
Archive for the ‘Republican Primary’ Category

COMMON SENSE: Mr. President, for 7.5 years you have not spoken up about how Barack Obama has been systematically trying to destroy the United States of America. Now, after remaining silent for so long, you choose to be vocal—not about Obama’s disastrous policies or Hillary’s corruption—but about Donald Trump and your inability to support his nomination for President.
Maybe you were wise to not criticize Obama. If that’s true, then you would have been equally wise to continue remaining silent. You haven’t snubbed Trump as much as you have snubbed those who voted for you twice but are fed up with electing Campaign Conservatives—those who do not keep their promises to the American people once they have been elected.
Respectfully, Sir, I am very disappointed with you. Because of his age, I give your dad a pass.

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COMMON SENSE: Trump will win in November. He will be our next President and Commander-in-Chief. Count on it. Despite what all of the talking heads tell you to the contrary, they are wrong. I am right about this; trust me.
Here’s the reason why: Trump has the best political instincts I have ever seen—better than Reagan’s, Bill Clinton’s, or Barack Obama’s. Because I did not take Trump seriously at first, I didn’t see this, but it has become the most obvious characteristic of his campaign, once I started paying closer attention.
Hillary can’t think on her feet; Trump can. Hillary can’t pivot without massive scripting; Trump does this fluidly. Hillary, like her policies and thinking, is old and unsuccessful. Trump’s idea and style is new, innovative, and solidly anti-establishment.
Here are some of the things I think Trump should do in to enhance his position:
1. He should continue to stress how unfair the Democrats are being to Sanders by denying him equal distribution to their super-delegates, calling the system crooked and rigged. By doing this, it will continue to erode Hillary’s position with millennials. By the time Hillary gets the nomination, which is inevitable, there will be a gaping hole in the coalition that elected Obama twice.
2. Pick Rubio to be his V.P. Because Marco is liked and respected by both conservatives and RINOs, he can be indispensable in healing wounds with those who need to be in the Trump coalition. Once selected, send Marco to the Capitol to meet with Republican leaders. Then, turn him loose to get the Latino vote in FL, CA, NM, NY, and NJ—all states that will be in play.
3. Start naming people who will be considered for a Trump cabinet position, using the example of Christie as Attorney General, Carson as Surgeon General, etc. By beginning to surround himself with respected and talented people, using the Reagan model of being Chairman of the Board, tepid and tenuous supporters will become enthusiastic.
4. Drop several names as possible Supreme Court nominees, including Ted Cruz. Because Cruz’s supporters are all committed Constitutionalists, they will see the value of a Cruz appointment, and the #NeverTrump movement will melt like ice cream in July.

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COMMON SENSE: If I were advising Donald Trump, this is what I would tell him to do. After winning Indiana on Tuesday, which is going to happen, I would thank Ted Cruz for running a spirited campaign. Then, I would never mention him again. I wouldn’t even acknowledge Kasich.
I would shift all of my attention on Hillary, asking when the FBI’s criminal investigation about her server and foundation would be made public. Put the pressure on them to be forthcoming. Make them be defensive. Doing this would generate a lot of coverage, and there is no downside to it.
Within a week or two, I would select Marco Rubio to be my running mate. It would assuage the miffed feelings of many conservatives and establishment Republicans too. After picking him, I would turn him loose in CA, where his Spanish heritage is a real plus.
Once Trump gets to 1,237 delegates, which he will, I would allow Kasich to open up the Convention, since it’s in Cleveland. By doing all of these things, he can start the healing process, while simultaneously putting Crooked Hillary on the defensive.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I need to address something most people don’t understand. Both Bernie and John Kasich poll well because they have not been relentlessly attacked like Cruz and Trump have, especially Trump. Even Hillary has remained virtually untouched–so far at least.
Because neither The Bern nor Kasich have a chance of being nominated, they have remained free from attack ads. At the same time, because so many fear a Trump Presidency, he has received millions of dollars worth of attack ads. Naturally, his favorables will go down, while those who are not attacked tend to rise.
In a general election, all of this will change, however, and it will change fast—especially when the Super Pacs go after Hillary’s incompetence and corruption. So, don’t let the media influence you into abandoning your candidate. Remain strong and let the chips fall where they may.
—Jack Watts

