
Archive for the ‘President Carter’ Category

12573733_828304790628555_5483197664783316735_nCOMMON SENSE: French is the language of diplomacy and has been for half a millennium. It’s why there are so many French words and phrases that have come into the English language concerning foreign policy—words like rapprochement, fait accompli, and de facto/de jure. The cardinal rule of diplomacy is understatement. In diplomacy, to say an act by another nation is “unfriendly” is close to declaring war.
The Progressives, especially in the media, have been very critical of President Trump for using the term, “Fire and Fury,” when speaking out about our current crisis with Kim Jung-un of North Korea. Specifically, they are enraged because Trump’s words were well outside of normal, appropriate diplomatic language.
I disagree with the media’s assessment. The language of diplomacy will work with nearly all nation-states, but it is actually counterproductive with a rogue nation like North Korea.
Before SWorld War II, Winston Churchill was criticized by appeasers to Hitler for being bombastic and crude, but Churchill was right and Neville Chamberlain was wrong. In our current crisis, all that Kim Jung-un understands is brute force, and that is what Trump has given him. Neither Presidents Clinton, George W. Bush, nor Barack Obama were willing to be confrontational. Consequently, the North Koreans have considered the USA to be weak—a paper tiger.
Trump, standing up for the American people, is calling their bluff. Kim Jong-un has two choices. Either he can attack and be destroyed, or he can backdown and lose face. Either way, his days are numbered. To be sure, this is brinkmanship diplomacy, but I do not believe it will lead to thermonuclear war. That’s the way I see it.

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COMMON SENSE: Michelle Obama famously said, “When they go low, we go high.” In practice, the Progressives do the exact opposite, of course, but her sentiment is accurate. We simply must maintain a standard of propriety that is laudable. If we do, we will be the winners.

On the other side, where there is virtually no moral compass, the level of animosity toward the President is the worst I have ever seen. Many people despised Nixon, and the level of animosity toward Clinton, after his Lewinsky affair, was intense, but nothing compared to the hatred toward Trump.
Hollywood celebrities are calling for his assassination, and they are doing so with impunity. This is not healthy for our nation, nor is it acceptable. At the same time, their shenanigans are counterproductive. As Machiavelli once said in “The Prince,” if you are going to “kill the King,” you only get one chance. If you miss, the king will get stronger.
This is what we are witnessing now. President Trump is getting stronger, and the character assassination of the Left is becoming increasingly ineffective. Because Trump is keeping his promises, unlike every other President since Reagan, Trump’s base is rock solid. His adversaries, by way of contrast, who spew their venom like hissing demons, have no message, no success, and no future.
Link to my book, “Creating Trump Nation,” for signed copy
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Other than the persistent terror attacks of ISIS in Europe and the United States, President Trump is facing four significant challenges—each resulting from the feckless abdication of responsibility by Barack Obama. These are the problem areas.
1. Middle East—Syria, Iraq and Afganistan
2. Iran’s nuclear ambitions
3. Russian imperialism in Eastern Europe and the Baltic States
4. North Korea
Right now, the showdown with North Korea is the most dangerous, but our world is considerably more dangerous than it was before 9/11. That being said, by playing a strong hand, rather than the weak and vacillating one Obama chose, we have to reassert our leadership worldwide.
In my opinion, Trump’s team is doing this masterfully. Kim Jong Un, whose narcissism has generated societal delusion in North Korea is the most dangerous, but Iran isn’t far behind. Because Obama flinched, Un and others hope Trump will do the same thing, but that’s unlikely to happen. Hopefully, with the help of the Chinese, this will resolve peacefully, but there is no guarantee this will happen.
Jack Watts

