
Archive for the ‘GITMO’ Category

COMMON SENSE: President Obama, our consummate dilettante, is now lecturing Donald Trump about how serious the office of the Presidency is. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
If you’ll remember, Obama is the Commander-in-Chief who has skipped more than half of his daily National Security Briefings each and every year he has been in office, while the threat of ISIS has continued to grow. Obama is so serious about his job that he was on the golf course eight minutes after informing the American people about James Foley’s beheading in 2014. How can the admonitions of a President like this be taken seriously?
Far worse, we still don’t know what he was doing, when the Consulate in Benghazi was attacked, and we still don’t have satisfactory answers about why help was never sent to save our men. But we do know what he did the day after, don’t we? He flew to Las Vegas to party with Beyonce. To Obama, that was more important than doing his job.
Obama incompetence and lackadaisical ways are well documented. That the fawning press refuses to call him on it isn’t surprising, but I’m calling him on it now. You have been a disgrace, Mr. President, and you need to keep your mouth shut.

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COMMON SENSE: At this time in 1980, I was finishing my course work for my Ph.D. in Political Science at Emory University. Ronald Reagan was close to becoming the Republican nominee. All of my professors at Emory were thrilled by this, because the polls showed that Jimmy Carter, Georgia’s own, would destroy Reagan in the general election.
At the time, I believed my professors were right, but I didn’t allow that to stop me. I loved my nation more—still do. Consequently, I decided to tell everybody I met, while selling fashion shoes part-time at I. Miller, about why Reagan would be a better President than Carter. My professors continued to mock the people’s choice, and the Republican establishment lamented the insanity of its own supporters—just like now.
The rest is history, and it’s about to repeat itself. Our choice will be Trump or Hillary—Crooked Hillary. So, stop your whining, negative defeatism and make a commitment to get to work. We need to save this great nation of ours. It can be done, but it will take a monumental effort to do so.

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COMMON SENSE: President Obama, sporting a contemptuous, condescending sneer, lectured Donald Trump about foreign policy yesterday. After all, foreign policy is our Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning President’s strong suit, isn’t it?
It should be, but it isn’t. Despite the predictable fawning adulation of the media, who desperately try to spin reality to make Obama look good, his foreign policy has been such a colossal failure that he actually makes Jimmy Carter’s record of ineptitude look good.
For example:
—Along with his toady, Hillary Clinton, Obama hit the “Reset Button” with Russia, but he never saw Russia’s annex of the Crimea or invasion of Ukraine coming, did he? Of course he didn’t. Yet, he mocked Mitt Romney—just like Trump—for even suggesting Russia might be contemplating aggression. In Eastern Europe, Obama has been clueless.
—Obama backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, calling them reformers. What was the end result of this mistake? Obama destabilized Egypt—a strong and dependable ally of America for the last forty years.
—Obama, along with Hillary Clinton, undermined Muammar Gaddafi, destabilizing Libya. This ended with the massacre in Benghazi, which our profound Commander-in-Chief blamed on a You Tube video clip—all to ensure his reelection.
—Obama told us that he has won the war on terror, and ISIS was nothing more than a JV team, which it certainly is not.
—Obama drew a “Red Line” with Syria, concerning chemical warfare, which he refused to back up, letting our enemies know how weak and spineless he is.
—Obama, along with John Kerry, negotiated a deal with Iran over nuclear weapons that will allow the world’s leading sponsor of terror to obtain nukes with impunity. Of all of his failures, this is the most egregious, and may lead to World War III or Armageddon.
Obama’s failures are astounding. Yet, he has the audacity to lecture Trump and others. As a result on Obama’s failed leadership, our enemies do not fear us, and our allies do not trust us. While Brussels burned, Obama danced the Tango, which he couldn’t do right either.

