
Posts Tagged ‘James Foley’

COMMON SENSE: President Obama, our consummate dilettante, is now lecturing Donald Trump about how serious the office of the Presidency is. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
If you’ll remember, Obama is the Commander-in-Chief who has skipped more than half of his daily National Security Briefings each and every year he has been in office, while the threat of ISIS has continued to grow. Obama is so serious about his job that he was on the golf course eight minutes after informing the American people about James Foley’s beheading in 2014. How can the admonitions of a President like this be taken seriously?
Far worse, we still don’t know what he was doing, when the Consulate in Benghazi was attacked, and we still don’t have satisfactory answers about why help was never sent to save our men. But we do know what he did the day after, don’t we? He flew to Las Vegas to party with Beyonce. To Obama, that was more important than doing his job.
Obama incompetence and lackadaisical ways are well documented. That the fawning press refuses to call him on it isn’t surprising, but I’m calling him on it now. You have been a disgrace, Mr. President, and you need to keep your mouth shut.

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