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la-na-trump-news-conference-scene-20170111COMMON SENSE: At his impromptu press conference, President Trump did more than answer dozens of questions from the press. He changed the way a Republican President dances with the media. Heretofore, with the notable exception of Ronald Reagan, for the past half-century, the media has led and the Republican Presidents have followed. Democratic Presidents, on the other hand, have led the dance, while the press has dutifully followed.
Rejecting this model, Donald Trump has taken charge. He is leading the dance, while insisting the press follow him. Since they are used to leading Republican Presidents and believe it is their right to do so, it’s no wonder they are having their ties stepped on, as they thy to reassert their right to lead. Trump will not have any of it. Instead, he has doubled down on leading, refusing to be a PWR President—Pussy Whipped Republican President.
Unlike Nixon, Ford, or the two Bushes, President Trump will not be submissive. As the American people watch how awkward this dance has become, we have developed two conflicting opinions about it. Half of us insist it is the President’s role to lead, and we are tired of watching weak-willed men be submissive to the domineering media. The other half of Americans feel exactly the opposite way. They want things to remain the way they have always been in their lifetime, which is to have the PWR model.
Consequently, for the foreseeable future, the dance between President Trump and the media will continue to be awkward, disjointed, and contentious. Will it ever change you might ask. The answer is who knows? Perhaps it will a little, but I doubt that it will very much.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: With just three weeks left in his failed Presidency, Barack Obama is doubling down on his incompetence by making unwise decisions concerning both Russia and Israel. In our long history, no other President has ever tried to hamstring the following President like Barack Obama is doing.

When Bill and Hillary Clinton left the White House, all they did was steal the furniture, china, and silverware, but Barack Obama is going much further to create mayhem for President-Elect Trump.
Obama’s narcissism, which demands being the center of attention, will not allow him to exit gracefully. He doesn’t care how much damage he does to United States foreign policy. From his warped perspective, we deserve to receive whatever comes our way, regardless of how disastrous his decisions happen to be. It’s our just punishment for repudiating his policies.
I warned that he would behave like this. I knew it. It’s what narcissists do. More than anything, I want Trump to nullify Obama’s first Executive Order, enacted the second day of his Presidency in 2009. It sealed everything about Obama’s past. I want everything unsealed, so we can finally see for ourselves who the hell this man really is.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In American history, nearly every generation has faced a significant challenge—a moment in time, when good men and women have been asked to make a stand. This is our moment. For such a time as this, God has prepared many of us. It’s now up to us to answer the call.
The future of our great nation is at stake and, depending on what we do or do not do, our destiny will depend. I know what I am going to do.
I am fully aware that my choice for President is deeply flawed, but his goals are righteous; and he is willing to accept godly counsel. That’s enough for me. Rather than curse the darkness like others, I intend to shine a light, knowing that the alternative is a devious woman who has a reprobate mind. Corrupt to the bone, under her leadership, the America we know and love will cease to exist.
The forces of darkness threaten to extinguish our light, but we do not need to allow this to happen. I know the Source of my strength, and I firmly believe that He is greater than anything that opposes us.
Now, the question is this: who will be strong and stand with me? Who will refuse to bow his or her knee to the god of this world? Who is willing to pay the price to retake this great nation from the barbarians, the Progressives, and everyone else who is accursed?
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: President Obama, sporting a contemptuous, condescending sneer, lectured Donald Trump about foreign policy yesterday. After all, foreign policy is our Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning President’s strong suit, isn’t it?
It should be, but it isn’t. Despite the predictable fawning adulation of the media, who desperately try to spin reality to make Obama look good, his foreign policy has been such a colossal failure that he actually makes Jimmy Carter’s record of ineptitude look good.
For example:
—Along with his toady, Hillary Clinton, Obama hit the “Reset Button” with Russia, but he never saw Russia’s annex of the Crimea or invasion of Ukraine coming, did he? Of course he didn’t. Yet, he mocked Mitt Romney—just like Trump—for even suggesting Russia might be contemplating aggression. In Eastern Europe, Obama has been clueless.
—Obama backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, calling them reformers. What was the end result of this mistake? Obama destabilized Egypt—a strong and dependable ally of America for the last forty years.
—Obama, along with Hillary Clinton, undermined Muammar Gaddafi, destabilizing Libya. This ended with the massacre in Benghazi, which our profound Commander-in-Chief blamed on a You Tube video clip—all to ensure his reelection.
—Obama told us that he has won the war on terror, and ISIS was nothing more than a JV team, which it certainly is not.
—Obama drew a “Red Line” with Syria, concerning chemical warfare, which he refused to back up, letting our enemies know how weak and spineless he is.
—Obama, along with John Kerry, negotiated a deal with Iran over nuclear weapons that will allow the world’s leading sponsor of terror to obtain nukes with impunity. Of all of his failures, this is the most egregious, and may lead to World War III or Armageddon.
Obama’s failures are astounding. Yet, he has the audacity to lecture Trump and others. As a result on Obama’s failed leadership, our enemies do not fear us, and our allies do not trust us. While Brussels burned, Obama danced the Tango, which he couldn’t do right either.

