
Archive for the ‘Marco Rubio’ Category

COMMON SENSE: Let me calm your apprehensions about one thing: There will be no brokered convention. The reason is simple. Neither Romney nor any of the other RINOs have the power to make it happen. Let me explain why.
It’s no secret that the RINOs do not want Donald Trump to be President, but they loathe Ted Cruz just as much. To have a brokered convention, if Trump doesn’t get the 1,237 needed, the RINOs would have to cut a deal with Cruz—who will have the second largest total. To deny Cruz for the same reason, the RINOs would have to cut a deal with Trump.
Either way, despite the pitiful totals of Rubio and Kasich, one of the two anti-establishment candidates would be in the driver’s seat. It’s the only way the math will work, which means we are going to have a non-establishment candidate.
Now, for the sake of argument, let’s just say that neither Trump nor Cruz gets the 1,237 votes to win outright. Wouldn’t it be far more likely that Trump and Cruz would cut a deal between themselves, rather than let their mutual enemies—Romney and the RINOs—take away their delegates?
Trump and Cruz are very smart men. If Trump has the most delegates, he might say, “Ted, have your delegates vote for me, and I’ll appoint you to the Supreme Court, and you can influence the next generation.” If Cruz has the most, he might say, “Donald, have your delegates vote for me, and I’ll appoint you Secretary of Commerce, and you can make all the deals you want.”
So, let the talking heads on TV clammer about a brokered convention12705307_935976263137826_8333608501134058084_n, but know that is all it is—talk. In 2016, we are going to have a candidate the people want . . . Period!

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COMMON SENSE: In Saturday’s primaries, Marco Rubio’s presence was barely felt. He never even came close to the 20 percent threshold, which would have given him some proportional representation. He received:
LA 11.2%
KY 16.2
KS 16.7
ME 8.0
This is a pathetic showing, which is obvious to everybody other than Marco. It’s time for Rubio to show a little class and dignity, which has been sadly lacking from him in the last two weeks, and bow out of the race.
Marco made a strategic error—just like Jeb Bush did—when he chose to embrace the mantle of being the Republican Establishment candidate. In 2016, this is the kiss of death, which self-serving fools like Mitt Romney have failed to realize.
Why Kasich remains is a mystery, but neither he nor Marco have even a sliver of a chance to win the Republican nomination. They are making fools of themselves by continuing on with the cavalier bravado of Don Quixote jousting at windmills. Both Rubio and Kasich need to suspend their campaigns and let The Donald and Cruz slug it out. This may not be the will of the Establishment RINOs, but it is definitely the will of the voters. th

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COMMON SENSE: America has serious problems:
1. We are in debt by $19 trillion, which equates to $159,000 per taxpayer, while this administration continues to squander the accumulated wealth of generations.
2. We are losing the battle with terrorism, and this administration will not even call the enemy by its name—Radical Islamic Terrorism. Instead, it goes out of its way to denigrate Christianity, while extolling the non-existent virtues of Islam.
3. Our kids are in debt up to their eyeballs for college, but most can’t even name the Vice President of the United States. Plus, they can’t find jobs when they graduate.
4. The Democrats are about to nominate a woman who faces indictment for 2,100 security breaches while Secretary of State.
5. With this as a backdrop, the Republican candidates do little more than squabble among themselves about the size of you-know-what, just like middle schoolers, rather than address the mountain of issues facing this nation.
Enough is enough. It’s time for people of faith to stand strong and demand more from our leaders and our prospective leaders. Our future depends upon it!

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thCOMMON SENSE: For a long time, I considered Marco Rubio to be a suitable candidate, but I have become extremely tired of his incessant badgering. The only people who think he has a chance are career Republicans like Romney, who has done little more than make a fool of himself.
When a baseball team is underachieving, you fire the manager not the players. It’s the same in politics. Collectively, we are firing our RINO leaders, and they can’t stand it. Evidently, they prefer losing elections, rather than making bold new changes. This is why they hate Trump and Cruz—both of whom refuse to play by the establishment rules.
It’s a new day. Energy and momentum are on our side, and we will not be stopped. We are taking back our nation.

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COMMON SENSEth: I am for Ted Cruz. I’ve been very clear about this. Nevertheless, I am deeply offended by the way the Republican Establishment is trying to undermine the candidacy of Donald Trump. It is my hope that Cruz will prevail, but if he doesn’t and Trump wins the nomination, I will support Trump enthusiastically. The alternative, Hillary Clinton, would be worse than another four years of He-who-must-not-be-blamed.
Mitt Romney calling Trump a con and a fraud is untrue and ridiculous. It also says that we, the American people, are too stupid to know what’s best for us, which is really galling. Since we’ve had a steady diet of condescension from Obama for two terms, it isn’t something we are willing to have shoved down our throats again. If Romney had been as forceful about Obama in 2012, instead of weak and vacillating, he might have won the election.
One more thing: Rubio’s attempts to insult Trump remind me of a twelve-year-old trying to swear, but not knowing how to string the words together properly.

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COMMON SENSE: I see where Mitt Romney is scheduled to make a “Major Address” tomorrow. No doubt it will be to try and do something to stop either Trump or Cruz—the arch-enemies of the Republican Establishment. If Mitt had won the election, he might have something to say, but he didn’t. In fact, he snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Bob Dole and John McCain have also voiced their concerns, but neither of them ran successful campaigns either.
Here’s the thing: The political pundits have been consistently wrong this cycle. They don’t understand what’s going on, but having lost their power to influence and manipulate what happening, they don’t like it one bit. Too bad. Instead of standing up talking, they need to be sitting down listening, because the times . . . they are a changin’ . . .

