
Archive for the ‘RINOs’ Category

13936697_10210209248812453_1993330275_nCOMMON SENSE: Will the war between President Trump and the mainstream media ever abate, or will this be the new normal for the next four or eight years? Many people wonder. They are hopeful it will stop, but I do not believe it ever will. There are reasons why.
Both Trump and the media hold each other in mutual contempt, and they go back and forth doing their best to inflict punishing blows on each other—kind of like a couple going through a nasty divorce. But this part of the equation is easy to understand. Malice always is. So, let’s simply factor this variable out. It’s critically important, obviously, but there is a causal factor beneath it that is far more important.
Donald Trump has an entirely different worldview than those of the media. He is an unapologetic patriot who is committed to putting the interests of the United States above all others. He believes he is right, and he cannot understand or accept the validity of any other position. This is why he is loved and held in high esteem by millions. That he will never change is what makes Deplorables fiercely loyal to him, despite being rough around the edges.
The worldview for nearly all of the media is Progressivism, however, is antithetical to Nativism. Progressives do not see America as a City on a Hill for the world to emulate—far from it. They view the United States as a nation that has grown wealthy on the backs of slaves. To a Progressive, we are imperialists who have grown fat by robbing the world of its wealth, and it is high time we make amends for centuries of our criminal behavior. Progressive view reality through this prism. They consider Trump’s prism to be invalid, and via-se-versa.
So, everything President Trump does is viewed by the press as being counterproductive to establishing a New World Order, where there are no borders, and there are no deeply held patriotic views that disparage the oppressed. The god of Progressivism is the state. Those who adhere to a Judeo-Christian worldview are simpletons and fools—unfortunates who lack the intellectual capacity to evolve.
To Progressives, we are obscurants. They believe our Christian worldview is racist and must never prevail. To them, we are their intellectual inferiors and their mortal enemies. That we are in power is intolerable, and it is their duty to oppose our belief system.
Because Trump embraces our values at every turn, he must be de-legitimized and hounded out of office. The Progressives are crystal clear about their goal and their agenda. This is not going to change.
Christians, and other virtuous people, need to realize that the faith and values of our Founding Fathers is being assailed at every turn. We must stand strong, be vigilant, and continue to be high-minded. We must be fully-convinced that is is our duty to tack back our country.
So, the conflict is not just between Trump and the media, which will continue. It’s also between Progressivism and people of virtue. It’s a life-and-death conflict between the god of this world and Almighty God. It’s a moral war between Good and Evil.
Jack Watts

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hillary trump_4COMMON SENSE: Hillary Clinton has contempt for the Rule of law—shame on her. The Republican Establishment has equal contempt for the will of it’s party’s voters—shame on the Republican Establishment.
My original candidate was Sen. Cruz. When he quit, I shifted to Trump. The Republican elites refuse to do this. Dan Senor, a Bush/Romney/Paul Ryan hack, is behind the audio clip aimed at derailing Donald Trump. This makes Senor a Quisling in my book. If Ryan had anything to do with this underhanded plot, he needs to resign as Speaker of the House.
When Trump went up against Hillary Sunday night, he was simultaneously fighting a coup from within his own party. Yet, he stood tall and soundly trounced the Queen of Corruption. Fighting for us, the American people, Trump was Presidential. I don’t know about you, but I will proudly vote for him in November.
Jack Watts

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hillary trump_4.jpgCOMMON SENSE: It is immoral to support Donald J. Trump, according to the mainstream media. Only an ignorant bigot, someone devoid of compassion and basic human dignity, would even consider doing so. He is the champion of the ignorant, the vile, the uneducated, the obtuse, and nobody else. Worse, he definitely does not represent American values.
Relentlessly hammering this message home, reporters and anchors from the Left have been successful in their attempts to marginalize Donald Trump, painting the picture that he would be a destructive force for America. Unfortunately, some of Trump’s missteps have helped make this picture more plausible. This message, brilliantly elucidated, has had one purpose—to ensure that Trump will never be President. To these Leftists, objectivity in reporting is not nearly as important as destroying Trump in the eyes of the American people.
At the same time, our “objective media” has not said that a vote for Hillary Clinton would be the moral alternative. If any of them said this openly, because Hillary is deceitful and corrupt, which everybody knows, the media would lose their audience. Since she’s the only alternative, however, it’s obviously implied. It’s never stated though, which is strategically brilliant. All they have needed to do is discredit Trump. Having done so, support for Hillary, although reluctant, would be the inevitable alternative.
The only thing standing in the way of the media’s success is you. Are you smart enough to see through what they are doing? Are you wise enough to realize that their disapprobation of Trump has nothing to do with his policies? Are you plugged in enough to see that the media’s criticisms of Trump are actually true of Hillary? If so, then we may still save our great nation from the manipulations of these amoral, reprehensible Sophists.
—Jack Watts

