
Archive for the ‘Republican Primary’ Category



11149533_10153186046555748_2424552664195312802_n-1COMMON SENSE: Concerning terrorism, there is a fundamental difference between the way the Left sees it and how the Right does. Progressives—like Obama, Hillary, Kerry, and The Bern—believe we have caused Islamic people to hate us, which makes the lion’s share of the problem ours. So, what we need to do is make the lives of Radical Jihadists better. If we do, in time, the problem will solve itself. Be nice to them and they will eventually be nice to us. Besides, there are only a few who have been radicalized. The rest of Islam is peaceful.

Conservatives—like Trump, Cruz, Netanyahu, and others—believe that the problem originates with the way Islam views the world. Those who take the Koran literally—the Radical Jihadists—believe the USA is filled with infidels, making us the Great Satan. Therefore, by nature we are Evil and deserve to be the object of terror. Jews are even worse than us and need to be exterminated.

Conservatives believe the problem originates with the belief system of Muslims. Therefore, for a Conservative to make policies based on being nice to Jihadists would be viewed as cowardly, capitulating to Evil. The way to defeat Islamic terrorism is to identify it, call it what it is, and make policies aimed at defeating them militarily, sending them back to the Stone Age.

In this upcoming election, the choice Americans make will go a long way toward either solving the problem or making it worse. If you believe Muslims hate us for good reason, vote for Hillary or The Bern. They will govern in a similar way to Obama, which is to not deal with the problem effectively. If you think Radical Islam is Evil and needs to be defeated decisively, vote for Trump or Cruz. They will not coddle terrorists, and they recognize there is a fundamental problem with the belief system of Muslims.

The media and our feckless national leaders want to make this issue more complex than it is. It’s as simple as what I have just described. There’s a reason why they want to keep you confused. If we accept their version of reality as accurate, we will continue to be more passive than aggressive in confronting the problem, and that’s what they want. After all, America is responsible for causing all of the problems in the world. Everybody, other than ignorant Conservatives, realizes that.

Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Let me try and help you understand something that is very important. Politics is a Zero Sum Game. That means one person wins an election, while the other person loses it. There is no middle ground, no silver metal for second place, no consolation prize. It’s winner take all.
This is not only true for the candidates, it is also true for the electorate. Let me explain.
In November, there will be two viable choices for President. Most likely, the choices will be Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. You can vote for either one or the other, but there is no middle ground between the two. Abstaining from voting, based on antipathy toward either one, is still a vote in this Zero Sum Game. Not voting for one aids the other.
Not voting for Trump because of his many real or perceived flaws aids Clinton—period. To believe that not participating has some redeemable value is nonsense—not in a Zero Sum Game. If politics wasn’t a Zero Sum Game, taking such position would be fine, perhaps even noble, but since it is winner take all, it isn’t. It’s foolhardy—the position of a petulant child.
This is just as true for idealists on the Left as it is for Conservatives on the Right. For a millennial, who idealistically supports Sanders, to refuse to vote for Hillary, just because she’s a criminal, is tacit support for Trump. Every non-vote for her is a vote for Trump.
For supporters of other Republican candidates—like me—to sit out the election, refusing to vote for Trump, would provide support for Hillary. Each non-vote for him is a vote for her. Since her policies, character, and integrity are so egregious, in good conscience, I have no choice, other than to vote for Donald Trump. It’s the role I must play in this Zero Sum Game. I have to; it’s my responsibility as a citizen.

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COMMON SENSE: I’m getting a little tired of so many people bashing Donald Trump, saying that he would be “disastrous” as President. I don’t believe that for one minute. He certainly wasn’t my first choice, but I think he might prove to be a very good President, perhaps even an exceptional one. Here are the reasons why:
1. Trump is a winner—something most of the Establishment Republicans are not.
2. He is extraordinarily successful, parlaying $1 million into $10 billion. How many people have done that? We could use a lot more like him.
3. He knows his strengths, but more importantly, he knows his limitations. So, instead of micromanaging foreign policy or military strategy, for instance—like both Obama and Jimmy Carter have done—Trump is smart enough to function like the Chairman of the Board. All he has to do is give broad directives, leaving policy implementation to those who are already experts, which most Presidents aren’t wise enough to do.
4. The idea that he is unelectable is absurd. Hillary is a weak candidate. She’s shrill, angry, old, sick, and corrupt. Trump should beat her easily, and I believe he will. Remember, the FBI is still looming.
My choice has always been Cruz, because I’m a Constitutionalist, but I believe Trump will be our candidate. Rather than whine and become indignant, saying I will never vote for a man who makes outlandish statements, I choose to be an adult and do what is best for our nation, which means I will vote for Trump if he wins the nomination, regardless of what Mitt Romney or Eric Erickson say to the contrary. I suggest you do the same.

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COMMON SENSE: Kasich’s victory in Ohio has done one thing—muddy the waters, giving hope to the RINO Establishment—but that’s all. In most states, he has received less than 10 percent of the vote. With Rubio out, this race is between Trump and Cruz, with Kasich will be nothing more than a distraction, whining that he doesn’t receive more attention. He doesn’t receive it because, other than Ohio, he generates about as much enthusiasm as kissing a sibling.
Nevertheless, his victory has put a smile on Romney’s face, as the RINO oligarchy plots ways to disenfranchise the will of the people, which is either Trump or Cruz.

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