
Archive for the ‘Antonin Scalia’ Category


COMMON SENSE: A little thing is a little thing, but faithfulness with a little thing is a big thing. By being true to his word, by nominating a Conservative to the Supreme Court, which he promised to do, President Trump has demonstrated his faithfulness to us, and that’s a big deal.
Not only did he keep his promise, but Trump held firm with his commitment to Neil Gorsuch and the American people, despite the relentless hammering of the Democrats. Senator McConnell and the Republican majority deserve praise as well. The confirmation of Neil Gorsuch is a big win for the Rule of Law and for the Constitution.
When the chips were down, Trump kept his promise, and this is a big, big deal to those of us who believe in him—a Huuuuuge deal. It builds credibility and trust. Thank you, Mr. President.
Jack Wattssearch.jpg

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COMMON SENSE: Senator McConnell, go nuclear. Put an end to Senator Shumer’s petty obstructionism. Elections have consequences, according to Obama, and he was right. Trump won, and he gets his choice.

More than any other factor, Trump’s promise to appoint Constitutional Conservatives to the Supreme Court is what made millions of Americans vote for him. By naming Judge Gorsuch, President Trump has kept his promise to the American people in an outstanding way. Now, the Senate must confirm Gorsuch.
I don’t care what Chuck Shumer wants. Confirm Gorsuch this week—period. After that, someone needs to check Justice Ginsberg’s blood alcohol levels when she is sitting on the bench. Being an active out-of-control alcoholic, she needs to retire. When that happens, it will really hit the fan.
Jack Watts

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neil-gorsuch-donald-trump-supreme-court-nominee-09COMMON SENSE: It makes no difference that Judge Neil Gorsuch is a fine man and definitely qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice. He will be vilified by the Democrats because that’s what they do. Bearing false witness is their specialty. Being smart is ours.
Judge Gorsuch needs sixty votes for confirmation, which means eight Democrats will need to vote for him. Obtaining these votes may seem like an insurmountable task, but it isn’t. In 2018, there will be ten Democrats up for reelection from states Trump won—some quite handily.
These men and women cannot be reelected if they are obstructionists to the Trump agenda. They will vote to confirm Judge Gorsuch, if we put pressure on them. Here is the list of Democrats who are at risk:
—Bill Nelson, FL
—Joe Donnelley, IN
—Debbie Stebenow, MI
—Claire McCaskill, MO
—Joe Tester, MT
—Heidi Heitcamp, ND
—Sherrod Brown, OH
—Bob Casey, Jr,. PA
—Joe Manchin, WV
—Tammy Baldwin, WI
Controlling the Supreme Court is essential to Make America Great Again, so it’s up to us to make certain these susceptible Democrats see the wisdom in voting to sustain Judge Gorsuch. Start putting pressure on them now. Find ways to do it.
Jack Watts

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th-17COMMON SENSE: Today, President Obama went to great lengths to endorse Hillary Clinton, going so far as to have a musical score backing up his scripted message. This means that Donald Trump is not only facing Hillary, but he is also facing her husband and the sitting President. Essentially, Trump is running against “The Unholy Trinity of Depravity.”
There is nothing these Evil people will not do to retain power—count on it. Based purely on her record, Hillary shouldn’t have a chance, but she might win. It isn’t just the Supreme Court that is at stake in this election; our entire way of life hangs in the balance. Because Hillary is corrupt, she will use every fraudulent trick in the book to ensure her victory. We must expect this and not be surprised when it happens. Hillary—who is a cancer on the soul of America—must be stopped by the voters.
Based on Obama’s endorsement, I do not believe he will permit her to be indicted, as she should be. Instead, he will do everything in his power, which is substantial, to protect her from being held accountable for her criminal actions. This means it is up to us, the American people, to repudiate her and her deceitful ways. We have the power to do it, but we must not lose our resolve. If we do, the nation we will leave to our heirs will not be the great one our forefathers bequeathed to us.

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COMMON SENSE: With the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, the 2016 Presidential Election has assumed seismic proportions. Not only will we choose the next President, but we will also determine the direction of the Supreme Court and leadership of the Senate. The House of Representatives is certain to remain in the hands of the Republicans.
Senator Mitch McConnell has vowed to not bring any Obama appointee to replace Scalia to the floor of the Senate for a vote. This is a strategy developed into an art form by Harry Reid (D-NV), when he was in charge of the Senate. He blocked every attempt by the Republican House of Representatives to dismantle Obamacare, among other things.
Mitch McConnell’s Republican strategy, which is no different than Reid’s for the Democrats, is certain to polarize each side further. When Reid was in charge, the Democrats loved what he did, but they don’t like what McConnell is committed to doing.
Crying foul, Democrats like Chuck Shumer, Hillary Clinton, and The Bern are saying that there are consequences to elections and that Obama has a right to appoint whomever he pleases, which he does. He can appoint whoever he pleases, but the Senate has an equal right to not vote on his appointment.
Using the same argument that Harry Reid and Obama used, when the Democrats controlled the Senate, Republicans should point out that the consequences of the latest election also have consequences. The Senate flipped from Democratic control, which means the new Senate has the right to Advise & Consent any way it chooses, including blocking any Lame-Duck appointment Obama makes.
With many more Republican seats at risk this election than Democrats, the Senate could flip back, further upping the ante for the 2016 election. The entire direction of the country is at stake. Leadership in all three branches of government is at stake, with the outcome clearly in doubt.
Will we continue to race toward the Socialist model that has proven to be so destructive to Western Europe, or will we return to the values of our forefathers, which made the United States the strongest and wealthiest nation in the history of the world. The answer will soon be in the hands of the American people, where it should be. My fervent prayer is that people of faith, who embrace traditional values, will turn out in abundance and choose wisely.

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COMMON SENSE: With the sudden death of Justice Antonin Scalia, the last active participant from the Reagan Revolution passed into history. Clearly the most brilliant mind on the High Court, with Scalia gone, the balance of power will shift, if an Obama appointment is sustained by the Senate. This simply cannot happen—period!
With a large Republican majority in the Senate, it is time for Senator Mitch McConnell to step up and make sure that a lame-duck Obama appointee is not confirmed. Let this appointment be made by the next President. If McConnell folds, which he has done often, we may have to endure aspects of Obama’s twisted Progressivism much longer than necessary.
Obviously, holding the Senate remains a high priority for returning America to its Constitutional foundations. We need a Justice committed to the Rule of Law. I do not believe that any Obama appointee will champion the values we hold dear, so brace yourself for a contentious fight over this crucial appointment. Remember, we are fighting for future generations, and it’s a battle we must not lose.

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