
Archive for the ‘Syrian Refugees’ Category




COMMON SENSE: Illegal immigrant households receive an average of $5,692 in federal welfare benefits every year. This is far more than the average American household family receiving assistance. On average, they receive $4,431, according to a new report on the cost of immigration released today by the Center for Immigration Studies.

Here’s my question: Why are we paying anything for the upkeep of illegals? Why are they our responsibility?


—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Pulling at the heartstrings of Progressives, other Leftists, and naive Christians, here is an impassioned plea from those of the Religion of Peace for help. To refuse aid to the destitute just seems wrong, doesn’t it? Of course it does . . . if you are a fool.
Look at the photo carefully. Where are the women? Where are the children? Where are the elderly? They aren’t there because these young men, who should be fighting for their own country, are not refugees. They are a Trojan Army, acting like a serpent, ready to strike at the infidels of the West, including us—the Great Satan.
That there are millions of fools in the Western Democracies is obvious. That these fools call us hateful for pointing out the truth about what is happening is regrettable, but it doesn’t make them right and us wrong. I’m all for rescuing cats and dogs, but I draw the line at rescuing snakes. I know the dangers that a rattlesnake presents.

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COMMON SENSE: President Obama doing the wave at a baseball game, sitting beside a ruthless dictator, conjures images of Nero fiddling while Rome burned. This isn’t the first time Obama has been in the wrong place at the wrong time, when terrorism has reared its ugly head, nor is it the worst. Playing golf ten minutes after speaking about Foley’s decapitation may have been more inappropriate, or perhaps it was Obama partying with Beyonce in Vegas the night after the Benghazi attack.
Such images of Obama being asleep at the wheel tell us a great deal about the man. If these attacks had been perpetrated upon Muslims by Christians or Jews, do you believe Obama would be so cavalier about them? I do not. His outrage would be palpable.
The reason Obama doesn’t take these assaults, and others like them, seriously is they do not fit into his narrative of reality. Consequently, he denies the gravity of what is happening by doing what he does best, having fun. At this point in his administration, being a lame-duck, he is more disengaged than ever, choosing to double-down on his core beliefs that Islam is a religion of Peace and that there is no reason to keep GITMO open. After all, we have won the War on Terror—at least according to the American version of Nero.

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COMMON SENSE: Although nearly everybody predicted Ted Cruz and Donald Trump would be among first candidates to drop out of the Republican race, they are the last two standing. (Mathematically, Kasich cannot win). There is a reason for this. Both have tapped into the deepest desires of Conservative, which isn’t fear but righteous indignation. That’s the good news.
Here’s the bad news. Yesterday, ISIS attacked Brussels—just like it attacked Paris four months ago. Watching this on TV, Americans are justifiably concerned. We need leadership, but we’re not getting it. Obama hasn’t provided any, and Hillary is incapable of doing so. This has left a vacuum both of the Republican contenders should have addressed.
Instead of being Presidential, however, the two of them are Tweeting nonsense about each other’s wives. How juvenile. How inappropriate. And how trivial. If either of you intend to be our Commander-in-Chief, act the part. Grow up! Man up! And take charge.

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COMMON SENSE: Despite the dramatic upsurge in power by ISIS, resulting in worldwide carnage, the Obama administration fully intends to empty GITMO—just to fulfill a campaign pledge to Hollywood’s Radical Left. This is not only foolhardy, but it also provides a clue as to why no Progressive can adequately lead the fight against global terrorism. Let me explain why.
Progressives—like Obama, Hillary, Kerry, and The Bern—do not see the world as it really is. They see it through the prism of their flawed ideology. Because Progressives are non-theistic, even if they have rudimentary god-consciousness, they cannot fathom how Islamic Jihadists think, which is in chiliastic terms. Radical Muslims believe in their 12th Caliphate as strongly as evangelicals believe in the Second Coming of Christ. Because the Progressive worldview is materialistic and not spiritual, however, they can’t understand those who have an entirely different perspective.
Consequently, the only answers Progressives have for the problem are based on what they know. Progressives believe Muslim unrest is caused by poverty and hopelessness. It’s because of global warming. Muslims don’t want to live in the hot desert. It’s because their population is exploding, and they need more room to grow and expand. They need to know we want to help them.
None of these answers are accurate. They have nothing to do with global Jihadism. Muslims are terrorists because it’s what Allah has commanded them to do—plain and simple. They are afraid of hell more than they are afraid of death, and your mortal enemies are Israel and the Great Satan—the USA.
If your worldview is Judeo-Christian, you may not like the Islamic perspective but you can understand it. If you are a Progressive, you cannot. For a Progressive, it simply doesn’t compute. Unfortunately, we are being led by Progressives who are incapable of understanding the seminal problem. Thus, they are incapable of defending us adequately against Radical Islam.
Hillary has proven she doesn’t have a clue about what motivates Muslims. As Secretary of State, she was a disaster. If she becomes Commander-in-Chief, ISIS will continue to grow, despite the Leftist rhetoric that consistently denies that it is. To defeat ISIS, you not only have to identify it correctly, but you also have to understand what motivates it to be convinced that wanton terrorism is a good thing. Why so few understand how simple this is is beyond me, but they don’t.

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11149533_10153186046555748_2424552664195312802_n-1COMMON SENSE: Concerning terrorism, there is a fundamental difference between the way the Left sees it and how the Right does. Progressives—like Obama, Hillary, Kerry, and The Bern—believe we have caused Islamic people to hate us, which makes the lion’s share of the problem ours. So, what we need to do is make the lives of Radical Jihadists better. If we do, in time, the problem will solve itself. Be nice to them and they will eventually be nice to us. Besides, there are only a few who have been radicalized. The rest of Islam is peaceful.