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Jack at Kappa SigCOMMON SENSE: At my fraternity, Kappa Sigma, each year we held a “Pig Party.” On that evening, each brother would ask out a really ugly girl, bring her over to the fraternity house, and laugh at all of them behind their backs, secretly choosing the Queen. Although I never participated, I was a brother, so these were the kind of guys I associated with. Many fraternities did things like this—not just ours.
The brothers loved to mock these girls, who had no idea how badly they were being ridiculed. It was a terrible thing to do, but it illustrates an important point. In my analogy, Ted Cruz is the Ugly Girl who is being courted by the Republican Establishment.
Cruz is all smiles, believing he actually has gained the support of Washington D.C., RINOs, but he hasn’t. They are using him, mocking him behind his back, just waiting for the opportunity to humiliate him—dropping him like a hot potato. Sadly, like the unfortunate girls, who believed a handsome guy saw through the veneer of unattractiveness to their inner beauty, Cruz believes the Republican Establishment is embracing his candidacy. Just like the Pig Party, everything about it is deceptive.
Rather than bask in the false glow of this scam, Cruz would be much better served to make peace with Donald Trump, and via-se-versa. If the two men unite, which would require wisdom and discernment from both of them—a tall order—the RINOs would not be strong enough to accomplish their goal, which is to snatch the nomination away from both of them.
The only way for the Establishment to achieve its goal, which is to nominate Kasich or someone else, is for the Cruz and Trump to remain enmeshed in their adolescent squabbles. So far, just like my fraternity brothers, this nefarious RINO strategy is working, and they are laughing—just like the Kappa Sigs did at the ugly girls so many years ago.
—Jack Watts

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11149533_10153186046555748_2424552664195312802_n-1COMMON SENSE: Many have tried to explain the Trump phenomenon, but most are clueless. To begin with, you must understand the mindset of the American people. It’s isn’t anger and hatred they feel, as much as it is righteous indignation. There’s a —a big difference.
Trump has tapped into this. Call it the American spirit that demands righteousness, regardless of how it is achieved. It’s the “Frontier Thesis” of Frederick Jackson Turner for a new millennium. People who like Trump are not racists and bigots, as the liberal media would have you believe. His supporters are rugged individualists who demand not only personal freedom but also personal accountability.
For people like these, and there are millions of them, Trump is as heroic as John Wayne, with the snarly edge of Dirty Harry. His supporters loathe the sappy weakness of Progressives, every bit as much as they champion American exceptionalism. Trumpsters, because of the strength of their convictions, will not back down, when trouble arrises. Instead, like Dirty Harry, they head toward it.
How many rugged individualists are there in America, as compared to those who want something for nothing, I’m uncertain, but I do suspect there are enough to give Trump the Republican nomination on the 1st ballot. Even if Trump goes down to ignominious defeat, he has stirred something in the American consciousness—like Barry Goldwater did in 1964—and a new wave of patriotic strength is certain to emerge from it.