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COMMON SENSE: I’m getting a little tired of so many people bashing Donald Trump, saying that he would be “disastrous” as President. I don’t believe that for one minute. He certainly wasn’t my first choice, but I think he might prove to be a very good President, perhaps even an exceptional one. Here are the reasons why:
1. Trump is a winner—something most of the Establishment Republicans are not.
2. He is extraordinarily successful, parlaying $1 million into $10 billion. How many people have done that? We could use a lot more like him.
3. He knows his strengths, but more importantly, he knows his limitations. So, instead of micromanaging foreign policy or military strategy, for instance—like both Obama and Jimmy Carter have done—Trump is smart enough to function like the Chairman of the Board. All he has to do is give broad directives, leaving policy implementation to those who are already experts, which most Presidents aren’t wise enough to do.
4. The idea that he is unelectable is absurd. Hillary is a weak candidate. She’s shrill, angry, old, sick, and corrupt. Trump should beat her easily, and I believe he will. Remember, the FBI is still looming.
My choice has always been Cruz, because I’m a Constitutionalist, but I believe Trump will be our candidate. Rather than whine and become indignant, saying I will never vote for a man who makes outlandish statements, I choose to be an adult and do what is best for our nation, which means I will vote for Trump if he wins the nomination, regardless of what Mitt Romney or Eric Erickson say to the contrary. I suggest you do the same.

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COMMON SENSE: In an intense Presidential Election Cycle, it’s important to differentiate between what is important and what is less than important. If you don’t, you will be captivated by all sorts of trivial things that will throw you into meaningless frenzies. Here are some things that are important:
1. We are over $19 trillion in debt—half of it from Obama. Who can change the dynamics so that we will once again be prosperous?
2. Our standing in the world has diminished. Our friends don’t trust us, and our enemies don’t fear us. Who has the capacity to strengthen the military and be an effective Commander-in-Chief?
3. Millions of Radical Islamic Jihadists believe the USA is the Great Satan and want to behead us. Who is strong enough to identify the problem accurately, confront it head-on, and destroy this threat?
4. Our Southern border is a joke. More illegals are coming through this year than ever before. Who will change this?
5. Our healthcare system, once the envy of the world, has been purposefully destroyed. Who can fix it?
6. Currently, 93 million people are out of the workforce. Who can create jobs and not just talk about it?
These are important questions. The following issues are not:
1. Who has the biggest ears, smallest hands, etc?
2. Who has ties to Goldman-Sachs?
3. Whose wife would make the best First Lady?
4. Who do the polls say has the best chance of beating Hillary?
5. Another 1,000 idiotic questions like these.
Keep your eye on the balls, y’all, and everything else will work out. Hillary is vulnerable. The only way she can win is if we continue to self-destruct. This is why I write COMMON SENSE. My hope is that people will use common sense, rather than get caught up in meaningless minutia.

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COMMON SENSE: The United States has now gone a record 10 straight years without 3 percent growth in real Gross Domestic Product. Since the 1930s, there is only one ten-year stretch—2006 through 2015—when the annual growth in real GDP never hit 3 percent. By any standard, this period, which includes the entire time of Obama’s Presidency, has been a pitiful performance.
During the last ten years, real annual growth in GDP peaked in 2006 at 2.7 percent. It has never been that high again. The reason why is simple: President Obama’s focus has been upon dismantling America’s means of production, rather than growing it. Under Obama’s leadership, there has been virtually no growth, and Hillary Clinton will do no better. Currently, 94 million people are out of the workforce, the largest number since Jimmy Carter’s failed leadership.
We are currently $19 trillion in debt, which equates to $159,294 per taxpayer. This is up more than $100,000 since Obama took office, which begs the question: Are you $100,000 better off than when he took office? If not, you might want to vote for your own economic best interest, rather than for continuing to squander the wealth America has accumulated for generations.
Change is in order. With 46 million in poverty and 45 million on Food Stamps, we simply cannot afford four more years of Obama’s failed policies. Hillary Clinton would be nothing more than Obama 2.0. So, unless you are a fool or on the dole, vote for someone who has the capacity to generate growth and restore prosperity to the United States of America.

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