
Posts Tagged ‘God’

14502950_10207228057080323_2461444677858539009_nCOMMON SENSE: I’ve read and watched the posts about how the Clinton Campaign rigged the Presidential Debate, and how Hillary and Lester Holt were complicit in a massive fraud. Considering all of the other scandals involving Hillary, I shouldn’t be surprised by this, but I am—not for the reason you might expect.
Hillary Clinton must have a terrible self-image and an extraordinarily low view of her competency. That she didn’t believe she could beat Donald Trump is an honest, ethical debate—playing by the rules—speaks volumes. If she had any self-esteem, personal pride or dignity, she wouldn’t have allowed such a thing to happen. If she was self-assured, she would have said, “I don’t need any help. Bring Trump on, I can take him,” but that’s not what she did, is it?
She schemed to rig the system in her favor—just like she did to Bernie—revealing just how serious her dishonesty is. Because of this character flaw, the woman cannot play it straight no matter what.
Years ago, there was a great western, “Maverick.” The star, Bret, played byJames garner, made his living by gambling. The people he always liked to play poker with the most were cheaters. Once he knew their game, it was easy for him to beat them. It’s the same with Hillary. Other nations can’t wait to get her elected, knowing just how easy it will be to manipulate such a weak person. Soulless and characterless, with her at our nation’s helm, we will be in for some very serious troubles throughout the world. If you have kids or grandkids in high school, be nice to them because many will end up in body bags.
Jack Watts

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14212540_10209250439650696_4928376597585475848_nCOMMON SENSE: We all remember where we were and what we were doing, when we heard about the attack on 9/11. I was in a Barnes & Noble with Ernest Pullen, when his wife, Melanie Dugger Pullen, called, telling us about it. At first, it didn’t seem plausible that we had been attacked. By the time the second tower was hit, I had returned home and saw it on TV with Jim Smith.
Renewing my mind, from that moment forward, I have never altered my viewpoint or perspective. We were attacked by Radical Islamic Terrorists—by those who want to destroy us and our American way of life. To them, we are all the Great Satan—not just some of us.
On this day, let us remember we are Americans first and political opponents second. Many disagree with my worldview and I disagree with theirs. Nevertheless, none of us want to cut off each other’s heads. That we can argue without killing each other is what makes us different, but it is also what makes us strong.
Remember, Jihadists have a sense of history, which makes every anniversary of 9/11 is a particularly dangerous day for Americans, so be careful.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When Khizr Khan spoke at the Democratic National Convention, it was the most powerful moment of the evening, but it was an entirely manufactured event. The only real thing about it was the sacrifice of his brave son dying in Iraq in 2004.
The Clinton campaign set a trap for Donald Trump, and he walked right into it. The polls show that 79% of Americans disapprove of Trump’s handling of Khan, but it was nothing more than a “Dirty Trick” by Clinton, which shouldn’t surprise anybody. Here are some thing about the incident that you probably do not know:
– Khan was paid $25,000 by the Clinton campaign to speak at the DNC. Some say he was paid as much as $375,000.
– The speech was not written by Mr. Khan, but by two campaign staffers.
– The copy of the US Constitution that Mr. Khan held up was given to him two hours before his speech by a female staffer. It was a prop used by Khan and returned after speaking. The graphics are off center, and the word “Constitution” was not capitalized, showing that it wasn’t a real copy of the Constitution.
– 5 Gold Star families turned down the opportunity to speak before Khan was contacted by the Clinton campaign.
– All five families were paid $5,000 and signed a non disclosure.
– Khan’s immigration law firm is in debt $1.7M and owes back taxes of upward $850,000 plus penalties.
– CNN paid Khan over $100,000 to tell his “story,” and he has repeated in interviews worldwide.
– Khan was given a bonus of $175,000 by the DNC for his effort in the media.
– The IRS has since put Khan’s tax file on a “hold” status—a reward for how well he did.
—Khan is taking his message worldwide, saying that Allah is destroying Trump’s campaign.
That Trump stepped into this trap is regrettable. It has cost him dearly, but he was set up by the Clinton campaign. Unfortunately, the truth about this will only be known by a few, and we will be mocked for saying it.
—Jack Watts

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imgresCOMMON SENSE: Bitterness is hardened anger. Nobody wants to be bitter, but it’s inevitable, when you succumb to self-righteously embrace your wounds—when you justify them as being right—rather than turn them over to God. If you place them in God’s hands, over time, you can become a forgiving person. If you can muster the courage to do that, you will become a person of value, a person who demonstrates the positive fruits of the Spirit of God.
Unfortunately, few choose to forgive. Because they do not own enough of their own souls, people like this chafe instead. They continue to justify their woundedness rather than abandon it. By embracing their acrimony, they think they are hurting the other person, but they are only hurting themselves. Unwittingly, they allow emotional poison to become self-consuming, destroying their future.
Ted Cruz demonstrated this error for us last night. Does he have justification to be bitter? Of course, he does, but his actions only hurt him—not Donald Trump. I hate that this has happened, but it has. Like all of Life’s lessons, I hope Cruz learns from it, but I doubt he will. Instead, like millions of others, he will choose to justify his actions, which are so unlike the Lord, Cruz talks about serving.
—Jack Watts