Conservatives—like Trump, Cruz, Netanyahu, and others—believe that the problem originates with the way Islam views the world. Those who take the Koran literally—the Radical Jihadists—believe the USA is filled with infidels, making us the Great Satan. Therefore, by nature we are Evil and deserve to be the object of terror. Jews are even worse than us and need to be exterminated.

Conservatives believe the problem originates with the belief system of Muslims. Therefore, for a Conservative to make policies based on being nice to Jihadists would be viewed as cowardly, capitulating to Evil. The way to defeat Islamic terrorism is to identify it, call it what it is, and make policies aimed at defeating them militarily, sending them back to the Stone Age.

In this upcoming election, the choice Americans make will go a long way toward either solving the problem or making it worse. If you believe Muslims hate us for good reason, vote for Hillary or The Bern. They will govern in a similar way to Obama, which is to not deal with the problem effectively. If you think Radical Islam is Evil and needs to be defeated decisively, vote for Trump or Cruz. They will not coddle terrorists, and they recognize there is a fundamental problem with the belief system of Muslims.

The media and our feckless national leaders want to make this issue more complex than it is. It’s as simple as what I have just described. There’s a reason why they want to keep you confused. If we accept their version of reality as accurate, we will continue to be more passive than aggressive in confronting the problem, and that’s what they want. After all, America is responsible for causing all of the problems in the world. Everybody, other than ignorant Conservatives, realizes that.

Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Remember this? It’s when Iran detained sailors from the US Navy earlier this year. When this happened, what was the response of the Obama administration? Secretary of State John Kerry thanked Iran for treating our sailors well. No kidding.
Is this the kind of leadership we want? Is this the kind of leadership we deserve?
Being we are the cause of all the problems in the world, according to Progressives like Hillary and The Bern, such treatment is what we deserve. Do you agree with them? I certainly don’t.
Because of Obama’s flawed worldview, implemented by Hillary and John Kerry, America is now in full retreat globally, which has destabilized the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and even Latin America.
If this is what you want, Hillary is your girl. If it isn’t, then stop fretting and get behind either Cruz or Trump—both of whom are committed to restoring the military to pre-Obama effectiveness.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In an intense Presidential Election Cycle, it’s important to differentiate between what is important and what is less than important. If you don’t, you will be captivated by all sorts of trivial things that will throw you into meaningless frenzies. Here are some things that are important:
1. We are over $19 trillion in debt—half of it from Obama. Who can change the dynamics so that we will once again be prosperous?
2. Our standing in the world has diminished. Our friends don’t trust us, and our enemies don’t fear us. Who has the capacity to strengthen the military and be an effective Commander-in-Chief?
3. Millions of Radical Islamic Jihadists believe the USA is the Great Satan and want to behead us. Who is strong enough to identify the problem accurately, confront it head-on, and destroy this threat?
4. Our Southern border is a joke. More illegals are coming through this year than ever before. Who will change this?
5. Our healthcare system, once the envy of the world, has been purposefully destroyed. Who can fix it?
6. Currently, 93 million people are out of the workforce. Who can create jobs and not just talk about it?
These are important questions. The following issues are not:
1. Who has the biggest ears, smallest hands, etc?
2. Who has ties to Goldman-Sachs?
3. Whose wife would make the best First Lady?
4. Who do the polls say has the best chance of beating Hillary?
5. Another 1,000 idiotic questions like these.
Keep your eye on the balls, y’all, and everything else will work out. Hillary is vulnerable. The only way she can win is if we continue to self-destruct. This is why I write COMMON SENSE. My hope is that people will use common sense, rather than get caught up in meaningless minutia.

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COMMON SENSE: I am not offended by Donald Trump’s profanity. I’m not. Of course, I did grow up in Boston, where cussing is an art form, but that’s a different story.
By using profanity, Trump has hit the hot button of America’s rage over the un-Constitutional excesses of the Obama administration, and the feckless weakness of the Republican establishment—Campaign Conservatives who talk-the-talk but are unwilling to stand up to He-who-must-not-be-blamed. I like what Donald Trump has been doing. It shows true courage and strong leadership.
On the campaign trail in SC, Trump’s opponents are concentrating on his profanity, while ignoring the real issues. Such pettiness may be exactly what Hillary Clinton needs to slide into the White House.
This Sunday, on 60 Minutes, CIA Director, John Brennan, will announce that ISIS has chemical weapons. Obviously, this is an important issue; it’s huge. So, while those trailing Trump continue to focus on minutia and trivialities, our mortal enemy, ISIS, is plotting ways to use chlorine and mustard gas. Their goal is to gas Assad, Israel, and the Great Satan—the USA.
Why not focus on the weakness of the Middle Eastern foreign policy of Obama/Clinton/Kerry instead of shushing Trump for being Trump? To the other candidates, if you want to be President, try being Presidential. Address the things that actually threaten the American people.

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COMMON SENSE: From the beginning, Jihad has been an integral part of Islam. That has never changed, and it never will. What has changed is this recent encroachment into Western society, which hasn’t happened since Ferdinand and Isabella expelled the Moors from Spain in 1492.
The idea that Islam is a “Religion of Peace” is a new concept, espoused by the Progressives and Leftists who routinely engage in historical revisionism. Islam has always expanded by the sword. This will never change either. What we have to decide, as a nation, is whether or not to allow people into America—who have no intention of assimilating in our great “melting pot”—like all of our ancestors once did. It’s as simple as that.
Should we permit people who consider the United States to be the “Great Satan” into our country? To not allow them entrance is a repudiation of our values—no question about it. But to allow them in is probably suicidal. For me, I say keep them out. It’s easier to deal with feeling guilty than it is to deal with a severed head, which is the intention of many who want in. Don’t kid yourself about this either.
—Jack Watts

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