
Archive for the ‘Crooked Hillary’ Category

COMMON SENSE: This is strictly my opinion. It’s what I believe is true, but this is a “news story.” Last week, President Trump announced that he intended to end human trafficking, which is the sex-slave business. That he has begun to do this, which already includes over 200 arrests in Hollywood, is why there is such hatred for him. Those who love the darkness have been lashing out at a man who intends to expose them to the light.
If Hillary had won, there would have been no exposure. How can I be sure of that, you might ask? It’s because she shut down an investigation into an elite pedophile ring in State Department ranks in order to avoid scandal and protect the careers of high ranking officials and an ambassador, according to NBC News.
In my opinion, this is what is behind the efforts to unseat our President. If I’m right, a scandal of apocalyptic proportions is close to happening. For America to be truly great again, the depraved need to be exposed, prosecuted, and imprisoned. I will not let this go—count on it.

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COMMON SENSE: Michelle Obama famously said, “When they go low, we go high.” In practice, the Progressives do the exact opposite, of course, but her sentiment is accurate. We simply must maintain a standard of propriety that is laudable. If we do, we will be the winners.

On the other side, where there is virtually no moral compass, the level of animosity toward the President is the worst I have ever seen. Many people despised Nixon, and the level of animosity toward Clinton, after his Lewinsky affair, was intense, but nothing compared to the hatred toward Trump.
Hollywood celebrities are calling for his assassination, and they are doing so with impunity. This is not healthy for our nation, nor is it acceptable. At the same time, their shenanigans are counterproductive. As Machiavelli once said in “The Prince,” if you are going to “kill the King,” you only get one chance. If you miss, the king will get stronger.
This is what we are witnessing now. President Trump is getting stronger, and the character assassination of the Left is becoming increasingly ineffective. Because Trump is keeping his promises, unlike every other President since Reagan, Trump’s base is rock solid. His adversaries, by way of contrast, who spew their venom like hissing demons, have no message, no success, and no future.
Link to my book, “Creating Trump Nation,” for signed copy
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: For decades, the encroachment of godless Progressivism has made uninterrupted gains in our nation, and Conservative Christians have been their primary target. This should be obvious, even to those who do not pay much attention to politics.

Starting in 2010, the tide began to change with the unseating of Speaker Pelosi. In 2016, with the election of Trump, the tide turned dramatically. Progressivism is being pushed back so decisively that the media and the Democrats will do anything to reverse the course and regain power. But each of their efforts, including the “Russian Collusion” narrative, have proven to be counterproductive.

Now, their connivance is coming back to bite them, and there will be noting they can do to stop it. Loretta Lynch is corrupt, which will lead to Hillary, and they have brought it all on themselves. The 2018 elections will be another disaster for the Democrats, and they don’t even realize it. Do I feel sorry for them? Hell No!

If you like the way I analyze things, buy Trump Nation at B&N, CBD, or Amazon.

—Jack Watts​

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COMMON SENSE: If the best offense is a good defense, then it stands to reason the best defense is a strong offense. This has been the strategy of the Democrats ever since Donald Trump took office. By constantly attacking him, accusing him of phantom crimes without merit, followed by an equally groundless obstruction of justice investigation, their assault has effectively kept Trump from fulfilling his campaign promise to “Drain the Swamp.” By constantly having to defend himself, like a high school cheerleaders who has been falsely accused of “putting out,” Trump has been unable to mount an effective offense.
That’s about to change, and it originates from the false accusations levied against him by his enemies. Like the less popular girls who want to bring down a pretty cheerleader any way they can, the Democrats, especially Hillary, Loretta Lynch, and John Podesta, are about the get their comeuppance from an unexpected source.
Three members of the House Oversight Committee are calling for an investigation into former FBI Director James Comey. Representatives Jim Jordan (OH), Mark Meadows (NC), and Jody Hice (GA) have stated that Comey misled the American people last year when he agreed to then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s request that he call an investigation into Hillary Clinton a “matter” instead of an investigation. “He did it willfully. He did it intentionally. And he did it at the direction of Attorney General Loretta Lynch,” they have asserted.
Folks, the you-know-what is about to hit the fan, and it may well lead to the Swamp being drained.

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161534_100003471255753_672416768_nCOMMON SENSE: Having to face relentless daily attacks by the bitter mainstream media is the new normal for us. This is not going to change. Regardless of how successful President Trump’s agenda is, as long as he is President, he is going to be hounded by a hostile press. This will test his resolve, and it will test ours as well.
It will help to start thinking of Trump like Nehemiah, who rebuilt the wall to Jerusalem, while simultaneously having to ward off repeated attacks by his adversaries. Trump is having to do the same thing, which means we have to redouble our efforts to undergird his Presidency with prayer and immovable support. We must stand in the breach of the wall and fight with him to protect our nation from the Progressives.
The future of America depends on it. We must not allow the constant naysaying of the Progressives in the media to wear us down. Our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren are depending on us to remain faithful.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The Comey adventure has more twists than a season of “Fargo.”Having written extensively about the mishandling of the Clinton investigation in Creating Trump Nation, it is apparent to me that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used the power of her office to ensure Hillary Clinton was not indicted, as she should have been.

