
Archive for the ‘Fast & Furious’ Category

COMMON SENSE: Between 2010-2012, the IRS was weaponized against the Tea Party to deny them their right to organize as 501-C4 not-for-profit entities. This is no longer in dispute. It happened, and the Obama administration was behind it.

That this happened was shocking to most Americans, because no President had ever done anything like this before. Then, it became apparent that the Obama administration was also using the EPA and the NSA in the same way. Now, we are learning that the FBI and the DOJ have been weaponized against a Presidential candidate, a President-Elect, and a sitting President—Donald J. Trump.
Because other agencies have been used to target Americans by the Obama administration, denying them their Constitutional rights, we shouldn’t be surprised that the FBI and the DOJ have also been used, but we are. What Obama did—not just Hillary and the DNC—we are so shocked that we simply do not want to admit that something like this could happen—not in the land of the free and the home of the brave; but it has happened.
It’s not just Crooked Hillary. This goes straight into the Oval Office, when Barack Obama was President, and his deeds of darkness are being exposed to the light of day. Although the Deep State and the Progressive media will do everything in their considerable power to protect Obama, there is simply too much evidence emerging against him to prevent Obama from being exposed. His days of being respected are nearly over. Richard Nixon will be forced to move aside. Obama’s name is about to become synonymous with Presidential corruption and abuse of power. Just watch. It’s going to happen.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Traditionally, midterm elections are brutal for the party in control of the White House. In 2010, after Obama’s impressive victory, primarily because of his deceitfulness about ObamaCare, the Democrats lost the House of Representatives to the Republicans. Despite Obama being reelected in 2012, the Senate flipped in 2014 to the Democrats.

Now, after the election of Trump in 2016, based on his unpopularity, the Democrats and the media believe the House will flip in 2018. and Pelosi will once again become Speaker of the House. The polls and the pundit are in almost universal agreement about this, but I am certain they are wrong for three reasons.
First, with passage of the Tax Bill, the economy is soaring, and it’s only going to get better—much better. Despite the militant hostility of the press toward President Trump, coupled with his low approval rating, he is getting the job done. The American people are enjoying the fruits of his labor where they like it best—in their wallets and purses. His economic victory is massive, as Americans by the millions are coming to realize.
Second, the corruption within the Obama administration is about to explode, especially with the Trump Dossier. Just as Obama used the IRS to target the Tea Party unlawfully, his administration used the DOJ, FBI, and the White House to target candidate Trump, his staff, and practically everybody in his campaign. Presenting this fraudulent Dossier as legitimate, they used it to obtain FISA warrants to spy on Trump. It was also the foundational document for the Mueller investigation. When the American people see how corrupt the Obama administration was, which can no longer be hidden, it will cost the Democrats at the polls this November. This is not wishful thinking on my part. It’s going to happen.
Third, I believe the sexual misconduct of Congress is going to hurt the Democrats much more than it will hurt the Republicans. Although Americans are very forgiving about such things, they are not forgiving about the use of taxpayer’s funds to pay for it. So far, there are between thirty and forty Congressmen who have used taxpayer funds as hush money to settle claims resulting from their misconduct. Before the next election, all of these men will be unmasked, and I am predicting that 80% of them or more will be Democrats.
Obviously, other variables are certain to come into play that could have a dramatic impact on the 2018 election, including potential conflicts with North Korea and Iran, but if the scenario I have described plays out, and I am certain that it will, the Republicans will not lose either the Senate or the House. In fact, they will experience gains, perhaps major gains, especially in the Senate.

