
Archive for the ‘Judge Gorsuch’ Category

th 08-29-48COMMON SENSE: Yesterday’s ruling by the Supreme Court, affirming 9-0 that President Trump has the authority to impose a travel ban, is being heralded as a great victory for the administration. Reversing the 9th District, even the most liberal judges on the Supreme Court recognized that it is the President’s responsibility to do what he thinks best to keep us safe.
This was a victory for our Constitution, and the separation of powers, more than it was for Trump. To allow activist jurists to determine foreign policy is absurd and dangerous, which the Nutty Ninth should have recognized, but they didn’t. The decision by SCOTUS will not only helps Trump, but it will also help every future President.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: For decades, the encroachment of godless Progressivism has made uninterrupted gains in our nation, and Conservative Christians have been their primary target. This should be obvious, even to those who do not pay much attention to politics.

Starting in 2010, the tide began to change with the unseating of Speaker Pelosi. In 2016, with the election of Trump, the tide turned dramatically. Progressivism is being pushed back so decisively that the media and the Democrats will do anything to reverse the course and regain power. But each of their efforts, including the “Russian Collusion” narrative, have proven to be counterproductive.

Now, their connivance is coming back to bite them, and there will be noting they can do to stop it. Loretta Lynch is corrupt, which will lead to Hillary, and they have brought it all on themselves. The 2018 elections will be another disaster for the Democrats, and they don’t even realize it. Do I feel sorry for them? Hell No!

If you like the way I analyze things, buy Trump Nation at B&N, CBD, or Amazon.

—Jack Watts​

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COMMON SENSE: During the first 100 Days of the Trump administration, the strategy of the Democrats has been to obstruct everything he has done, regardless of what it is. The refusal to confirm Justice Gorsuch is a perfect example of refusing to support anything Trump does.
By putting up roadblocks everywhere, impeding Trump at every turn, the Democrats believe they can now boast that he hasn’t accomplished nearly as much as he promised he would. By refusing to cooperate, the Democrats now believe they can say Trump’s Presidency is a failure, even though there are 1361 days left. That’s how desperate they are to undermine his Presidency, and the Progressive media will follow suit.
But here is something Trump has accomplished that you will not see reported—not by anybody. Just 7% into his tenure, our allies trust us again, and our enemies fear us, which is the polar opposite of how they felt with Obama. This is a huge win for Trump, for America, for our allies, and for the rest of the Free World. It was a win that the obstructionists could not diminish or derail.
Link to “Creating Trump Nation:” http://tinyurl.com/buytrumpnation
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: A little thing is a little thing, but faithfulness with a little thing is a big thing. By being true to his word, by nominating a Conservative to the Supreme Court, which he promised to do, President Trump has demonstrated his faithfulness to us, and that’s a big deal.
Not only did he keep his promise, but Trump held firm with his commitment to Neil Gorsuch and the American people, despite the relentless hammering of the Democrats. Senator McConnell and the Republican majority deserve praise as well. The confirmation of Neil Gorsuch is a big win for the Rule of Law and for the Constitution.
When the chips were down, Trump kept his promise, and this is a big, big deal to those of us who believe in him—a Huuuuuge deal. It builds credibility and trust. Thank you, Mr. President.
Jack Wattssearch.jpg

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th-1COMMON SENSE: Weaponizing our intelligence agencies against American citizens is criminal behavior, no question about it. This is what police states do—not the home of the free and the land of the brave. Despite the nonsensical assurances of the mainstream media that this is a non-story, it most certainly is. It’s not going away, nor should it.
This wasn’t inadvertent spying either. As more evidence is uncovered each day, it’s clear this was a systematic effort to get as much information as possible on Candidate Trump and his team—all to gain leverage over him, if he won the election. When Trump did win, Susan Rice doubled down on President-Elect Trump and his team. Her “intelligence” reads like something a private eye would put together for a divorce case. She is corrupt, deceitful, and sleazy.
Her conduct cannot be allowed to stand, but Congressional inquiries will not get the job done; they never do. Attorney General Sessions needs to bring all of this before a grand jury, where Rice must be subpoenaed to testify. As National Security Advisor, Rice reported to President Obama. She needs to be asked about his involvement.
By the time the entire scope of this spying is uncovered, it will be a massive scandal—far worse than the IRS targeting Obama’s political opponents. Rice and Brennan are Flotsam and Jetsam for the true villain, but they will protect Obama, America’s Ursula, at all costs.
This discovery is a gift to the American people. By pulling the plug on this criminal espionage, it will be much easier to Drain the Swamp.
(Be a mensch and get my new book, “Creating Trump Nation”—http://tinyurl.com/buytrumpnation)
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Senator McConnell, go nuclear. Put an end to Senator Shumer’s petty obstructionism. Elections have consequences, according to Obama, and he was right. Trump won, and he gets his choice.