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12647126_929269360475183_8664983865575063534_nCOMMON SENSE: If Donald trump suggested that Russia get involved in disclosing Hillary’s 30,000 missing emails a month ago, even in jest, I might have been as enraged as the Left-Wing Media. But that was before I knew the FBI and Department of Justice could be compromised. That was before I knew the “Fix” was in for Hillary, and she would not be indicted, regardless of how egregious her behavior has been.
Until I witnessed Hillary walk, when she should have been indicted, I was still foolish enough to believe in the Rule of Law. I also believed nobody was above the law, but that’s not true either.
I no longer believe either of these things because they are no longer true.
So, if Russia has the missing 30,000 emails, I hope they post them on Wikileaks—I really do. I love our nation, but I am appalled by the depth of corruption in the Obama administration. I’m equally offended by Hillary, her foundation, and establishment Republicans who willingly look the other way. I want them exposed—all of them, particularly the Queen of Corruption.
Hillary loves the darkness, rather than the light, because her deeds are Evil. If it takes Russia to expose her, then let it be. I want the truth—no matter what.
—Jack Watts

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thCOMMON SENSE: Although I have consistently written about the political corruption in the Capitol, I’m even surprised by how deep it goes. Not only has Hillary skated on her email server scandal—thanks to the FBI and DOJ—but now we learn about how the DNC has rigged the system to ensure she received the nomination. Adding insult to injury, many of the GOP’s most notable leaders actually favor Hillary over their own party’s nominee.
Trump is right. The system is rigged. There is only one thing that stands in the way of Evil’s complete triumph—you, the American voter. Will you sustain this massive assault against our core values, or will you rise up collectively, in righteous indignation, and say, “No!”
Will we coronate the Queen of Corruption, or will we put an end to her deceit and influence peddling? Will we sit by passively, as the values of our Founding Fathers are swept aside in favor of Progressive Socialism, or will we repudiate this Tsunami of Evil? Will we justify corruption, saying it’s always present, or will we insist that the Rule of Law make everybody accountable, as our founders envisioned?
The answers are yet to be determined, but we will soon know—that is, if the voting machines have not already been rigged.
—Jack Watts

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th-1COMMON SENSE: I believe Ted Cruz will endorse Donald Trump. He will do this because he said he would, and keeping his word to us is more important than anything to Senator Cruz. I do not expect Jeb Bush to keep his word. He has said that it would “violate his conscience” to vote for Trump, but what about us? He gave his word to us that he would support the nominee, didn’t he? He even signed a pledge that he has no intention of honoring.
Bush’s word doesn’t mean a damn thing. It’s not much better than Hillary’s. It’s also why he was a colossal failure in the primaries. His political carer is over, as it should be. We do not need people like him—those who speak out of both sides of their mouth. I feel the same way about Sen. Graham and Gov. Kasich.
If Cruz fails to come through, even though I voted for him, I will be equally critical. Trump is our nominee, and I intend to support him vigorously. I suggest you do the same thing.
—Jack Watts

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c2b9c0e6-e8c4-4c62-a0bd-8777944d29e4COMMON SENSE: The reemerging obsession with the O.J. Simpson case is very interesting. Like so many others, I can remember where I was, when the slow-speed chase happened and when the verdict was announced.
In many ways, that case reminds me of what is happening in our country today. When O.J. was acquitted, I was at the Varsity in Atlanta. All of the white people were stunned—shocked by such a miscarriage of justice, while the African-Americans cheered that he got off. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, they just wanted him to get off.
It’s the same thing in 2016. Our societal morality has declined so far that multiplied millions willingly support Hillary Clinton—the most corrupt politician in American history. Like O.J., they just don’t care what she has done or how badly she has violated her oath of office. They just want to see a woman win.
It’s the same with Obama. Fools by the millions excuse his deceit, his incompetence, and his loathing for the people he has sworn an oath to protect and defend. Progressives, blacks, gays, spineless Republicans, and those on the dole simply do not care that he has done everything in his considerable power to take the United States “down a notch or two.” Calling right wrong, while they champion the wisdom of foolishness, with smug, self-righteous grins on their faces, like lemming racing to their inevitable demise, they are systematically destroying the foundations of our nation that required centuries to build.
Equally at fault are many deluded Christians and Jews—those who should be able to discern this evil, but are too compromised to do so. It’s just like the Simpson trial. Just as I could not believe the verdict reached by O.J.’s jury, I cannot believe what I am seeing in America today. It’s heartbreaking. I grieve for the future of our beloved nation.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Every Presidential campaign has gaffes and shaky moments. It’s inevitable. The difference between successful candidates and unsuccessful ones is how they deal with these setbacks. In 2012, Governor Romney never recovered from his “47 percent” misstatement, as he fumbled away the election, never recovering. In 2008, however, Senator Obama was able to put the “God-Damn America” remarks of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright in the rearview mirror and get back on message, winning the election easily.
Now, in 2016, Trump’s terrible blunder about the Mexican judge threatens to derail him, or he can learn from it and use its lesson to make him stronger, wiser, and more Presidential. Trump is best when he is larger than life—not when he succumbs to petty squabbling. If he can get back to who he is, painting a hopeful picture for the future, as many are encouraging him to do, he has the opportunity to do something truly great for America. In his heart, I believe this is what he wants, but it is also very difficult for him to disengage from conflict, especially when he believes he has been treated unfairly.
Millions of us are rooting for him. He’s all we have. He’s our last, best hope to save us from being dominated by the depravity of Progressivism. If you haven’t prayed for Donald Trump, it’s time to get started.