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COMMON SENSE: In order to understand what is really happening in America, you must link events together and not look at them as being independent. For example, although Barack Obama hated Hillary Clinton, he wanted her to win the election. He was not neutral. Despite his personal disdain, he wanted her elected for reasons other than her being a Democrat.
If Hillary had won, knowing how corrupt she was, Obama realized she would not allow any of his corruption to be investigated. Hillary would also protect Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Samantha Powers, Ben Rhodes, and a host of others who were just as corrupt and duplicitous as anybody involved with Team Hillary. Being a statist, semi-globalist, and deeply deceitful made Hillary Obama’s perfect successor.
Then along came Trump, with his America First agenda, all of which is antithetical to everything Obama and Hillary stand for. This makes Trump their natural enemy, but it does far more than that. Neither Hillary or Obama factored in a Trump victory. Now, the Dynamic Duo of Corruption are terrified that their web of deception will be exposed, and they will have to pay a terrible penalty.
The only way for them to keep from being exposed was to go on the offensive and have Trump taken out before their sins found them out. This is what’s behind the Mueller investigation.
To counter this, the Trump administration needs to open an investigation into Obama’s corruption and Hillary’s racketeering. It’s a strategy that will win for Trump, the American people, and for the Rule of Law. This needs to happen immediately. It cannot wait.
It grieves me that our nation has come to this, but it has. For America to be Great Again, the Obama administration and Team Hillary need to be exposed to the light of day, and they need to be held accountable for their crimes.
Creating Trump Nation: mcgeeandme.net
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: On his staff, Special Investigator Robert Mueller has sixteen full time prosecutors. He has impanelled two separate grand juries, but there is no underlying crime for him to investigate. For one year, despite all of the clamoring of President Trump’s critics, there hasn’t been even one documentable crime. Nevertheless, in their bitterness, Trump’s enemies are determined to drive him out of office, even if it destroys the most stable democracy in the history of the world.
Just as bad, the Special Investigator was appointed because the President fired a corrupt Director of the FBI. In retaliation, Comey, sleaze that he is, leaked privileged information to the “New York Times,” for the express purpose of having an Independent Investigator appointed—all in vengeful retaliation for his legitimate firing.
Meanwhile, there has been no Special Investigator appointed to seek justice for those who were unlawfully unmasked by senior Obama administration appointees, which definitely is a crime. There hasn’t been a grand jury impanelled to investigate Hillary’s uranium deal with Russia, her pay-to-play access to the State Department, or her charitable foundation that gives less than 5% of its funds to worthy causes.
Despite all of this, Trump is making America great again. The economy is booming, due to Trump’s deregulation. Once again, under his leadership, our allies trust us, and our enemies fear us, which is the exact opposite to the record of the Obama administration.
Like Nehemiah, Trump has to rebuild the walls for our nation, while constantly having to fight off his enemies, but this is exactly what Trump is doing. He is being success for the same reason Nehemiah was. Trump has the favor of Almighty God. Because the Progressives do not, all they can do is chafe, just as Sanballat did toward Nehemiah twenty-five hundred years ago.

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COMMON SENSE: Michelle Obama famously said, “When they go low, we go high.” In practice, the Progressives do the exact opposite, of course, but her sentiment is accurate. We simply must maintain a standard of propriety that is laudable. If we do, we will be the winners.

On the other side, where there is virtually no moral compass, the level of animosity toward the President is the worst I have ever seen. Many people despised Nixon, and the level of animosity toward Clinton, after his Lewinsky affair, was intense, but nothing compared to the hatred toward Trump.
Hollywood celebrities are calling for his assassination, and they are doing so with impunity. This is not healthy for our nation, nor is it acceptable. At the same time, their shenanigans are counterproductive. As Machiavelli once said in “The Prince,” if you are going to “kill the King,” you only get one chance. If you miss, the king will get stronger.
This is what we are witnessing now. President Trump is getting stronger, and the character assassination of the Left is becoming increasingly ineffective. Because Trump is keeping his promises, unlike every other President since Reagan, Trump’s base is rock solid. His adversaries, by way of contrast, who spew their venom like hissing demons, have no message, no success, and no future.
Link to my book, “Creating Trump Nation,” for signed copy
Jack Watts

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th-4COMMN SENSE: Having taught government in high school and at Emory University, one of the things I like about the Comey/Trump conflict is how we are all learning a thing or two about Constitutional Law. The Left is accusing President Trump of Obstruction of Justice, but Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz says that simply is not true.
On CNN, Dershowitz, who is no Conservative said: “Trump could have told Comey, ‘You are commanded, you are directed, to drop the prosecution against Flynn.’ . . . He could’ve said to Comey, ‘Stop this investigation, I am now pardoning Flynn. That’s what President Bush did.” Dershowitz then cited the case of Caspar Weinberger, who was pardoned by George H.W. Bush before he could be tried in connection to the Iran-Contra scandal.
I understand that emotions are running high about this, but we must remember the Rule of Law is what will determine the outcome, not who can shout the loudest.

