
Posts Tagged ‘Eric Holder’

COMMON SENSE: Hillary will not be the Democratic nominee, but not because of opposition from Conservatives like me. It’s because of the Left. Championing her, they took her at her word about the email server. Now, based in the Inspector General’s report, which came from Obama’s State Department, she has been lying to her base all along. Obviously, I am not surprised by this, knowing Hillary lies, when the truth would serve her better.
Hillary’s core supporters are just learning this though. Now that a hole has been punched into the dike, more—much more—will inevitably follow. She will lose California. Soon afterward—if not before—some of the Super Delegates will abandon ship. When this happens, like lemming, the rest will follow.
The beneficiary of this should be Bernie, but I doubt this will happen. Instead, the Democrats will want Biden/Warren to step in and save the day. If that happens, and I believe it will, the Democratic National Convention in Chicago will resemble the one held in Chicago in 1968—where all hell broke loose. Watching the circular firing squad should be more entertaining than the Olympics.
If Trump is wise, he will let the Democrats implode unimpeded, but I doubt he will be able to contain himself. I probably wouldn’t e able to either.

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The Republican Tsunami on Tuesday was possible for one reason: People of faith stood strong and resolute for the values that have traditionally made America great. Obtaining our strength from Almighty God, we dug in and did the work necessary to expose the Democrats deeds of darkness. Because greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world, we created a resounding victory for the Rule of Law and abiding by our Constitution.

But we are not even close to being done. In fact, we are just at the end of the beginning. The pundits are already saying the Democrats are certain to rebound in 2016, and Hillary Clinton may be the ultimate beneficiary of what happened on Tuesday. Once again, they do not understand what is transpiring in America.

The triumph wasn’t a Republican victory as much as it was a repudiation of deceit, corruption, regulatory abuse, and the arrogance of Barack Obama. The American people have had it with candidates who say one thing and do another. Character still counts to millions of us, and that will never change. Because deceitfulness is a fundamental component of Progressivism, we will never support candidates like Obama, Hillary, or their corrupt surrogates.

Among other things, the new Congress should appoint Independent Counsel to step up the investigations into the IRS scandal, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, and all the rest. We will not allow the criminals in the Obama administration to go unpunished. Count on it. My prediction is that Barry is going to be very busy granting pardons. When he does, those who receive them should be compelled to tell the truth under oath, which a pardoned person must do. They cannot take the 5th. If they don’t testify truthfully, they can be prosecuted for perjury. Either way, the truth will finally prevail, and the world will know exactly who Obama is.

Jack Watts

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The Republicans need six seats to replace Harry Reid as leader of the Senate. This is going to happen. The Republicans will win MT, SD, and WV easily. They will retain GA, where Perdue is up by 4% in today’s NBC Poll, and KY, where McConnell is up by 9% today. Retaining KS may be a problem, which means four more states need to flip. Here is my prediction about the four: CO will go Republican. So will AR, AK, IA and LA. That’s all that is needed, but Scott Brown may beat Shaheen in NH, and Kay Hagen is vulnerable in NC, despite her race bating. In all, I believe the final number will be Republicans 53 and the Democrats 47, and it could be 54-46.

I feel certain my predictions are accurate. There is only one thing that can change the outcome—fraud. The Democrats are notorious for this criminal behavior, so everybody must be vigilant, especially since the DOJ under Holder will do nothing to prevent it. To say this election is important is a massive understatement, so get out and vote.


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Eric Holder has been to President Obama what Luca Brasse was to the Godfather, Vito Corleone. Holder was appointed at the pinnacle of Obama’s popularity, when 65 percent approved of the President. From day one, Holder has seen his mission as one of enforcing Obama’s worldview down the throats of the American people. Refusing to call terrorism what it really is, Holder has consistently redefined reality to fit into the Obama viewpoint, which exalts Islam over the Judeo-Christian that has made us a great nation. It’s why Major Hasan Nidal’s attack at Fort Hood was defined as workplace violence instead of what it really was—a Jihadist attack.

Holder, whose loyalty to Obama superseded his oath of office, has also refused to investigate the scandals of his benefactor’s administration. To this day, Fast & Furious, the IRS, Benghazi, and the targeting of journalists have never been legitimately probed, and they probably never will be. Although Obama may be incompetent, Holder certainly isn’t. He has served his master well.

But Holder’s reign of terror is now at an end, and his replacement will not have the same level of power. Because Obama’s popularity hovers at 40 percent, the new Attorney General will be nothing more than a caretaker, as Americans anxiously wait to get rid of the worst President in American history.

Jack Watts

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Tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11, which makes it a special day on the calendar for ISIS and other Jihadists. For them, it’s their 4th of July, signifying their victory over Satan—the United States of America. This means we must be particularly vigilant, which we have not been.