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COMMON SENSE: Bernie Sanders is wrong. Hillary Clinton is definitely qualified to be President of the United States. It isn’t that she is unqualified; it’s that she is unfit to serve. Pathologically deceitful and corrupt to the bone, she is untrustworthy at every level.
Because the fawning media has made Americans believe Hillary’s Presidency is inevitable, millions live in despair, believing we are doomed, but nothing could be further from the truth. She can’t even put away a 74-year-old Socialist, who isn’t even a Democrat.
Wait until she is nominated and her duplicity is revealed to the American people in one attack ad after the other. Americans may not understand the nuances of deception involved in selling our uranium to the Russians, but everybody will understand that, when she was First Lady, she stole $193,000 worth of dishes and silverware from the White House, when her husband’s term was over. Even Neanderthals will know that was theft—pure and simple. She didn’t rectify it until last year, just before announcing her candidacy. One more thing; we still don’t know what the FBI has discovered . . . but we will.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Why is John Kasich still in the race? Why is he still receiving as much attention as Donald Trump and Ted Cruz? Kasich has no chance of winning the nomination—not one in a million. Yet, he is still out there peddling his ideas—like he’s a viable candidate—and the media treats him like he’s still in the running.
He just doesn’t have enough integrity to bow out gracefully, that’s all. Bush, Rubio, Walker, and even Lindsey Graham had enough integrity to do so, but not Kasich.
If I were Trump or Cruz, I would demand that Kasich not be included in any debates or anything else. All Kasich wants to do is deny Trump the nomination and create a brokered convention—something the voters do not want. If anybody thinks Kasich is helping Cruz; think again. He isn’t. Kasich’s sleazy attempts to nullify the will of the voters should make all of us look at him like he has you-know-what on the soles of his shoes. That doesn’t smell very good, and neither does he.
Kasich, you have no following and should get out of the race—NOW!

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COMMON SENSE: In America, we do not have a more highly-valued belief than abiding by the will of the people, when they vote. I certainly do not like President Obama’s policies or beliefs, but he won the election. So, he is my President. This makes me the loyal opposition. The operative word is loyal. That’s how we operate in America.
In the GA primary, I voted for Cruz, but Trump won the state easily—just like he won TN and LA. He won these states fair and square. Yet, in TN and LA, the Republican establishment is trying to take his delegates away from him. That’s not right; it’s not American; and it’s as sleazy as something Bill and Hillary Clinton would do.
I am offended that the Republican establishment is unwilling to abide by this basic core value. The will of the people is for Trump, so he deserves all of the delegates he has earned. There is no right way to do a wrong thing. Depriving Trump of his due is unethical, and voters like me, who did not vote for him, will not stand for it.
EDIT: It’s the ethicality of disenfranchising the voters that offends me. It offends me for Bernie Sanders too. In the case of the Democrats, at least they are doing it up-front—not behind closed doors.

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COMMON SENSE: Despite the dramatic upsurge in power by ISIS, resulting in worldwide carnage, the Obama administration fully intends to empty GITMO—just to fulfill a campaign pledge to Hollywood’s Radical Left. This is not only foolhardy, but it also provides a clue as to why no Progressive can adequately lead the fight against global terrorism. Let me explain why.
Progressives—like Obama, Hillary, Kerry, and The Bern—do not see the world as it really is. They see it through the prism of their flawed ideology. Because Progressives are non-theistic, even if they have rudimentary god-consciousness, they cannot fathom how Islamic Jihadists think, which is in chiliastic terms. Radical Muslims believe in their 12th Caliphate as strongly as evangelicals believe in the Second Coming of Christ. Because the Progressive worldview is materialistic and not spiritual, however, they can’t understand those who have an entirely different perspective.
Consequently, the only answers Progressives have for the problem are based on what they know. Progressives believe Muslim unrest is caused by poverty and hopelessness. It’s because of global warming. Muslims don’t want to live in the hot desert. It’s because their population is exploding, and they need more room to grow and expand. They need to know we want to help them.
None of these answers are accurate. They have nothing to do with global Jihadism. Muslims are terrorists because it’s what Allah has commanded them to do—plain and simple. They are afraid of hell more than they are afraid of death, and your mortal enemies are Israel and the Great Satan—the USA.
If your worldview is Judeo-Christian, you may not like the Islamic perspective but you can understand it. If you are a Progressive, you cannot. For a Progressive, it simply doesn’t compute. Unfortunately, we are being led by Progressives who are incapable of understanding the seminal problem. Thus, they are incapable of defending us adequately against Radical Islam.
Hillary has proven she doesn’t have a clue about what motivates Muslims. As Secretary of State, she was a disaster. If she becomes Commander-in-Chief, ISIS will continue to grow, despite the Leftist rhetoric that consistently denies that it is. To defeat ISIS, you not only have to identify it correctly, but you also have to understand what motivates it to be convinced that wanton terrorism is a good thing. Why so few understand how simple this is is beyond me, but they don’t.

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