
Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

Like so many other things in our society, in an effort to provide clarity about political events, the media has effectively confused things, especially the political commentators. So, in an effort to elucidate, let me explain the meaning behind this year’s mid-term elections.

The American people sent a message to President Obama, Harry Reid and his cronies, and the Democratic Party, stating that we don’t want Progressives running our lives. We don’t want their policies, their deceitfulness, their hyper regulations, or their corruption. We don’t want amnesty for illegals or our borders to be pourious. We want terrorism to be called what it is, and we want terrorists dealt with swiftly. To do this, we want a strong military. As much as anything, we don’t want Islam crammed down our throats, or Obama and his surrogates telling us it’s a religion of peace, when it obviously isn’t. One more thing, we don’t want ObamaCare, which has been forced upon us through deception, manipulation, and outright fraud.

We do want the scandals of the Obama administration investigated, and we want the guilty to be exposed and held accountable. In fact, we will not be satisfied until this happens. If Obama pardons them, which I suspect he has promised to do, then 2016 will be equally as devastating as 2014 was for the Democrats. We are fed up with “Chicago style politics” and demand that integrity be restored to government.

Can this election be seen as a vote of confidence for the Republicans? No, it can’t. What it is is a repudiation of Obama, his destructive policies, and most of all his deceptive way of governing. He’s not a serial liar like Hillary Clinton; he’s a pathological liar who is incapable of seeing reality for what it is. Even worse, his personality disorder will not allow him to change course. Driven by his flawed ideological worldview, he will double down on his goals, which were soundly repudiated on Tuesday. We are forced to endure him for two more years, which we will do, but make no mistake about it, being called racists by fools from the Left will no longer keep us quiet about the most incompetent President in American history. We made our will known on Tuesday, and this is just the beginning. Count on it.

Jack Watts

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The Republicans need six seats to replace Harry Reid as leader of the Senate. This is going to happen. The Republicans will win MT, SD, and WV easily. They will retain GA, where Perdue is up by 4% in today’s NBC Poll, and KY, where McConnell is up by 9% today. Retaining KS may be a problem, which means four more states need to flip. Here is my prediction about the four: CO will go Republican. So will AR, AK, IA and LA. That’s all that is needed, but Scott Brown may beat Shaheen in NH, and Kay Hagen is vulnerable in NC, despite her race bating. In all, I believe the final number will be Republicans 53 and the Democrats 47, and it could be 54-46.

I feel certain my predictions are accurate. There is only one thing that can change the outcome—fraud. The Democrats are notorious for this criminal behavior, so everybody must be vigilant, especially since the DOJ under Holder will do nothing to prevent it. To say this election is important is a massive understatement, so get out and vote.


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The problem isn’t whether or not the Republicans will take the Senate and put an end to Sen. Harry Reid’s obstructionism. It’s that the outcome is still in question. That so many elections are uncertain reveals the underlying problem in America. We have lost our way, especially when it comes to discerning truth from deceit, Good from Evil, and right from wrong. We have press conferences with a President who is a pathological liar and continue to take his word at face value—like a codependent wife who defends her philandering alcoholic husband. This is lunacy, but few are willing to admit it.

Just as bad are those of us who recognize the problem but offer virtually no constructive alternatives. The Republicans, who are about to take control of the Senate, are timid and hesitant, fearful of making a mistake. This makes them unable to promote principled policies that will revitalize the economy, strengthen the military, and bring back a sense of pride to being an American.

The current situation has all of the elements of a perfect storm for disaster. Folks, we are in deep trouble. Historically, when we have been shaken like this, strong leaders have emerged to point us in the right direction. This is exactly what we need again. We need real leaders—men and women with a moral compass, who are not afraid to bend their knees to Almighty God and seek His guidance. Without such leadership, the future looks bleak.

Jack Watts

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To answer this question, you need to answer another one first: What made the American healthcare system the envy of the world? Was it Socialized medicine or was it American exceptionalism? If you can accept that it is American exceptionalism, which doesn’t require much intellectual honesty, then the answer to whether or not defund Obamacare becomes far easier.

If we want to continue having the best healthcare system in the world, repudiating Obamacare is the way to do it. Not only is Obamacare unready for full implementation, it is bad policy. It has been bad policy ever since Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid forced it upon us, with the help of President Obama cutting one unethical deal after the other to garner the votes necessary to make it law.

Now, as it is about to be implemented, TV commentators and other mainstream journalists say that the vote in the House to defund Obamacare will ultimately fail and that the Republicans should never have forced the issue.

I disagree. What was their alternative? To stand by idly and allow the nation to be destroyed? Of course not. It is never wrong to do the right thing, regardless of the outcome of your actions. Voting to defund Obamacare was the right thing to do, and this was the right time to do it.

Not only will the law make us a nation of part-time workers, but it will also fund an additional 10,000 IRS agents—all of whom will have the Lois Lerner mandate to grind us into submission to the will of the executive branch of the government. Let me ask you:

  • Is this what we want?
  • Do we need more ISR agents and fewer doctors?
  • Do we want less privacy and more bureaucracy?
  • Do we want higher costs with diminished services?
  • Do we want more incompetent leadership from Obama, Pelosi, and Reid and not less?

The answer for most of us is no.

Because nationalized medicine is the Holy Grail of the Progressives, the attacks upon patriotic Americans who stand in their way will be vicious and visceral. Nevertheless, standing our ground by repudiating Obamacare is what we are called to do. Remember, it is never wrong to do the right thing at the right time and the right place. This is our time to stand up and say no to Obamacare, no to the legion of IRS miscreants this law will empower, no to the President, and no to Progressivism. Future generations will bless you for weathering the onslaught and for being resilient and strong.

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