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COMMON SENSE: Has Elizabeth Warren really become a surrogate for Hillary Clinton? Or, is something else going on?
I suspect Warren has come out swinging against Donald Trump, hoping to scalp him, because the Democratic Establishment, beginning with its leader, is concerned that the legal issues facing Hillary Clinton may make her candidacy untenable. If I am correct, and I believe I am, this means Barack Obama is manipulating things from behind the curtain, fully intent on taking Crooked Hillary down.
Remember, the Inspector General’s Report from the State Department came from the Obama administration—not a vast Right Wing Conspiracy. When you add the investigation of Governor Terry McCauliffe to the mix—a Clinton crony—a pattern is beginning to emerge. The FBI report about her email server will be next.
Pocahontas is not a friend of Hillary’s, and the Obama’s call the former Secretary of State, Hildabeast. I believe Obama secretly wants Hillary to go down, and he certainly has the power to make that happen. On the outside, Barack appears to be very supportive, but I do not believe he wants her to succeed him. At the same time, she has enough power to destroy Obama’s legacy. So, he has to be very careful about how he undermines her, which explains the emergence of Pocahontas, who has certainly gone off the reservation.
If I am right, more bad news about Hillary will be forthcoming before the California primary. If it does, “The Bern” will win the state, and that will change everything about Hillary’s viability. The Democrats cannot win the White House without California, and a Hillary loss will be depicted as putting the state in play for Trump. Her candidacy will collapse, including her Super Delegate support, but Bernie will not be the benefactor. Pocahontas, riding in on a pinto horse, will be tasked with doing that. A Native American will save the day for the Democrats, sparing the country from evil white men.
Stay tuned; the next few weeks should be a lot of fun.

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COMMON SENSE: This statement, which seems comical, is actually quite poignant. It reveals why the Western Democracies, including the USA, have been unable to combat al Qaeda and ISIS effectively, but the problem isn’t just with Bernie. It goes much deeper.
Essentially, Socialists and Progressives—people like Obama, Kerry, and Hillary—have a fundamental flaw in their belief system. According to their way of thinking, which features a materialistic worldview rather than a theistic one, there is something missing in the lives of terrorists. Therefore, the way to end terrorism is to discover what the problem is, and find a way to provide a solution.
One non-theistic interpretation of the problem is this: Because of climate change, the Middle East is becoming uninhabitable. The terrorists are simply trying to fight their way out of the desert to find more suitable surroundings. So, the answer isn’t to fight them; it’s to find them a better place to live.
Leaders in our State Department, and many others in Europe, actually believe nonsense like this is true. It’s what makes us as vulnerable as we are. Our greatest enemy isn’t Jihadism; it’s the flawed thinking of Progressives and Socialists.
At its core, Radical Islamic Terrorism is a theological problem. They want a worldwide Caliphate—one ushered in by the blood of Islamic martyrs. Until Sharia Law is universally accepted worldwide, they will not be satisfied. Because their traditional enemy, Israel, will never bow their knees and accept Allah as supreme, all Jews must die. The USA, the Great Satan, is next.
In 1492, when Columbus was discovering the New World, the Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, expelled all Muslims from Europe. Although history has not been kind to them for this, it’s becoming increasingly easier to understand why they did it, isn’t it?
Twice before, the Islamic assault on the West has been stopped in its tracks, sending these barbarians back to where they belong. This feat was accomplished by those who understood that the problem was actually a war of belief systems—Islam versus Judeo-Christianity. That hasn’t changed. It’s still the same fight, but the Progressives and Socialists don’t have the capacity to understand it. Because they cannot conceptualize in terms like this, they are incapable of resolving the problem. With Progressives leading us, we will never be safe.
Muslims Jihadists understand brute force and nothing else. Playing nice, and trying to understand them, doesn’t work. It never has, and it never will. It’s also the reason why electing Progressives is self-defeating. If you want to be safe, you have to elect people who understand the problem, and Hillary certainly isn’t one of them.
—Jack Watts

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