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2015-09-09T150245Z_1_LYNXNPEB880UT_RTROPTP_4_USA-ELECTION-CLINTON-e1442078799615COMMON SENSE: It’s time to pivot our focus. Forget about trying to win over the #NeverTrump people. Some will eventually come around, but most will remain bitter. They prefer it that way.
It’s time to conceptualize this campaign as a movement. It’s an epic battle for the heart and soul of America, fought between the Children of the Light and the Children of Darkness. This doesn’t mean that all of us are good and all of them are bad, but it does mean we have an entirely different way of looking at life.
We believe in American exceptionalism; they believe that the USA is responsible for most of the world’s problems. We are strongly patriotic; they are ashamed of our nation. We believe in God; most of the Children of Darkness do not. We believe in personal responsibility, while they believe the ends justify the means. We want to make America great again, while they mock at us, while they are convinced America was never great in the first place.
The Children of Darkness support Hillary Clinton. Because their deeds are Evil, they have a vested interest in desiring the darkness her success will bring. Because their numbers are legion, it will require each of us to be strong. We must stand firm and never again be intimidated by their contemptuous mocking.
We will bend our knee to Almighty God but never to the will of the Children of Darkness. For such a time as this, we have been prepared. Will we prevail, or will we be the generation that is responsible for the lights going out on the City on the Hill? The answer is in our hands.
—Jack Watts

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thCOMMON SENSE: Barack Obama began his Presidency by receiving the Nobel Peace Prize—not for what he had done but for what he was going to do. Teaming with Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, this dynamic duo hit the “Reset Button,” not only with Russia but also in the Middle East. Bolstered by their erudite Progressive worldview, the United States finally had the leadership we needed to right what was wrong and usher in a more equatable system—the New World Order.
Now, as Obama’s second term is about to expire, instead of marveling at his accomplishments, we have to shake our collective heads at what a monumental failure he has been. The Middle East has destabilized dramatically, except for Iran, where they are busy producing nuclear weapons to destroy Israel and us—thanks to Barack Obama. Russian imperialism has ramped up considerably, and the European democracies are being destabilized by Radical Islam, which neither Obama or Hillary have the ability or moral courage to oppose adequately. All they can do is bluster, which they do routinely.
With Obama dancing the tango and Hillary selling favors to the highest bidder, our republic is being threatened by an Evil Wing of Islam that our leaders refuse to acknowledge even exists. Despite this, in his mind, Obama believes he has earned his Nobel Peace Prize, and Hillary is making plans to extort one for herself.
We can stop this nonsense dead in its tracks, of course, but will we? Or, will we continue on the path of certain destruction by arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
—Jack Watts

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th-1COMMON SENSE: I believe Ted Cruz will endorse Donald Trump. He will do this because he said he would, and keeping his word to us is more important than anything to Senator Cruz. I do not expect Jeb Bush to keep his word. He has said that it would “violate his conscience” to vote for Trump, but what about us? He gave his word to us that he would support the nominee, didn’t he? He even signed a pledge that he has no intention of honoring.
Bush’s word doesn’t mean a damn thing. It’s not much better than Hillary’s. It’s also why he was a colossal failure in the primaries. His political carer is over, as it should be. We do not need people like him—those who speak out of both sides of their mouth. I feel the same way about Sen. Graham and Gov. Kasich.
If Cruz fails to come through, even though I voted for him, I will be equally critical. Trump is our nominee, and I intend to support him vigorously. I suggest you do the same thing.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: If there was any doubt that a “Fix” has been set for Hillary, then Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s testimony should confirm to you your worst suspicions. Lynch sat there, under oath, and stonewalled the committee, providing them with her carefully crafted response, and nothing more. She said the same thing so many times that it seemed like her mantra.

There was no explanation. There was no transparency. There was no remorse or anything aimed at being forthright. She is a lawyer, and she parsed her words carefully, refusing to be honest with the committee or the American people, which is her duty.
Right before our eyes, the Rule of Law has been mocked. With Bernie endorsing Hillary this morning, our nation is being hijacked, right out from under us. All that stands in the way of the triumph of Evil is for the people to vote Crooked Hillary in.
Will we? I don’t know, but I do know this: Our nation is in peril.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Using carefully crafted phrases, each tested by focus groups, Hillary’s campaign injects just enough truth, mixed with deceit and innuendo, to garner support from the naive, the ignorant, and the depraved—all to attack the character and qualifications of Donald J. Trump.
She intends to spend more than $1 billion, painting a word picture of Trump as being dangerous, reckless, and unfit to be Commander-in-Chief. By contrast, she purports herself to have the wisdom, experience, and steady hand to lead us in time of crisis.
Her strategy is impressive, except for one thing. It just fell apart at the press conference held by the Benghazi Select Committee, and the big winner is Trump. Without having to spend a dime in refutation of Hilary’s massive campaign, the committee’s report has done the work for him.
In a word picture, Hillary surmises what Trump might do in a crisis, and it isn’t good. But what we now have are facts, showing that when a real crisis occurred under her watch, she didn’t lift a finger to save American lives. Instead, at the meeting held, while those brave men fought for their lives, Hillary’s focus was on saving her political career, ensuring Barack Obama’s reelection, and deceiving the American people about what really happened.
We know what kind of Commander-in-chief she would make, don’t we? She doesn’t have the character qualities we need in a leader. Hillary is unfit to be President of the United States.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: If I had written a novel ten years ago about a corrupt woman, who gains the nomination of her party, while being investigated by the FBI for criminal misconduct, nobody would have believed the story line was plausible. If I added that the sitting President endorsed her candidacy, despite being fully aware that she made a fortune by leveraging her position as Secretary of State in a pay-to-play scheme that threatened national security, it would be a plot too far fetched to publish. But, what if I added that this corrupt candidate also took the moral hugh ground over her opponent, deceiving millions with her duplicity?
If I had written such a book, not even one publisher would touch such an implausible story. Yet, it is true, suggesting that truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
God help us my friends, because it is quite clear we lack the wisdom or discernment to help ourselves.

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