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COMMON SENSE: Despite the dramatic upsurge in power by ISIS, resulting in worldwide carnage, the Obama administration fully intends to empty GITMO—just to fulfill a campaign pledge to Hollywood’s Radical Left. This is not only foolhardy, but it also provides a clue as to why no Progressive can adequately lead the fight against global terrorism. Let me explain why.
Progressives—like Obama, Hillary, Kerry, and The Bern—do not see the world as it really is. They see it through the prism of their flawed ideology. Because Progressives are non-theistic, even if they have rudimentary god-consciousness, they cannot fathom how Islamic Jihadists think, which is in chiliastic terms. Radical Muslims believe in their 12th Caliphate as strongly as evangelicals believe in the Second Coming of Christ. Because the Progressive worldview is materialistic and not spiritual, however, they can’t understand those who have an entirely different perspective.
Consequently, the only answers Progressives have for the problem are based on what they know. Progressives believe Muslim unrest is caused by poverty and hopelessness. It’s because of global warming. Muslims don’t want to live in the hot desert. It’s because their population is exploding, and they need more room to grow and expand. They need to know we want to help them.
None of these answers are accurate. They have nothing to do with global Jihadism. Muslims are terrorists because it’s what Allah has commanded them to do—plain and simple. They are afraid of hell more than they are afraid of death, and your mortal enemies are Israel and the Great Satan—the USA.
If your worldview is Judeo-Christian, you may not like the Islamic perspective but you can understand it. If you are a Progressive, you cannot. For a Progressive, it simply doesn’t compute. Unfortunately, we are being led by Progressives who are incapable of understanding the seminal problem. Thus, they are incapable of defending us adequately against Radical Islam.
Hillary has proven she doesn’t have a clue about what motivates Muslims. As Secretary of State, she was a disaster. If she becomes Commander-in-Chief, ISIS will continue to grow, despite the Leftist rhetoric that consistently denies that it is. To defeat ISIS, you not only have to identify it correctly, but you also have to understand what motivates it to be convinced that wanton terrorism is a good thing. Why so few understand how simple this is is beyond me, but they don’t.

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COMMON SENSE: In an intense Presidential Election Cycle, it’s important to differentiate between what is important and what is less than important. If you don’t, you will be captivated by all sorts of trivial things that will throw you into meaningless frenzies. Here are some things that are important:
1. We are over $19 trillion in debt—half of it from Obama. Who can change the dynamics so that we will once again be prosperous?
2. Our standing in the world has diminished. Our friends don’t trust us, and our enemies don’t fear us. Who has the capacity to strengthen the military and be an effective Commander-in-Chief?
3. Millions of Radical Islamic Jihadists believe the USA is the Great Satan and want to behead us. Who is strong enough to identify the problem accurately, confront it head-on, and destroy this threat?
4. Our Southern border is a joke. More illegals are coming through this year than ever before. Who will change this?
5. Our healthcare system, once the envy of the world, has been purposefully destroyed. Who can fix it?
6. Currently, 93 million people are out of the workforce. Who can create jobs and not just talk about it?
These are important questions. The following issues are not:
1. Who has the biggest ears, smallest hands, etc?
2. Who has ties to Goldman-Sachs?
3. Whose wife would make the best First Lady?
4. Who do the polls say has the best chance of beating Hillary?
5. Another 1,000 idiotic questions like these.
Keep your eye on the balls, y’all, and everything else will work out. Hillary is vulnerable. The only way she can win is if we continue to self-destruct. This is why I write COMMON SENSE. My hope is that people will use common sense, rather than get caught up in meaningless minutia.

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COMMON SENSE: When former Obama Press Secretary, Jake Carney, said that President Obama wanted Hillary Clinton to win the White House, were you surprised? After all, the Clintons and Obamas hate each other. Michelle Obama calls her Hildabeast.
I wasn’t surprised at all. The reason is simple: With Hillary in the Oval Office, everything done in the darkness will never see the light of day. Thus, the Clintons and Obamas will continue to get away with evil, deceit, and corruption.
If Cruz, Trump, or Rubio become President, their deeds of darkness will be exposed to the light. So, Obama wants Hillary for good reason.

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