
Posts Tagged ‘State Department’

COMMON SENSE: Seddique Mateen, father of the Orlando killer, Omar Mateen, has been a guest at Obama’s White House and Hillary Clinton’s State Department. I wonder what they talked about?
The senior Mateen, a supporter of the Taliban, is standing behind the President’s podium in the White House Briefing Room.
Apparently, Mateen has been a frequent visitor to the nation’s Capitol. He has held meetings at Hillary’s State Department. Doesn’t this seem odd to you?.
Hillary Clinton killed a Department of Homeland Security investigation related to Omar Mateen’s mosque, the Islamic Center of Ft. Pierce—stopped the investigation dead in its tracks. She also made sure that the records were destroyed so that the case couldn’t be reopened.
Now, Omar Mateen’s wife, his accomplice has gone missing. But none of this seems to be newsworthy to the mainstream media, does it? All the press is interested in is using the attack to try and take away the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans. Hillary and Obama are using the massacre at Pulse to pound legitimate gun owners.
Why isn’t someone in authority taking a look at oddities like this? There is definitely something fishy here, isn’t there? This may well be our domestic Benghazi.
—Jack Watts

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