
Posts Tagged ‘current-events’

In America, this is a time when corruption rules the day. People, whose consciences are seared, lead us, telling us one thing, while doing another. They are aided by the sycophantic media. Our laws, which were once based upon our Constitution, have come to reflect a distorted worldview our forefathers fought valiantly to oppose.

At the same time, as people of faith, who willingly bow our knees to Almighty God, our purpose and responsibility never change. We are called to remain strong and faithful, consistently opposing the godlessness of our leaders. This is exactly what we must continue to do.

So, stop whining and gird yourself for the battle that lies ahead. You’ve been saved for a purpose. It is for such a time as this that we have been chosen by Him to remain strong. Earlier generations remained faithful; so can we.

Jack Watts

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To remain strong, we must remain resolute. To remain resolute, we must have convictions. To have convictions, we must know what we believe. To know what we believe, we must return to the original documents. There is no other way. In the nineteenth century, Lord Acton pointed out, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” His words seem more appropriate today than when he first spoke them. We live in perilous times—times which require good men and women to stand firmly against those who hate our way of life and plot our destruction.

We also face dangers from within—from those who no longer accept America’s traditional values as their own. There have always been people like them among us; but their numbers have grown. Now, they threaten to overwhelm us. For decades I’ve heard people warn of impending doom; and like most, I’ve dismissed what they have had to say as ludicrous, conspiratorial nonsense. Now, their warnings of impending disaster don’t seem as far fetched as they once did.

Jack Watts

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According to The Times of Israel, “Former US president Jimmy Carter called Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal a strong proponent of the peace process Saturday, and said he wasn’t meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu because it would be ‘a waste of time.’”

It is becoming increasingly apparent that it is not just President Obama who doesn’t recognize a terrorist when he sees one. Carter, whose ineptitude in office was legendary, clearly favors Hamas over Israel—just like Secretary of State Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and President Obama. I’m beginning to wonder if being anti-Israel has become the “Badge of Dishonor” for Leftist Democrats?

Are evangelical Christians and conservative Jews the only people in America whose support of Israel is unassailable? Unfortunately, this question is rhetorical.

Since World War II, American foreign policy has tried to create democracies worldwide with mixed results. It worked well in West Germany, Japan, South Korea, and Israel, while failing miserably in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and numerous countries in the southern hemisphere. Now, for whatever non-sensical Progressive idea that is currently in vogue, Israel—the only true democracy in the Middle East—is being abandoned by the Democrats.

So be it. The political cleavage it creates will make New York purple, and it will be much more difficult for the Democrats to win Florida, perhaps even New Jersey. Now, the task is to awaken liberal Jews, whose obtuseness is astounding, to the fact they are sleeping with Medusa.

Jack Watts

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Can you hear it? Can you feel it? Does it make you tremble? It should, because there’s a stirring in America that is palpable. It’s the rumbling of disquietude among people of faith—among those who long for righteousness. We are the producers of plenty in this great nation, and we are fed up with your deceit and corruption. We have been forced to accept your deceptive version of reality as normal, which it certainly is not. Even worse, we have been bullied by the leaders of Progressivism in our nation’s capitol. They are an odious lot of Cretans.

With one unresolved scandal after another, we have been manipulated and deceived, never getting close to the truth, as the spin-doctors deflect from factual accuracy to create a new reality, which we the people are expected to accept as true. These leaders of Progressivism smile at their mischief, certain the mainstream media will turn a blind eye to protect their deceptions and America’s first black President—the most deceitful and incompetent man to ever hold the office. Because he is black, the press and spin-doctors expect us to refrain from any criticism of his behavior, his leadership, or his anti-American policies. At first, this strategy was successful, but it will not work any longer.

Being obedient to the Holy Spirit of God, we will not sit by any longer and witness the demise of our great nation. We are going to rid ourselves of the damnable corruption that threatens to destroy us. We will not tolerate your ways any longer.

Instead, we will stand for God’s way and not for the perverted worldview we have been force-fed by you for years. We are tired of your corruption—sick of it. We are tired of your deceit, tired of your manipulation, tired of having our values discarded in favor of perversion.

We are not just tired of President Obama. We are equally tired of most of our self-serving legislators—both Democrats and Republicans—who have sworn to uphold our Constitution but do the exact opposite. We are tired of right being called wrong and wrong being called right.

In your arrogance, you have mocked Almighty God and His people, thinking we are powerless to stop your encroachment upon our inalienable rights, but you are wrong. We are not weak, and we are not powerless. We are stronger than you can possibly imagine, and we are resolute in our convictions. We will prevail—if not now, soon. You can count on it.

—Jack Watts

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Raise up Men and Women of Character


Where are Your mighty men—Your men of old?

Those who want to serve from a willing heart—

Never for sordid gain, exploiting the helplessly weak.

Why are men like these missing from our public life?

Where are the women of rectitude and honor?

Women who would rather die than dishonor Your name?

Why do we have to settle for representation that can do

Nothing more than lead by doing what seems expedient,

Seeking wisdom from popularity polls rather than from Your will?

These miscreants smile reassuringly, always playing the role,

But in their calculating hearts they seek nothing more

Than personal fame and fortune—all at public expense.

Their duplicity is astounding, as they seek an advantage

Over those they have sworn to serve and to protect.


We are being led by the Son of Arrogance—a man who serves

A false god—a god who loves terror, debasement, and carnage.

Smiling and personable, this narcissistic miscreant never serves.

