
Posts Tagged ‘middle-east’

COMMON SENSE: Last summer, we were told that no foreign governments hacked into Hillary’s email server. We now know that was a lie. At least five nations have, and I believe one of them was Iran. If I’m right, and the evidence indicates that I am, it explains a lot.
Because the Obama administration does not want the contents of Hillary’s server to be revealed, going to great lengths to aid her in a cover up, it has been easy for Iran to blackmail the United States. It explains why we lifted economic sanctions on Iran and gave them $1.7 billion, including at least $400 million in cash. It also explains why our Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, would take the 5th about her involvement in this disastrous one-way, criminally negligent deal.
It also provides insight into why we have signed a disastrous deal that will lead Iran to develop nuclear weapons in less than five years. Maintaining the cover up has been so important that we have put Israel’s existence at risk. It’s also why Iran can buzz our Navy without fear of reprisal and why they can capture our sailors with no fear of reprisal. Secretary of State Kerry even thanked Iran for treating our sailors well, which the photo flatly contradicts.
What is Hillary and the Obama administration so intent on hiding? The FBI has the answers and so does the NYPD. It’s also why our corrupt Department of Justice is so intent on squashing the investigation into the server and the Clinton Foundation. We need answers, and we need them now.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The most significance difference between Hillary and Trump will not be discussed by the mainstream media, but it may impact our lives more than all other differences put together.

It’s the “No Fly Zone” over Syria and parts of Iraq. Hillary is committed to it; Trump thinks it’s a bad idea. This is a critical policy difference. Hillary’s position will create a military confrontation with Russia. She has already screwed up the Middle East. Now, she wants to make it worse—far worse.
Hillary says that Putin wants Trump to win. I suspect that’s true, but it’s probably because Putin doesn’t want to have a war with the United States. No sane American wants to have war with Russia either.
Currently, the tensions between the United States and Russia are nearly as high as the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, and it’s because of how poorly Obama and Hillary have handled the Middle East and Eastern Europe. The reckless candidate is not Donald Trump; it’s Hillary Clinton.
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COMMON SENSE: Hillary is convinced Putin has intact versions of her 33,000 Bleach-Bitted emails, which certainly could destroy her. It’s why she is doing everything in her power to tie Trump to Putin. Although this is a stretch, it’s all she can do to mitigate the damage she believes is coming her way.
Conservatives and Trump supporters love this. They are counting on Putin releasing the emails before the election, handing the White House to Trump. Thinking it’s their ace in the hole, they are counting on this.
If Putin has her 33,000 emails, which he may or may not, I doubt he will release them. The reason is simple. He’s a Russian, looking out for Russian interests—not American interests. From his perspective, he would rather see Hillary win. Once she does, then he will release the emails, which are certain to destabilize the United States. That is in Russia’s best interests—not helping Trump win.
If Putin can create a Constitutional crisis for us, by letting everybody know our President-elect is definitely a crook and maybe a traitor, he will. Whatever weakens us, like having Obama or Hillary in the White House, is in his best interest. So, don’t expect to see the email before the election—not if Putin is the one who has them. Look for them shortly thereafter.
Jack Watts

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Because our way of life is superior to that of the Jihadists, we must always hold fast to that which has made us great. This includes abstaining from torture, but we don’t decapitate our enemies. Sleep deprivation and water-boarding don’t cause any physical harm, but they do provide significant intelligence, which we must have to remain safe. We don’t want to be at war with Islam, but a large minority of Islam is at war with us. They want to destroy the Great Satan—the USA.

By adhering to the principles of our Progressive President for six years, we have been in full retreat, especially in the Middle East. Obama doesn’t know what he is doing. His foreign policy is to placate the Left wing of his party, while appeasing our enemies—both of which have been total disasters. We can no longer afford to do this.

Jack Watts

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Not long ago, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said Israel would cease to exist in the next ten years. When I heard this, my heart didn’t sink; nor did I wring my hands fretting about Kissinger’s prediction. I knew it wasn’t true. In fact, I was certain of it, and there are reasons that go well beyond dispensational premillennialism.

Israelis have chosen to embrace the values of ancient Judaism. Israel is a democracy—the only functioning one in the Middle East—but this isn’t where it derives its strength. The power of this tiny nation to survives comes from its highly theistic worldview. By returning to the beliefs of its Old Testament Patrons, Israelis are united in purpose and committed to staying in the land bequeathed to them by Almighty God. It’s the power of this conviction that makes them strong warriors—both men and sabres.

There is a lesson to be learned in this for Americans. We also have a heritage—one that embraces the conviction that we are a city on a hill for the entire world to emulate. We were founded on the Judeo-Christian worldview—with a firm conviction that we would be blessed by adhering to our godly roots.

In recent years, we have chosen to repudiate our Judeo-Christian heritage in favor of a non-theistic worldview, and we are paying a price for doing so. Choosing Progressive leadership, our influence in the world has atrophied, and so has our wealth. Squandering all that has been built for generations, while apologizing to those who are Evil for the blessings of God, we are in full retreat globally. Progressives believe America is in irreversible decline. To them, our future looks dim, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

We can repudiate this flawed worldview and return to the beliefs that made us strong—just like Israel has done. Although surrounded by enemies intent on her destruction, Israel has weathered the storm and will continue to do so. The only question is will we? It’s a question that is destined to be answered soon.

Jack Watts

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There are eight reasons why I predict Congress will not support Obama’s war initiative in Syria:

  1. Obama has not presented a clearly defined purpose for such an attack—far from it. He looks like he is in over his head, which will work against him.
  2. It isn’t even clear that the Assad government is the culprit.
  3. There is no international support for Obama’s plan, including the U.N. Bush has 48 countries supporting his war; Obama has one—the French. That’s not very reassuring.
  4. The conflict in Syria is a thirty-month-old civil war that is none of our business. We haven’t been attacked like we were on 9/11.
  5. Our national interests are not at stake, despite Obama and Kerry’s insistence that they are. What national interest? Be specific.
  6. The American people do not want another Middle Eastern war—neither Democrats, Republicans, or Independents favor it.
  7. Attacking Assad would help al Qaeda, and Americans have no stomach for that, especially so close to the 9/11 attack and Benghazi.
  8. Obama has routinely treated Congress contemptuously, so there is very little personal loyalty to him—not even in his own party. So, our feckless elected representatives are not going to risk losing their seats so that Obama can save face. It isn’t going to happen, and certainly not in the House of Representatives, where the money is.

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