
Archive for the ‘Marco Rubio’ Category

th-1COMMON SENSE: Here are 10 things we have learned from former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony:
1. President Trump was never under investigation about Russia.
2. President Trump did not obstruct justice, despite his disgruntled former employees desire for this to be true.
3. President Trump did not collude with Russia.
4. Although they tried, Russia did not alter the election’s outcome.
5. President Trump wanted all “satellite” staffers, who were behaving illegally, to be caught, exposed, and prosecuted.
5. Comey, the former Director of the FBI, admitted to leaking at least one memo illegally.
6. Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton, which is Obstruction of Justice.
7. Despite overwhelming evidence to indict Hillary, Comey chose not to pursue this. Why not?
8. Because they hate the President, CNN and other news outlets have been falsifying their coverage of this story the entire time.
9. No reasonable person can still believe President Trump has done anything criminal or worthy of impeachment.
10. The Russia narrative is now dead, although it will be pushed by the Progressives for quite a while longer.
It’s time to get back to work. It’s time to Make America Great Again.
Check out my book, Creating Trump Nation
Jack Watts

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12434698_10208354548806112_17676164_nCOMMON SENSE: The entire narrative of Trump’s collusion with Russia, now debunked, was carefully scripted to keep the President from achieving the goals he was elected to implement. Because the Progressives do not want to see the Trump agenda enacted, they would prefer to destroy the nation instead.

Led by John Podesta and Robby Mook from Hillary’s campaign, at least half of our nation has been seduced by false news stories. The Deep State, which includes former FBI Director Comey and nearly all of the mainstream media, has knowingly falsified information to destroy our President. What they have been doing is criminal, and they should be held to account for their crimes, especially Loretta Lynch and Hillary.

It’s time to fight back. Now that we know the truth, let us use it to set our nation free. We need to get back on track immediately. Let’s redouble our efforts to Make America Great Again.

I have been right about this all along, as “Creating Trump Nation” confirms:

—Jack Watts​

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thCOMMON SENSE: President Trump’s surgical strike against Syria’s chemical weapons capability was a tremendous military success, but its political success was even more impressive. Without losing one American life, here are some other benefits that Trump accomplished:
1. In 2013, the Syrians committed to President Obama that all of their chemical weapons would be destroyed, which never happened. Trump made them pay for their deceitfulness. While he didn’t bomb the storage facility that housed the chemical weapons for obvious reasons, Trump made it impossible for Syria to use fixed-wing aircraft to kill its own citizens.
2. Trump sent a signal to our enemies—Iran, Russia, North Korea, and others—that the era of American retreat from our responsibilities as a superpower is over.
3. Trump also sent a signal to our allies—Israel, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Japan, and NATO—that the United States could be trusted to lead the Free World once again.
4. Trump sent a message to the Progressives in Congress and the media, who are intent on destroying his Presidency, that he is the Commander-in-Chief and will use his legitimate authority to protect and advance American interests worldwide.
5. Trump sent a message to China that North Korea’s warmongering will no longer be tolerated. I suspect the Chinese will be very active with North Korea in the months ahead.
6. Trump’s decisive action against Russia’s client state should go a long way toward dispelling the myth that Trump is somehow Putin’s puppet.
For those of you who still believe Trump is an intellectual lightweight, it’s time for you to reassess your position. He is doing the job we elected him to do—lead the United States of America.
(If you like my analysis, you will like my newest book, “Creating Trump Nation”—http://tinyurl.com/buytrumpnation)
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I have questions about the Foreign Intelligence Service Court . . . lots of them.
1. Were there really two FISA requests, or weren’t there? Did this really happen or not? Trump says yes; Obama says no.
2. If a FISA request was sought to spy on the Republican nominee for President, which intelligence agency asked for it? And who authorized the request?
3. Specifically, why was the first request denied in August and the second granted in October? Why was the second granted? Was there a political reason for this?
4. Were there two different judges, or was it the same judge both times? Who appointed the judge?
5. What was the “Probable Cause” for the wiretap? Why would anybody thing Candidate Donald Trump was a National Security risk? Or, was the purpose really a political one? Was the real purpose to undermine Trump’s Presidency?
I want an answer to all of these questions, and so do you. We deserve to know the truth, regardless of what that might be.
Jack Watts

