
Posts Tagged ‘Obamacare’

If you want to know how to undo the damage President Obama has done to this nation, read this article in its entirety. It has merit. What I have to say has the potential of dismantling every destructive thing Obama has done, including ObamaCare.

On the first day of his first term, Barack Obama showed us where he was the most vulnerable. By sealing every document from his past, with his first Executive Order, he has avoided a great deal of serious scrutiny throughout his Presidency. Although the “Birthers” cried foul, saying Obama’s birth certificate was a layered PDF and not an actual document, they have been successfully mocked and discredited by Team Obama, the liberal media, and Progressives nationwide. Those who challenge this are considered extremists and fools by everybody other than the fringe Right.

It doesn’t matter that the birth certificate that was uploaded to The White House website contains fonts that had not yet been created, kerning of type that possible in the 1060s, and a nation, Kenya, that didn’t exist until several years later. It has been deemed legitimate by everybody of significance, which has made a lie the truth. To complete his masquerade, Barack Obama used another man’s Social Security number, and still does.

When Obama was first challenged about meeting the Constitutional requirement for President, very early in his first term, the claims of the Birthers seemed so ludicrous they were given little credence. Now, six years into his Presidency, when Obama has been caught in a multitude of lies, perpetrating such a fraud no longer seems out of character for him. It’s very easy to believe he would be this brazen, isn’t it?

“But how can this have any relevance or importance, with just two years left in his administration?” you might ask. Obviously, this is the key question that needs to be answered.

Obama’s first Executive Order, sealing his past was and is illegal. It violates the Freedom of Information Act. Americans have a right to know who he is; it’s the law. The new Congress could undo Obama’s First Executive Order, but that’s not going to happen. They are far too concerned about holding onto their power to do anything as bold as annulling it, knowing the media would come after them for being “right-wing extremists.”

But there is another way—the courts. Millions of Americans have been hurt economically by Obama’s policies and regulations. This gives each of them—or a “class action” of them—standing in court for law suits. Their position would be this: Since Obama obtained office fraudulently, his administration’s regulations, which have caused economic suffering, are illegal.

All that is needed is for one court to side with one plaintiff. If that happens, Obama’s past will finally be known, and his fraud will tumble-down like a house of cards.

Think of it this way: If he didn’t have something to hide, he wouldn’t have sealed everything from day one. By hiding his past, he has provided us with a clue about where he is most vulnerable. Now, it’s up to us to attack him at his weakest point, knowing we will be ridiculed mercilessly for doing so.

Once his fraud is exposed to the light, being fruit from the poisoned tree of fraud, everything he has ever done can be undone. This includes ObamaCare and all of his judicial appointments. Even better, the Progressive movement will be dealt a mortal blow. Just like the fallout from Watergate, many things will change. Those who have perpetrated this fraud could end up in prison but, whether they do or not, our Constitution will survive Team Obama’s assault.

Jack Watts

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President Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell have tried to distance themselves from economist’s Jon Gruber’s “stupid Americans” remark, but that’s becoming increasingly difficult, given Obama’s ability to lie about everything. Besides, the whole fiasco is very entertaining. With terms like Grubergate, Gruberish, Grubered, Grubermania, moneygrubering and Gruberpalooza springing up everywhere, Obama is certain to be the brunt of nearly everybody’s humor, further eroding his ability to govern. Such terms of derision are now appearing in multiple print and online reports from Time, Bloomberg, Fox News, Powerline, Lucianne.com and many others, making it increasingly difficult to take anything Obama has to say seriously. Isn’t it amazing what can happen when one person, Gruber, is actually as transparent as Obama promised he would be?


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Once, there was a Superman episode where he pressed a piece of coal so hard for one minute, doing what would take thousands of years, he produced a perfect diamond. This past month has produced that same kind of pressure on President Obama. Seemingly, he is being pressed from many directions, but no jewel is being produced. Instead, what we see is the disintegration of a man, with a fragile ego structure, who is simply not capable of doing his job.

But how can we expect anything different? Like all Progressives, Obama has no moral absolutes. Every decision is based on his perceived best interest and not on firmly established principles. For him, God either does not exist or is irrelevant. Because this is what Obama believes, where does he find his values? Where does he draw his strength? He certainly cannot draw it from God. Obama has to draw it from himself, but he doesn’t have a well defined compass, which differentiates right from wrong. What’s right is what appears to be popular, rendering his decision-making ability weak and indecisive.

