
Posts Tagged ‘Narcissistic Personality Disorder’

Usually, when a President loses in a mid-term election, he becomes reflective. He tries to change course to come in line with the will of the American people, but that’s not what has happened with Barack Obama. I knew it wouldn’t.

Because of his narcissistic personality disorder, any rebuff is taken as a personal affront—like his mid-term defeats—but the problem is never his. It’s the voters who are wrong—not him.

To get even with us, he is punishing us by doing the exact thing we do not want.

This is how he thinks, and he surrounds himself with sycophants who tell him he is right. They also provide validation by telling Obama how wrong the American people are.

To bolster himself against the crescendo of rage coming his way, he has deluded himself into thinking he represents the will of those who didn’t vote. He is their champion, and they constitute the majority.

Of even greater concern than his unconstitutional Executive Order concerning amnesty will be his unilateral treaty with Iran, allowing nuclear weapons to be built by a regime who is committed to destroying Israel first and then the Great Satan—us, the USA.

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Because he made a wrong turn with weapons in his car, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi has been in a Mexican jail since March 31st. During that time, people have made repeated pleas to President Obama to intervene on Sgt. Tahmooressi’s behalf, going so far as to present the Commander-in-Chief with a petition, signed by 100,000 citizens, asking for his help. Nevertheless, President Obama hasn’t done one thing to help.

Obama’s not going to help. It isn’t that Tahmooressi doesn’t deserve his help. In fact, the law states clearly that it’s the President’s job to try and get the Sargent released. Obama knows this; he just doesn’t want to do it. This is where the pissy part of his narcissistic personality disorder interferes with his ability to do his job.

According to Obama’s distorted thinking, letting Tahmooressi rot in jail is what he deserves. This conclusion is based on some real or perceived slight Obama has received from people like us—people who want to see Tahmooressi released. Maybe it’s because we compared Tahmooressi favorably to Bergdahl—the deserter who Obama championed. Who knows?

But the situation is similar to when Obama shut down the WorldWar II Memorial, turning away vets in their 90s, as payback to the Republicans for not raising the debt ceiling and shutting down the government. There was little correlation between the two in everybody’s eyes other than Obama—our narcissistic President. His sense of reality is different than others.

Continued appeals to Obama for Tahmooressi’s release will remain unanswered.

Obama enjoys sticking it to all of the conservatives who insist that he intervene. He’s not going to do it, regardless of how often he is asked. Continuing with my metaphor, to keep asking for his help is like pissing in the wind.

Jack Watts

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The Syrian crisis isn’t going well for President Obama, nor will it. Unfortunately, because he is our leader, it isn’t going to go well for our nation either. It isn’t just that he has made a foolish challenge about Syria stepping over a red line—a misstatement he cannot correct without loosing face. It goes much deeper than that.

We are in perilous waters. America has not been in this difficult a situation since the Cuban Missile Crisis, which brought us to the brink of thermonuclear war with the Soviet Union in 1962. We are facing a crisis that requires strong, principled leadership. We need a dependable man—a man whose wisdom we can trust. Barack Obama isn’t that person; he’s incapable of being that person. There are two reasons why.

First, he has a narcissistic personality disorder that prevents him from taking responsibility for failure. In his eyes, he is always right. He has to be right. If you disagree with him or with the way he is handling a situation, you become his enemy. It’s always that way for a narcissist. It’s why he has sycophantic people advising him like his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, instead of seasoned veterans of foreign policy who are willing to tell him when he is wrong. Rice isn’t strong enough to do that. She may be a good basketball player and a trusted accomplice in deceiving the American people about Benghazi, but she cannot help Obama stand up to Putin.

Obama is the one who said the use of chemical weapons would precipitate the United States to intervene in the Syrian Civil War. Now, he is saying that it’s Congress’ red line or the world’s red line. To admit he was the instigator would put “responsibility and blame” on him, and that’s something a narcissist like Obama can never do. It’s not in his nature to do so. President Truman said, “The buck stops here.” For President Obama, it is, “The buck never stops here.”

For better or worse, the problem is ours. We are responsible because we elected him. We married him without knowing him. Now, we have come to discover he does not have the character necessary to face a tough international crisis. He’s incapable of guiding us through unscathed. Syria is his Waterloo, which means it may be ours as well.

Second, by consistently giving Obama a pass on his performance for five years, essentially covering up his mistakes, our press has made it impossible for him to face a tough challenge. Refusing to publish, “The Emperor is wearing no clothes,” the press has either skewed stories or buried them completely in their relentless quest to ensure that the first black, Progressive President is successful. Having done this has infuriated Obama’s critics, but the person hurt the most by not having to face reality has been Obama himself.