More than any other factor, Trump’s promise to appoint Constitutional Conservatives to the Supreme Court is what made millions of Americans vote for him. By naming Judge Gorsuch, President Trump has kept his promise to the American people in an outstanding way. Now, the Senate must confirm Gorsuch.
I don’t care what Chuck Shumer wants. Confirm Gorsuch this week—period. After that, someone needs to check Justice Ginsberg’s blood alcohol levels when she is sitting on the bench. Being an active out-of-control alcoholic, she needs to retire. When that happens, it will really hit the fan.
Jack Watts

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search-1.jpgCOMMON SENSE: Many of the current issues, like repealing and replacing ObamaCare, are complex and not easy to understand. Other issues, like confirming Judge Neil Gorsuch, are easily comprehended. You have seen him and listened to how fair-minded and articulate he is. Brilliant, he is the epitome of what a judge should be.
Yet, Minority Leader Chuck Shumer intends to filibuster Gorsuch’s nomination—not because he isn’t qualified, but because the Democrats do not want President Trump to have a judge on the Supreme Court. Schumer’s strategy is simple to understand, and it demonstrates the Democrats’ singular purpose—to impede and obstruct anything and everything President Trump does. It doesn’t seem like they will do anything to move this country forward.
So be it. Millions of people made their decision to vote for Trump because they wanted him to appoint Conservative Justices, and he has kept his promise. Gorsuch must be confirmed, and we must all remember how vicious and mean-spirited the Democrats have been. In 2018, there are many Democrats up for reelection from Red States. We need to oppose every one of them.
Jack Watts

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la-na-trump-news-conference-scene-20170111.jpgCOMMON SENSE: What was the purpose of today’s news conference? Nobody in the media has gotten it right; that’s for sure. All they are saying is President Trump is unhinged and thin skinned, which shows they are clueless about his intent.
Trump’s purpose was to let us know—the American people—that he was still in charge and everything was going along smoothly. He wanted to reassure us that all is well, and he did. Because we have had nothing but constant naysaying by the press, many of President’s supporters have become concerned and apprehensive. So, what did Trump do? He came out swinging, which effectively allayed the concerns of his base, letting us know he is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Well played, Mr. President, well played.
Jack Watts

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neil-gorsuch-donald-trump-supreme-court-nominee-09COMMON SENSE: It makes no difference that Judge Neil Gorsuch is a fine man and definitely qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice. He will be vilified by the Democrats because that’s what they do. Bearing false witness is their specialty. Being smart is ours.
Judge Gorsuch needs sixty votes for confirmation, which means eight Democrats will need to vote for him. Obtaining these votes may seem like an insurmountable task, but it isn’t. In 2018, there will be ten Democrats up for reelection from states Trump won—some quite handily.
These men and women cannot be reelected if they are obstructionists to the Trump agenda. They will vote to confirm Judge Gorsuch, if we put pressure on them. Here is the list of Democrats who are at risk:
—Bill Nelson, FL
—Joe Donnelley, IN
—Debbie Stebenow, MI
—Claire McCaskill, MO
—Joe Tester, MT
—Heidi Heitcamp, ND
—Sherrod Brown, OH
—Bob Casey, Jr,. PA
—Joe Manchin, WV
—Tammy Baldwin, WI
Controlling the Supreme Court is essential to Make America Great Again, so it’s up to us to make certain these susceptible Democrats see the wisdom in voting to sustain Judge Gorsuch. Start putting pressure on them now. Find ways to do it.
Jack Watts

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