Having no irrefutable sense of right and wrong, Obama does whatever seems like it will work at the time. So, embracing Sgt. Bergdahl’s parents during the infamous swap for the Taliban Five seemed like the right thing to do. It would get back a POW, while taking the pressure from the VA scandal off of the White House. For Obama, it seemed like a win-win, but he failed to take into account the millions of Americans who do have moral absolutes. So, his win-win scheme ended up being a lose-lose disaster.

Because Obama is morally bankrupt, he cannot understand those who are not. Misunderstanding the heart of Americans:

  • Obama didn’t realize Americans would balk at him dealing with terrorists—something no President has ever done.
  • Since he is the master of secrecy, de didn’t think we would discover Bergdahl was a deserter.
  • Obama didn’t realize his trading five mass murderers for a deserter would produce moral outrage.
  • Because Obama has never taken his oath of office seriously, he didn’t believe people, especially veterans, would be offended by Bergdahl’s repudiation of his oath of allegiance.
  • Obama didn’t think we would discover Susan Rice’s lies about Bergdahl, but we did—just like we discovered her lies concerning Benghazi.
  • Obama, taking the press for granted, thought he would be championed like a hero—just like he was when Osama bin Laden was assassinated. Instead, even the Leftists in the press have lambasted him for being a weak, feckless leader.

This list could be replicated about the IRS scandal, where deleting Lois Lerner’s incriminating emails by Team Obama is obviously Obstruction of Justice. People should go to prison for this, but Obama, being morally bankrupt, thinks he can get away with it.

Perhaps he can, but he cannot hide the truth about who he really is any longer. It isn’t that the Obama administration has some corruption in it. It’s far worse than that. The corruption is part of Obama’s nature, and he has simply spread his diseased worldview throughout his administration, producing scandals concerning Obamacare, the EPA, the VA, the IRS, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Fast & Furious, and who knows what else.

Those who continue to champion him—those devoid of moral compasses—do so because they have no alternative. Repudiating God by booing Him at their National Convention in 2012, they showed who they really are. They are as morally bankrupt of character as our federal treasury is in debt.

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To answer this question, you need to answer another one first: What made the American healthcare system the envy of the world? Was it Socialized medicine or was it American exceptionalism? If you can accept that it is American exceptionalism, which doesn’t require much intellectual honesty, then the answer to whether or not defund Obamacare becomes far easier.

If we want to continue having the best healthcare system in the world, repudiating Obamacare is the way to do it. Not only is Obamacare unready for full implementation, it is bad policy. It has been bad policy ever since Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid forced it upon us, with the help of President Obama cutting one unethical deal after the other to garner the votes necessary to make it law.

Now, as it is about to be implemented, TV commentators and other mainstream journalists say that the vote in the House to defund Obamacare will ultimately fail and that the Republicans should never have forced the issue.

I disagree. What was their alternative? To stand by idly and allow the nation to be destroyed? Of course not. It is never wrong to do the right thing, regardless of the outcome of your actions. Voting to defund Obamacare was the right thing to do, and this was the right time to do it.

Not only will the law make us a nation of part-time workers, but it will also fund an additional 10,000 IRS agents—all of whom will have the Lois Lerner mandate to grind us into submission to the will of the executive branch of the government. Let me ask you:

  • Is this what we want?
  • Do we need more ISR agents and fewer doctors?
  • Do we want less privacy and more bureaucracy?
  • Do we want higher costs with diminished services?
  • Do we want more incompetent leadership from Obama, Pelosi, and Reid and not less?

The answer for most of us is no.

Because nationalized medicine is the Holy Grail of the Progressives, the attacks upon patriotic Americans who stand in their way will be vicious and visceral. Nevertheless, standing our ground by repudiating Obamacare is what we are called to do. Remember, it is never wrong to do the right thing at the right time and the right place. This is our time to stand up and say no to Obamacare, no to the legion of IRS miscreants this law will empower, no to the President, and no to Progressivism. Future generations will bless you for weathering the onslaught and for being resilient and strong.

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