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la-na-trump-news-conference-scene-20170111.jpgCOMMON SENSE: What was the purpose of today’s news conference? Nobody in the media has gotten it right; that’s for sure. All they are saying is President Trump is unhinged and thin skinned, which shows they are clueless about his intent.
Trump’s purpose was to let us know—the American people—that he was still in charge and everything was going along smoothly. He wanted to reassure us that all is well, and he did. Because we have had nothing but constant naysaying by the press, many of President’s supporters have become concerned and apprehensive. So, what did Trump do? He came out swinging, which effectively allayed the concerns of his base, letting us know he is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Well played, Mr. President, well played.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I voted for Cruz, but he lost. Eventually, he couldn’t even compete. Now, I support Trump. In fact, I champion him. He may not be the Constitutionalist I desired, but he is a fearless advocate for the American people, and I’m tired of being led by a man who feels it is his duty to apologize for us.
I would rather have 75 percent of what I want than another four years of something I know I do not want. If Donald Trump secures our borders, rebuilds the military, and makes us energy independent, we will once again be a great nation, and he intends to do a lot more than that.
I exhort my fellow Conservatives to choose pragmatism over petulance and embrace the Trump candidacy. A seat at the table of power is being offered by this patriot, and we would be foolish to reject it, in favor of some misguided sense of self-righteous purity. To choose the way of a fool, as Mitt Romney has done, will do nothing more than ensure Obama’s legacy is preserved by the most corrupt woman in American history. Let’s help make history rather than be a victim of it.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Frankly, I couldn’t care less who endorses Donald Trump or not. Endorsements from the establishment are counterproductive anyway. This cycle, they will have virtually no impact.
I am interested in who endorses Hillary Clinton though. There are the men and women who may be complicit in her corruption, when she was allegedly was influence peddling, while being Secretary of State. I’ll even be more interested in who President Obama pardons his last week in office. I’m interested in both of these lists. I’ll bet Obama’s list of those being pardoned is the largest in American history.

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COMMON SENSE: Mr. President, for 7.5 years you have not spoken up about how Barack Obama has been systematically trying to destroy the United States of America. Now, after remaining silent for so long, you choose to be vocal—not about Obama’s disastrous policies or Hillary’s corruption—but about Donald Trump and your inability to support his nomination for President.
Maybe you were wise to not criticize Obama. If that’s true, then you would have been equally wise to continue remaining silent. You haven’t snubbed Trump as much as you have snubbed those who voted for you twice but are fed up with electing Campaign Conservatives—those who do not keep their promises to the American people once they have been elected.
Respectfully, Sir, I am very disappointed with you. Because of his age, I give your dad a pass.

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COMMON SENSE: Trump will win in November. He will be our next President and Commander-in-Chief. Count on it. Despite what all of the talking heads tell you to the contrary, they are wrong. I am right about this; trust me.
Here’s the reason why: Trump has the best political instincts I have ever seen—better than Reagan’s, Bill Clinton’s, or Barack Obama’s. Because I did not take Trump seriously at first, I didn’t see this, but it has become the most obvious characteristic of his campaign, once I started paying closer attention.
Hillary can’t think on her feet; Trump can. Hillary can’t pivot without massive scripting; Trump does this fluidly. Hillary, like her policies and thinking, is old and unsuccessful. Trump’s idea and style is new, innovative, and solidly anti-establishment.
Here are some of the things I think Trump should do in to enhance his position:
1. He should continue to stress how unfair the Democrats are being to Sanders by denying him equal distribution to their super-delegates, calling the system crooked and rigged. By doing this, it will continue to erode Hillary’s position with millennials. By the time Hillary gets the nomination, which is inevitable, there will be a gaping hole in the coalition that elected Obama twice.
2. Pick Rubio to be his V.P. Because Marco is liked and respected by both conservatives and RINOs, he can be indispensable in healing wounds with those who need to be in the Trump coalition. Once selected, send Marco to the Capitol to meet with Republican leaders. Then, turn him loose to get the Latino vote in FL, CA, NM, NY, and NJ—all states that will be in play.
3. Start naming people who will be considered for a Trump cabinet position, using the example of Christie as Attorney General, Carson as Surgeon General, etc. By beginning to surround himself with respected and talented people, using the Reagan model of being Chairman of the Board, tepid and tenuous supporters will become enthusiastic.
4. Drop several names as possible Supreme Court nominees, including Ted Cruz. Because Cruz’s supporters are all committed Constitutionalists, they will see the value of a Cruz appointment, and the #NeverTrump movement will melt like ice cream in July.

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COMMON SENSE: If I were advising Donald Trump, this is what I would tell him to do. After winning Indiana on Tuesday, which is going to happen, I would thank Ted Cruz for running a spirited campaign. Then, I would never mention him again. I wouldn’t even acknowledge Kasich.
I would shift all of my attention on Hillary, asking when the FBI’s criminal investigation about her server and foundation would be made public. Put the pressure on them to be forthcoming. Make them be defensive. Doing this would generate a lot of coverage, and there is no downside to it.
Within a week or two, I would select Marco Rubio to be my running mate. It would assuage the miffed feelings of many conservatives and establishment Republicans too. After picking him, I would turn him loose in CA, where his Spanish heritage is a real plus.
Once Trump gets to 1,237 delegates, which he will, I would allow Kasich to open up the Convention, since it’s in Cleveland. By doing all of these things, he can start the healing process, while simultaneously putting Crooked Hillary on the defensive.
—Jack Watts

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