Since Lynch was promised that she would remain her position as Attorney General with a Clinton victory, Lynch’s actions were corrupt. This means Loretta Lynch is guilty of Obstruction of Justice—the exact crime the Democrats are trying to falsely charge President Trump with committing.
How ironic that the Democrat’s strategy of connivance has come back to haunt them, and that Comey—America’s Quisling—will inadvertently have orchestrated a major corruption investigation into the bowels of the Deep State. While trying to hurt Trump, Comey has actually expose Lynch, Hillary, and a slew of others to a criminal investigation.
Maybe Trump’s campaign slogan, “Lock her up,” will finally come to fruition. Let’s hope so. What’s that they say about Karma?
(CREATING TRUMP NATION deals with this subject numerous times. It’s available at B&N, Amazon, and here: http://mcgeeandme.net/books/creating-trump-nationdeplorables-on-facebook-like-me-won-the-white-house)

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th-4COMMN SENSE: Having taught government in high school and at Emory University, one of the things I like about the Comey/Trump conflict is how we are all learning a thing or two about Constitutional Law. The Left is accusing President Trump of Obstruction of Justice, but Harvard law Professor Alan Dershowitz says that simply is not true.
On CNN, Dershowitz, who is no Conservative said: “Trump could have told Comey, ‘You are commanded, you are directed, to drop the prosecution against Flynn.’ . . . He could’ve said to Comey, ‘Stop this investigation, I am now pardoning Flynn. That’s what President Bush did.” Dershowitz then cited the case of Caspar Weinberger, who was pardoned by George H.W. Bush before he could be tried in connection to the Iran-Contra scandal.
I understand that emotions are running high about this, but we must remember the Rule of Law is what will determine the outcome, not who can shout the loudest.

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COMMON SENSE: How can we prosecute Reality Winner and not prosecute James Comey? The answer is, we cant.

Comey, working on his FBI computer, on company time, while riding in his FBI limousine, wrote about his meeting in the Oval Office with the President of the United States. What he wrote is a work document, and it does not belong to him. He’s a lawyer; he knows that, or he should know it. Any private meeting with the President is classified by nature. This makes Comey’s willful, intentional act of leaking an FBI document to the New York Times a felony. It also makes his Law Professor friend at Columbia University an accomplice.
Foolishly, Comey has admitted his guilt before 200 million Americans, and he needs to spend 10 years in Leavenworth for his crime. Either that, or don’t press charges on a misguided but idealistic twenty-five-year-old. She had no concept of the consequences of her actions, Comey certainly did. His goal was to bring down the President, but that’s not going to happen. Let him think about that in a cell for the next ten years.
(If you like what I write, take a look at my new book, Creating Trump Nation)
Jack Watts

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th-1COMMON SENSE: Here are 10 things we have learned from former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony:
1. President Trump was never under investigation about Russia.
2. President Trump did not obstruct justice, despite his disgruntled former employees desire for this to be true.
3. President Trump did not collude with Russia.
4. Although they tried, Russia did not alter the election’s outcome.
5. President Trump wanted all “satellite” staffers, who were behaving illegally, to be caught, exposed, and prosecuted.
5. Comey, the former Director of the FBI, admitted to leaking at least one memo illegally.
6. Loretta Lynch pressured Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton, which is Obstruction of Justice.
7. Despite overwhelming evidence to indict Hillary, Comey chose not to pursue this. Why not?
8. Because they hate the President, CNN and other news outlets have been falsifying their coverage of this story the entire time.
9. No reasonable person can still believe President Trump has done anything criminal or worthy of impeachment.
10. The Russia narrative is now dead, although it will be pushed by the Progressives for quite a while longer.
It’s time to get back to work. It’s time to Make America Great Again.
Check out my book, Creating Trump Nation
Jack Watts

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12434698_10208354548806112_17676164_nCOMMON SENSE: The entire narrative of Trump’s collusion with Russia, now debunked, was carefully scripted to keep the President from achieving the goals he was elected to implement. Because the Progressives do not want to see the Trump agenda enacted, they would prefer to destroy the nation instead.

Led by John Podesta and Robby Mook from Hillary’s campaign, at least half of our nation has been seduced by false news stories. The Deep State, which includes former FBI Director Comey and nearly all of the mainstream media, has knowingly falsified information to destroy our President. What they have been doing is criminal, and they should be held to account for their crimes, especially Loretta Lynch and Hillary.

It’s time to fight back. Now that we know the truth, let us use it to set our nation free. We need to get back on track immediately. Let’s redouble our efforts to Make America Great Again.

I have been right about this all along, as “Creating Trump Nation” confirms:

—Jack Watts​

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