
Archive for the ‘Presidential Pardon’ Category

COMMON SENSE: Donald Trump will win in November. In fact, I predict he will win in a landslide similar to Reagan’s victory in 1980. Here’s the reason why.
Hillary, the consummate political insider, is not only corrupt, but she also lacks personal appeal. There’s nothing warm or inspiring about her, but here’s the larger issue. The states she is winning—her “Firewall”—are all Red States. She stopped The Bern’s momentum in the early primaries by winning South Carolina. Although this was heralded as a great victory for her, she has zero chance of winning South Carolina in the general election—just like she has zero chance of winning Alabama, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, or any other solid red state.
The Bern is winning most of the Blue States. So, the places where she has to do well against Trump, Hillary isn’t fairing well at all. The energy is all with Bernie—none of it is with her. With both Bernie and Trump articulating the same message—that the system is rigged to favor this unethical woman—those disaffected by this message will not embrace her. i doubt will Hillary will be able to turn things around, even with a Sanders endorsement.
To young voters—Bernie’s base—she is viewed as negatively as Trump supporter’s see her. Once the FBI’s investigation is complete, which is imminent, as she is not indicted by Obama’s DOJ, she will be universally castigated as Crooked Hillary—a name she richly deserves. Her credibility is shot. She might as well campaign by saying, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

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COMMON SENSE: When you are a Progressive, immutable truth does not exist; everything is relative. So, to Hillary Clinton, truth becomes what furthers her goals—nothing more, nothing less. With this as her standard, a criminal investigation into her illegal email server becomes a “security inquiry,” making it no big deal. It’s no big deal because this is how she defines it, but it is a big deal to FBI Director, James Comey. He flat-out said the Bureau was doing an investigation, not a security inquiry. By the way, the FBI only does criminal investigations. They do not do security inquiries.
Hillary Clinton is in hot water up to her neck, but she probably will not be held accountable for her reckless disregard of the law about her email server, or for her corruption in influence peddling, granting favors while Secretary of State, in exchange for donations for her charitable foundation.
The reason she will not be held accountable is because power is more highly valued than truth for Progressives. If Hillary was a Conservative, where truth and probity are highly valued, her base would have already evaporated, and they would be calling for her indictment. But Hillary is not a Conservative; she’s a Progressive. The rules for Progressives are different. Neither the Rule of Law nor the Constitution apply—only what works, meaning what gains and keeps power.
The bottom line is this: Hillary is guilty as sin, but the wages of sin is never death . . . not for a Progressive. She will never be held accountable for her criminal behavior—not by a Progressive administration. It’s up to the people to see that justice is served. By voting against her, we can repudiate her, and this is exactly what we should do.

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COMMON SENSE: A new Quinnipiac Poll shows Trump winning Ohio and just 1% behind Hillary Clinton in two other battleground states—Pennsylvania and Florida. In 2012, Obama beat Romney in the Electoral College by a decisive margin, 332 to 206. In 2016, if these three states that voted for Obama are flipped, the total would be—Trump 273, Clinton 265.
Since it takes 270 Electoral votes to win the White House, if every other state remains the same and these three key states are flipped, which is going to happen, Trump will be the next President of the United States.
As President, he will choose the judges for the Supreme Court and not Hillary Clinton. He will also be responsible for our economy and for ferreting out political corruption, including Hillary Clinton’s.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Frankly, I couldn’t care less who endorses Donald Trump or not. Endorsements from the establishment are counterproductive anyway. This cycle, they will have virtually no impact.
I am interested in who endorses Hillary Clinton though. There are the men and women who may be complicit in her corruption, when she was allegedly was influence peddling, while being Secretary of State. I’ll even be more interested in who President Obama pardons his last week in office. I’m interested in both of these lists. I’ll bet Obama’s list of those being pardoned is the largest in American history.

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COMMON SENSE: Hillary Clinton consistently refers to the probe into her email scandal as a “Security Review,” but the FBI does not do Security Reviews. They do criminal investigations. For her to refer to this as a Security Review is nothing more than trying to deflect from reality for political purposes.
The FBI granted immunity from prosecution to Bryan Pagliano—the man who set her email server. To obtain immunity, Pagliano had to give up his 5th Amendment rights. What are those 5th Amendment rights? Among other things, it is the right to not self-incriminate himself. By accepting this immunity, Pagliano and his attorney have made a de facto admission that what he did was criminal. If it wasn’t criminal, he wouldn’t need immunity from prosecution, would he?
If what Pagliano did was criminal, which the DOJ and FBI verified by offering him immunity, then wouldn’t the person authorizing what he did also be guilty of criminal behavior? Obviously, the answer is yes. Hillary is behind this entire operation, which is a criminal investigation and, most assuredly, not a Security Review.
That the media does not connect the dots, like I have just done, shows that they are either incompetent or part of a vast Leftwing Conspiracy. Hillary guarantees that she will not be indicted. How can she do that? What does she know that we do not? And what is the involvement of the Obama administration in this? Will the Rule of Law prevail, or has a fix already been put in place? Can the Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, be compromised? Can the FBI? When will the criminal investigation be complete? Will justice ever be served?
Right now, there are far more questions than answers, but the truth will come out—rest assured of that. I just hope it does before the election in November. If not, Crooked Hillary may be able to pardon herself.