Instead, he chooses to rape the land of wealth from generations past,

Never giving, while haughtily bestowing favors upon the unworthy.

Showing no regard for You—our benefactor since our founding,

Or for the desire of women—the Son of Arrogance champions perversion,

Contemptuously calling right wrong, much to the delight of misguided fools.

Because he is a coward, cringing before all except Your children,

Our influence throughout the world has atrophied appreciably,

As his false god marches through Europe, while greedily eyeing America.


When will it be enough, Lord? When will You lift Your mighty hand

And stir Your people from the foolishness of their lethargy?

There are so few of us who are willing to stand and be counted.

Instead, there are a vast number who call on Your name but who

Are willing to endure this relentless Evil, choosing to play it safe.

Oh how I loathe the dishonor they bring upon Your name.

Choosing to be nice rather than opting to be resolute,

They make excuses for the Son of Arrogance and his wickedness—

Never standing against the false truths of Progressivism.

They willfully deceive themselves, believing all will be well

Because they sing pleasant melodies of praise to You in church.


They fool themselves, but they cannot fool You, Lord.

We do not deserve to be spared from our years of abandoning You.

We have brought about our demise and are without excuse.

We have willfully abandoning what is right for more than a generation.

Our children believe they are entitled, which makes them weak.

None are prepared for the days of bleakness that lie ahead,

Nor have they forged the character necessary to be resilient in adversity.

Without the active intervention of Your Holy Spirit, we have no hope.

But, in Your Sovereignty, You can spare us . . . if You choose to do so.

Will You, Lord? Will You spare us for the sake of the faithful few?

Jack Watts   Resources

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I voted for Richard M. Nixon. There, I’ve admitted it. Other than Aaron Burr, Nixon has been the worst criminal in American politics, until now.

In 1972, most people voted for Nixon. He won in a landslide, a genuine one. Nixon seemed like a much better candidate than George McGovern, who even lost his home state of Minnesota. Massachusetts was the only state McGovern carried. As I saw things, as a very young man, things were looking up. The Vietnam War was winding down, and the nation appeared to be getting back on track.

There was that pesky Watergate distraction, disrupting my tranquility, but that was nothing more than a trivial story. I was certain of it. Then, it began to gain traction, increased momentum, and finally a life of its own.

In its beginning stages, I tried not to pay much attention. The story was so negative, and I wanted to dwell on the positive—Nixon’s overwhelming mandate from the people. Because he won so handily, it seemed far-fetched for him—or for any of his surrogates—to engage in something as ridiculous as a bungled burglary at the Democratic headquarters at the Watergate. Everybody knew Nixon was going to win, which made it seem preposterous for his people to do something that foolish or risky. Besides, it was illegal, and the President would never be involved in anything that was criminal. What President would?

That was exactly the way I thought—just like millions of others. When the cover-up was exposed and Nixon was forced to resign in disgrace, I had to face reality, which was very difficult. I realized I had been on the wrong side. I had been for Executive Privilege and not for full disclosure. I had been for keeping things quiet, covering them up, and moving forward. Others called for the light to shine in the darkness, but not me. I was wrong—dead wrong.

It was a difficult time for me, requiring extensive, gut-wrenching introspection. From that experience, however, I became a different person. I promised myself to never champion the darkness again, regardless of what it might cost.

I also concluded several things about Nixon. I realized his narcissism wouldn’t allow him to just win. He needed to do more than that. He needed to subjugate and destroy his political opposition; just beating them wasn’t enough. Knowing what his opponents were doing became an obsession with Nixon—just like it has with our current President.

Now, forty years later, we have the same situation with President Barack Hussein Obama—the exact same situation. Like Nixon, Obama has a “we-they” mentality. Those who are not with him are his enemies, and destroying one’s enemies is what narcissists like Nixon and Obama do.

The concept of “loyal opposition” doesn’t exist for a narcissist. Opposition, by nature, means disloyalty. Because their way is the right way, lying to achieve victory is normal and praiseworthy. Neither would consider there was anything wrong with such an outlook. It’s why both of them seem so believable, even though Nixon wasn’t at the time and Obama isn’t now.

Being mistrustful, both were afraid power would be taken from them. In Obama’s case, he feared that if the truth came out about the Benghazi attack, he would lose the election. That’s why he engaged in a massive cover-up that has been ongoing. Just as Nixon did in Watergate, Obama has consistently stonewalled, refusing to disclose anything voluntarily. He never will. It’s not in his nature to do so.

Being somewhat paranoid, narcissists never reveal who they really are. To them, being candid and forthright would put them at a disadvantage to their opponents, and that’s something no narcissist would ever do voluntarily.

When you think of events from the perspective of a narcissist, their behavior makes sense. For Nixon, the Watergate break-in and cover-up was necessary. In the same way, for Obama, the bugging of the Associated Press’s lines, the complicity of the IRS to destroy his Tea Party opposition, and the Benghazi cover-up to ensure his reelection were all reasonable things to do. All of it makes sense from a narcissistic worldview. If you are not one, however, as most people aren’t, it doesn’t seem logical. Finally, because maintaining power is a consuming passion, Obama will hold on to power until the bitter end, just like Nixon did.

As Obama’s house of cards continues to collapse, millions of his followers will become disillusioned—just as I was when Nixon resigned in disgrace. Helping these unfortunates through the process of disenchantment to emotional health is something good men and women need to do. Ridiculing them for having been fooled is something that will not be helpful. They will just become embittered like I was forty years ago.

Jack Watts

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