Trump supporters love this. They are counting on Putin releasing the emails before the election, handing the White House to Trump. Thinking it’s their ace in the hole, they are counting on this.
If Putin has her 33,000 emails, which he may or may not, I doubt he will release them. The reason is simple. He’s a Russian, looking out for Russian interests—not American interests. From his perspective, he would rather see Hillary win. Once she does, then he will release the emails, which are certain to destabilize the United States. That is in Russia’s best interests—not helping Trump win.
If Putin can create a Constitutional crisis for us, by letting everybody know our President-elect is definitely a crook and maybe a traitor, he will. Whatever weakens us, like having Obama or Hillary in the White House, is in his best interest. So, don’t expect to see the email before the election—not if Putin is the one who has them. Look for them shortly thereafter.
Jack Watts

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To answer this question, you need to answer another one first: What made the American healthcare system the envy of the world? Was it Socialized medicine or was it American exceptionalism? If you can accept that it is American exceptionalism, which doesn’t require much intellectual honesty, then the answer to whether or not defund Obamacare becomes far easier.

If we want to continue having the best healthcare system in the world, repudiating Obamacare is the way to do it. Not only is Obamacare unready for full implementation, it is bad policy. It has been bad policy ever since Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid forced it upon us, with the help of President Obama cutting one unethical deal after the other to garner the votes necessary to make it law.

Now, as it is about to be implemented, TV commentators and other mainstream journalists say that the vote in the House to defund Obamacare will ultimately fail and that the Republicans should never have forced the issue.

I disagree. What was their alternative? To stand by idly and allow the nation to be destroyed? Of course not. It is never wrong to do the right thing, regardless of the outcome of your actions. Voting to defund Obamacare was the right thing to do, and this was the right time to do it.

Not only will the law make us a nation of part-time workers, but it will also fund an additional 10,000 IRS agents—all of whom will have the Lois Lerner mandate to grind us into submission to the will of the executive branch of the government. Let me ask you:

  • Is this what we want?
  • Do we need more ISR agents and fewer doctors?
  • Do we want less privacy and more bureaucracy?
  • Do we want higher costs with diminished services?
  • Do we want more incompetent leadership from Obama, Pelosi, and Reid and not less?

The answer for most of us is no.

Because nationalized medicine is the Holy Grail of the Progressives, the attacks upon patriotic Americans who stand in their way will be vicious and visceral. Nevertheless, standing our ground by repudiating Obamacare is what we are called to do. Remember, it is never wrong to do the right thing at the right time and the right place. This is our time to stand up and say no to Obamacare, no to the legion of IRS miscreants this law will empower, no to the President, and no to Progressivism. Future generations will bless you for weathering the onslaught and for being resilient and strong.

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