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COMMON SENSE: My advice to Bernie Sanders is the exact opposite of what I have suggested for Cruz and Kasich. Regardless of how substantial the lead Hillary has developed, Bernie should continue. The reason is an independent variable that the Republicans don’t have—an FBI investigation.
Despite the fix probably being set by Obama and Loretta Lynch to keep Hillary from being indicted, it will be difficult to keep 100 FBI agents silent about Crooked Hillary’s crimes. When they comes out, and they will, Bernie needs to be there to pick up the pieces. So, keep running, Bernie. You may end up being the nominee, after all.

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COMMON SENSE: Make no mistake about it—the most important issue of the 2016 Presidential Election is still out there. No, it’s not the War on Terror, unsustainable debt, or securing the border from illegal immigration. It concerns the Rule of Law. Will we be a nation where nobody is above the law, which has always been our tradition, or will some people be treated differently, remaining above the law?
Currently, there are 150 FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton’s unethical, corrupt, and illegal activities, while she served as Secretary of State. When they present their findings to Loretta Lynch, Obama’s Attorney General, and ask her to present them to a grand jury, the moment of truth will arrive.
At that point, the issue will become a political question. This is when President Obama will either rise to the occasion and do the right thing, or when he will refuse to abide by the Constitution and not allow the FBI’s findings to move forward.
At that precise moment, we will know where we are as a nation. Does the Rule of Law still apply to everyone or doesn’t it? Millions cynically believe Obama will disregard his Constitutional responsibilities, while millions more are so obtuse about what is happening, they will be clueless about the seriousness of the matter.
I hope Obama directs Loretta Lynch to allow the legal course to move forward. He could just stay out of it all together, but I have serious doubts that he could do that. If he refuses to allow justice to take its course, we will have a Constitutional crisis as serious as during the Watergate scandal. Perhaps Obama knows this and doesn’t want his legacy to be stained by such dishonor. Perhaps he doesn’t care. Only time will tell. Until that moment arrives, we will all remain in limbo about the defining issue in the next election.

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COMMON SENSE: Soon, the FBI will conclude its investigation of Hillary Clinton. When they do, they will ask that their findings be presented to a grand jury for indictment.
When this happens, President Obama may pardon Hillary, which he has the Constitutional authority to do, even before she is indicted. This will infuriate Conservatives but not Progressives. Hillary will not lose much support from her base. They do not care that she is a corrupt, duplicitous criminal. They will vote for her anyway because she supports give-away programs and legitimizing depravity. They recognize what is in their best interest.
On the other side, there are more than enough hard-working, God-fearing people to prevent Hillary from becoming our next President, but she will probably win the office anyway. That’s because millions of Christians are too noble, too pure, and too self-important to get their hands dirty in the messy business of voting for a candidate who is flawed.
The Democrats do it all the time. They have no problem voting for a criminal like Hillary, but Republicans seem to be incapable of uniting around anybody who has even the slightest flaw; and our next nominee has quite a few.
Instead of uniting to stop the common Evil, believers by the millions will wring their hands in despair, bemoaning the future of the nation, begging God to spare them, while they have it within their power to stop someone like Hillary dead in her tracks. They just won’t do it.
This year, the stakes are higher than ever. While Secretary of State, Hillary was responsible for selling American uranium to Russia, who in turn sold it to Iran. Now, the Iranians are busy building nukes—thanks to Obama and John Kerry—intended for Tel Aviv and New York.
If Christians unite, Hillary can be stopped. We still have time to prevent our own destruction, but it will require the united efforts of all good men and women—not just a fraction of us.
Being passive in the face of Evil is to embrace it. It’s time to take our nation back from leaders who are not patriots. Be strong, be brave, and be willing to get your hands dirty for the greater good. Do it for your children, your grandchildren, and for those who have died to keep us free.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When former Obama Press Secretary, Jake Carney, said that President Obama wanted Hillary Clinton to win the White House, were you surprised? After all, the Clintons and Obamas hate each other. Michelle Obama calls her Hildabeast.
I wasn’t surprised at all. The reason is simple: With Hillary in the Oval Office, everything done in the darkness will never see the light of day. Thus, the Clintons and Obamas will continue to get away with evil, deceit, and corruption.
If Cruz, Trump, or Rubio become President, their deeds of darkness will be exposed to the light. So, Obama wants Hillary for good reason.

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COMMON SENSE: Hillary Clinton is fully aware of what the FBI is discovering. This is why she went to the Oval Office a few months ago and purportedly yelled at President Obama, “Call off your f—– dogs, Barack,” she hissed.
Shaken, the President had to gather himself before telling his former Secretary-of-State that she shouldn’t have done what she did.
Now, while the FBI is making a case against Hillary, Obama has her in the palm of his hand—exactly where he wants her. He has it within his power to crush her or absolve her, which is very appealing to anyone with a narcissistic personality disorder.
Nevertheless, whatever he decides has a downside to it—one he does not like. If he pardons her, which is within his Constitutional authority to do—even before indictment, the outrage will be deafening, and his legacy will be tarnished forever. If he lets her take the fall, the Clintons will do everything within their considerable power to take the President down with them. At bare minimum, they can hurt him badly.
So, what will he do? In my opinion, which few share, he will let Hillary be indicted. Here’s the reason: Obama does not want anything Hillary can accomplish to supersede his great accomplishments, so he will not let her be the next President. His narcissism will trump every other consideration, which means he will allow a Republican to become the next President. He will do this, rather than have anyone, especially Hillary, be seen more favorably by Progressives than he is. By doing this, he will forever remain the champion of the Far Left, which will satisfy his depraved craving for perpetual adulation.

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