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COMMON SENSE: I don’t care about the size of Trump’s hands, Rubio’s ears, or Cruz’s nose. What does concern me is focusing on such trivial nonsense may disaffect so many voters that Hillary Clinton, who is the epitome of deceitfulness and corruption, may become our next President.
Now that all of her deleted emails have been retrieved, we know that she lied about their content. More than 2,000 contained classified material, which she knew or should have known was a significant security breach. We simply cannot allow someone who is this unethical to become our next Commander-in-Chief. Her failure to do her duty reveals a pattern of behavior that is criminal. If Loretta Lynch, Obama’s Attorney General, brings Hillary’s conduct to a Grand Jury, the former Secretary of State will be indicted, as she should be.
The damage Hillary has done foreshadows how she would behave as President, and it is unacceptable. Therefore, I implore the Republican candidates to abandon their foolish body comparisons and focus on what is vital to our national interest—defeating Hillary Clinton.

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COMMON SENSE: Jeb Bush did the right thing getting out of the race. There was no way he was ever going to get traction—not in this election cycle. By dropping out, rather than prolonging the inevitable, he has done a great service to the country. Ben Carson and John Kasich, who trailed Bush in the SC Primary, should do the same thing. By obstinately refusing to face the inevitable—that neither have any chance of winning the nomination—they will be crowning Trump champion, when there are two better, more qualified candidates. Trump probably cannot beat Hillary or The Bern, but Cruz or Rubio can.
Why Carson and Kasich remain in the race is a mystery. The only explanation that makes sense is that both are enjoying the limelight, which is self-serving, rather than doing what they say they want to do, which is to serve the American people. Dr. Carson and Gov. Kasich, I implore you, drop out now, before the SEC Primaries. If Trump wins all of these states, which he is positioned to do because you will drain off precious percentage points, you will have accomplished precisely what you say you don’t want to do. And what will you have gained? Just an added ten days of attention. Is it worth it? I don’t think so.

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COMMON SENSE: At this time in 1980, when I was in my Ph.D. program at Emory University studying International Politics, all of my professors and fellow graduate students believed the United States was in irreversible decline. Our economy was stagnant; Iran was making a foul out of us by holding our Embassy staff hostage; and we were being led by an incompetent fool—Jimmy Carter. In other words, the situation then mirrors today’s situation quite well.
The Republican Presidential aspirants were bickering, and nobody thought a true conservative like Ronald Reagan, who was consistently described as a “Right-Wing Extremist,” could win the election. It was the opinion of the intellectual elite, in both the press and academia, that to nominate Reagan would hand the election to Carter, which is exactly what they wanted. After all, according to them, Carter had a more realistic viewpoint about America’s prospects for the future. Again, the situation then was a mirror of what we are being told by the intellectuals and Left-Wing media today. They do not believe a true conservative can win the White House, or more accurately, they don’t want one to be victorious.
They were wrong then—just as they are wrong now. Reagan was a principled Conservative—a man who ushered in an unprecedented era of prosperity as well as victory in the Cold War. Today, we have at least two candidates capable of doing similar things. Do not believe those who say this isn’t possible.
Just as in 1980, when the American people had had enough of incompetence, whining defeatism, and an entitlement mindset, Americans today are fed up with global retreat, a weakened military, corruption, mind-numbing waste, and the idea that America is in irreversible economic decline.
We have been a great nation and can be once again—but certainly not under the leadership of Hillary Clinton or The Bern. So, gird your minds for the battle that lies ahead, as we bow our collective knees to Almighty God and take back the country we love, restoring the values of our forefathers—none of whom were Progressives or Muslims.
My book, We Believe 

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COMMON SENSE: With the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, the 2016 Presidential Election has assumed seismic proportions. Not only will we choose the next President, but we will also determine the direction of the Supreme Court and leadership of the Senate. The House of Representatives is certain to remain in the hands of the Republicans.
Senator Mitch McConnell has vowed to not bring any Obama appointee to replace Scalia to the floor of the Senate for a vote. This is a strategy developed into an art form by Harry Reid (D-NV), when he was in charge of the Senate. He blocked every attempt by the Republican House of Representatives to dismantle Obamacare, among other things.
Mitch McConnell’s Republican strategy, which is no different than Reid’s for the Democrats, is certain to polarize each side further. When Reid was in charge, the Democrats loved what he did, but they don’t like what McConnell is committed to doing.
Crying foul, Democrats like Chuck Shumer, Hillary Clinton, and The Bern are saying that there are consequences to elections and that Obama has a right to appoint whomever he pleases, which he does. He can appoint whoever he pleases, but the Senate has an equal right to not vote on his appointment.
Using the same argument that Harry Reid and Obama used, when the Democrats controlled the Senate, Republicans should point out that the consequences of the latest election also have consequences. The Senate flipped from Democratic control, which means the new Senate has the right to Advise & Consent any way it chooses, including blocking any Lame-Duck appointment Obama makes.
With many more Republican seats at risk this election than Democrats, the Senate could flip back, further upping the ante for the 2016 election. The entire direction of the country is at stake. Leadership in all three branches of government is at stake, with the outcome clearly in doubt.
Will we continue to race toward the Socialist model that has proven to be so destructive to Western Europe, or will we return to the values of our forefathers, which made the United States the strongest and wealthiest nation in the history of the world. The answer will soon be in the hands of the American people, where it should be. My fervent prayer is that people of faith, who embrace traditional values, will turn out in abundance and choose wisely.

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