Because President Obama and Attorney General Holder have been unwilling to face the reality of the Islamic threat from day one, we are more vulnerable than we have ever been to this insidious, encroaching Evil. By Calling Nidal Hasan’s attack at Fort Hood “workplace violence,” when it was obviously a terrorist attack, Obama and Holder sent a message that their ideological beliefs would trump what was actually happening, and neither has been willing to deviate from their flawed thinking since then.

Now, we are paying the price for their foolishness. None of us are safer than we were before they took charge, and anybody who believes they are, is living in a Fool’s Paradise, sustained by a plentiful supply of Kool-Aid.

Jack Watts

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People do not have the right to unregulated rights in this country—Al Sharpton

This statement by Rev. Al Sharpton epitomizes the difference between the beliefs of Progressives and those of us who recognize that inalienable rights are just that—inalienable. Like Sharpton, President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Attorney General (Eric Holder) all believe they have a duty to infringe upon our rights. It’s their mission in life to do so.

Because these are core values to conservatives and libertarians, the conflicts between both sides have been caustic and vitriolic, creating a political cleavage in our nation that is significant. For most political differences throughout our history, we have learned to compromise—but not always.

Our Forefathers were wise in their choice of words, foreseeing what the future would be. They called our rights inalienable, and that’s exactly what they are. Consequently, those of us who choose to stand by our convictions—those of us who know what our inalienable rights encompass—we will never submit to the tyrannical beliefs of the Progressives. It’s just not going to happen and, because these rights were endowed to us by our Creator, we have Divine Providence to empower us in this struggle.

—Jack Watts

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The FCC blinked. Clearly overstepping its bounds, this attempt by the Obama administration to have monitors placed in newsrooms to assess to “Critical Information Needs—CIN” of Americans, found stiff opposition, especially from FOX News, Drudge, and the social media. Reminiscent of how Senator Rand Paul had to filibuster to get Attorney General Holder to admit that the Obama administration had no right to target American in the United States with drones, the outcry of civil libertarians has been firm concerning potential spying on news agencies. The AP wiretapping case also comes to mind.

On this one, the liberals can thank the conservatives for standing up for their 1st Amendment rights. The Obama administration has systematically attacked 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendment rights, looking for ways to infringe upon our liberties. By standing up to the bureaucratic bullies, we have won this round, but the fight will continue. Make no mistake about that.

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In the wake of the Associated Press wiretap scandal, which was carried out by the Obama administration illegally, numerous members of the main stream media have finally stopped looking at the President through rose-colored glasses. Like a disenchanted spouse after the honeymoon phase of marriage has passed, the press has begun to see the President’s flaws. More than any other criticism, they express bewilderment about why he refuses to take responsibility for his actions and those of his administration.

Harry Truman said, “The buck stops here.” In the Obama White House, the buck never stops at the desk of the President or any of his key appointees. Concerning the IRS scandal, Obama is perfectly willing to throw several low-level agents in Cincinnati to the wolves, while promoting Sarah Hall Ingram to head the IRS division of Obamacare. She was the person responsible for overseeing the harassment of Obama’s political and religious opponents. For being so successful, she was given a hefty bonus and a promotion. Being the head of Obamacare for the IRS makes her even scarier. Concerning Benghazi, to provide cover for his lies and those of Hillary Clinton, the producer of the “reprehensible” movie clip was thrown in jail, arrested by fifty stormtroopers. He remains incarcerated.

Concerning all three of these scandals, nobody at the top knows anything about anything. This stonewalling has infuriated the main stream press. Now, they are repeatedly asking why Obama, or none of his key surrogates like Holder, will take responsibility for anything.

The answer is easy. Narcissists never take responsibility for failure, nor for any action that negatively reflects upon them. It’s as simple as that. It isn’t in Obama’s psychological nature to take the blame, nor will he ever do so. He can’t. Even worse, his entire administration reflects his narcissism, producing a culture that avoids culpability like the plague.

Neither Obama or any of his key people will ever willingly cooperate to provide documentation about what they have been doing either. To get to the truth, sub-committees from the House of Representatives will have to force the administration to come clean. Nothing else will work. Even worse, Congressmen will be depicted as being evil for doing so. To Obama, for them to seek the truth is a witch hunt and a distraction from what is important—his agenda to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” All the Congressional inquiries are is a politically motivated attempt to undermine his noble, praiseworthy goals.

It isn’t that he just says things like this; he actually believes them. In his eyes, nothing about the Congressional investigations are legitimate. By scrutinizing his behavior, these Congressman are the enemy, and he will never subordinate his grandiose purpose for anything. For a narcissist, there is no such thing as checks and balances. To question Obama is to question Providence.

Defrocking Obama will be much more difficult than defrocking Richard Nixon, but it can be done. The question I have is will the the American people have the will, the resolution, and the perseverance to finish the job?

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