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th-1COMMON SENSE: Here are 10 things we have learned from former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony:
1. President Trump was never under investigation about Russia.
2. President Trump did not obstruct justice, despite his disgruntled former employees desire for this to be true.
3. President Trump did not collude with Russia.
4. Although they tried, Russia did not alter the election’s outcome.
5. President Trump wanted all “satellite” staffers, who were behaving illegally, to be caught, exposed, and prosecuted.
5. Comey, the former Director of the FBI, admitted to leaking at least one memo illegally.
6. Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton, which is Obstruction of Justice.
7. Despite overwhelming evidence to indict Hillary, Comey chose not to pursue this. Why not?
8. Because they hate the President, CNN and other news outlets have been falsifying their coverage of this story the entire time.
9. No reasonable person can still believe President Trump has done anything criminal or worthy of impeachment.
10. The Russia narrative is now dead, although it will be pushed by the Progressives for quite a while longer.
It’s time to get back to work. It’s time to Make America Great Again.
Check out my book, Creating Trump Nation
Jack Watts

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12434698_10208354548806112_17676164_nCOMMON SENSE: The entire narrative of Trump’s collusion with Russia, now debunked, was carefully scripted to keep the President from achieving the goals he was elected to implement. Because the Progressives do not want to see the Trump agenda enacted, they would prefer to destroy the nation instead.

Led by John Podesta and Robby Mook from Hillary’s campaign, at least half of our nation has been seduced by false news stories. The Deep State, which includes former FBI Director Comey and nearly all of the mainstream media, has knowingly falsified information to destroy our President. What they have been doing is criminal, and they should be held to account for their crimes, especially Loretta Lynch and Hillary.

It’s time to fight back. Now that we know the truth, let us use it to set our nation free. We need to get back on track immediately. Let’s redouble our efforts to Make America Great Again.

I have been right about this all along, as “Creating Trump Nation” confirms:

—Jack Watts​

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COMMON SENSE: President Trump knows what kind of man Comey really is. This is why he waited for Comey to be in Los Angeles to fire him. What looked thoughtless to most was actually orchestrated very carefully.

While Comey was away from his office and completely unaware of what was going to happen, the DOJ delivered a letter to the FBI terminating Comey. Then, they removed everything from the Director’s office. So, if Comey took notes about others, the DOJ has them—tapes too. It’s what the Tweet about tapes was all about.
Comey’s goal was to entrap Trump into Obstruction so that Trump would be forced to resign, but Trump was too smart to allow that to happen. Comey is part of the Deep State and had to go. Trump cannot Drain the Swamp with Comey in charge of the FBI.
All of this is going to get very interesting. Better buy some Pepsid Complete. This may sound crazy to you, but it’s not. Also, I’m not suicidal.

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COMMON SENSE: The largest contributors to Hillary’s campaign were the Saudis. They didn’t like her, but they thought she was going to win. Now, with U.S. foreign policy backing the Saudis and Israel, they are thrilled with President Trump and the $110 billion arms deal he has negotiated.
While in Riyadh, if I were Trump, I would ask about what Saudi intelligence knows about Russia, Obama, Hillary, and the attempt by the press to destroy my Presidency. What the Saudis have learned, which is completely out of the box, may be quite interesting. Because they like what Trump is doing as much as Deplorables like us do, they may have a great deal to say.
When Trump goes to Tel Aviv, which will be the first direct flight from Riyadh ever, I would ask the same questions of the Israelis, knowing how much they hate Obama and Hillary.

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