By having his weaknesses covered up, He has come to count on having an easy road to success. Now, the road is suddenly anything but easy. It has become treacherous and difficult, and Obama isn’t seasoned enough to navigate the terrain, which he should be after five years in office. It’s like he has been training for a heavyweight title bout by reading his own press clippings about how tough he is, instead of actually being toughened up, by having been forced to face the consequences of his mismanagement in smaller situations. To be the person he needs to be now, Obama should have been sparring, running, and weightlifting for the past five years instead of leading the soft life made possible for him by his fawning media.

Now, it is too late. Our feckless leader is clueless about what to do. Congress, especially the house of Representative, will not sustain his folly. If he acts without Congressional approval—after asking for it—his effectiveness as President will be over. It may even be worse than that. He may initiate Armageddon. If he does, it will not be his fault. You can count on that.

Jack Watts

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I voted for Richard M. Nixon. There, I’ve admitted it. Other than Aaron Burr, Nixon has been the worst criminal in American politics, until now.

In 1972, most people voted for Nixon. He won in a landslide, a genuine one. Nixon seemed like a much better candidate than George McGovern, who even lost his home state of Minnesota. Massachusetts was the only state McGovern carried. As I saw things, as a very young man, things were looking up. The Vietnam War was winding down, and the nation appeared to be getting back on track.

There was that pesky Watergate distraction, disrupting my tranquility, but that was nothing more than a trivial story. I was certain of it. Then, it began to gain traction, increased momentum, and finally a life of its own.

In its beginning stages, I tried not to pay much attention. The story was so negative, and I wanted to dwell on the positive—Nixon’s overwhelming mandate from the people. Because he won so handily, it seemed far-fetched for him—or for any of his surrogates—to engage in something as ridiculous as a bungled burglary at the Democratic headquarters at the Watergate. Everybody knew Nixon was going to win, which made it seem preposterous for his people to do something that foolish or risky. Besides, it was illegal, and the President would never be involved in anything that was criminal. What President would?

That was exactly the way I thought—just like millions of others. When the cover-up was exposed and Nixon was forced to resign in disgrace, I had to face reality, which was very difficult. I realized I had been on the wrong side. I had been for Executive Privilege and not for full disclosure. I had been for keeping things quiet, covering them up, and moving forward. Others called for the light to shine in the darkness, but not me. I was wrong—dead wrong.

It was a difficult time for me, requiring extensive, gut-wrenching introspection. From that experience, however, I became a different person. I promised myself to never champion the darkness again, regardless of what it might cost.

I also concluded several things about Nixon. I realized his narcissism wouldn’t allow him to just win. He needed to do more than that. He needed to subjugate and destroy his political opposition; just beating them wasn’t enough. Knowing what his opponents were doing became an obsession with Nixon—just like it has with our current President.

Now, forty years later, we have the same situation with President Barack Hussein Obama—the exact same situation. Like Nixon, Obama has a “we-they” mentality. Those who are not with him are his enemies, and destroying one’s enemies is what narcissists like Nixon and Obama do.

The concept of “loyal opposition” doesn’t exist for a narcissist. Opposition, by nature, means disloyalty. Because their way is the right way, lying to achieve victory is normal and praiseworthy. Neither would consider there was anything wrong with such an outlook. It’s why both of them seem so believable, even though Nixon wasn’t at the time and Obama isn’t now.

Being mistrustful, both were afraid power would be taken from them. In Obama’s case, he feared that if the truth came out about the Benghazi attack, he would lose the election. That’s why he engaged in a massive cover-up that has been ongoing. Just as Nixon did in Watergate, Obama has consistently stonewalled, refusing to disclose anything voluntarily. He never will. It’s not in his nature to do so.

Being somewhat paranoid, narcissists never reveal who they really are. To them, being candid and forthright would put them at a disadvantage to their opponents, and that’s something no narcissist would ever do voluntarily.

When you think of events from the perspective of a narcissist, their behavior makes sense. For Nixon, the Watergate break-in and cover-up was necessary. In the same way, for Obama, the bugging of the Associated Press’s lines, the complicity of the IRS to destroy his Tea Party opposition, and the Benghazi cover-up to ensure his reelection were all reasonable things to do. All of it makes sense from a narcissistic worldview. If you are not one, however, as most people aren’t, it doesn’t seem logical. Finally, because maintaining power is a consuming passion, Obama will hold on to power until the bitter end, just like Nixon did.

As Obama’s house of cards continues to collapse, millions of his followers will become disillusioned—just as I was when Nixon resigned in disgrace. Helping these unfortunates through the process of disenchantment to emotional health is something good men and women need to do. Ridiculing them for having been fooled is something that will not be helpful. They will just become embittered like I was forty years ago.

Jack Watts

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