
Archive for the ‘Catholicism’ Category

COMMON SENSE: I haven’t seen as much whining as this since I had three daughters under five-years-old. Get a grip, folks. In politics—just like life—you can’t have everything. Be thankful for what you do have, which includes these three things:

1. There are several great choices for President, not just one or none.

2. The Democrats are imploding. Hillary, being discredited daily, is unelectable. Bernie, the favorite of the idealists and the Hard Left, cannot win a general election.

3. This means we have a chance to do what we want . . . to save our beloved nation.

So, stop your cynical whining and nit-picking. Instead, bow your knee, and thank Almighty God that He is providing us with an opportunity to restore our nation to its historical traditions. Adopt a grateful heart instead of being so cynical. Remember, he fight is on, and it’s up to us to bring home a victory.

—Jack Watts​

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We come before You, with our knees bent.

In humility, we beseech You to intervene on our behalf.

We ask that You heal our land, and protect Your people

From our accursed leaders—from those who plot our destruction.

Like fools, we have entrusted our great nation

To a man without character—a man who is incapable

Of feeling remorse or compassion—a man devoid of conscience.


Through stealth and deception he has deceived the people,

Including many who have given their hearts to You.

Promising to be one thing, while scheming to be another,

This deceiver has ripped apart the foundation of America.

While feigning to have an abiding relationship with You,

He bows his knee to a strange god—one our Forefathers never knew.

This Man of Deception has enlisted avaricious jackals to do his bidding.

Greedily, they have squandered the wealth of generations past.

In their hearts, they believe it is their right to abuse the public trust.

Mocking the Rule of Law, they have given hearty approval to corruption.

Their insatiable thirst for wealth and power has produced

A burden of debt the American people can barely sustain.

Our leader hates Your Name. With contempt and disdain, he mocks You.

With a cunning mouth, he says he loves Your Chosen People,

While secretly arming Israel’s enemies with powerful weapons.

He champions those who plan a second Holocaust.


Lord, we know the man who leads us is Your enemy, so we will not be quiet.

We will not stand idly by and allow his malevolence to prevail,

But on our own, we are not strong enough to withstand his malice.

But with Your support, we will prevail and take our nation back.

As America enters its most perilous time since World War II,

We come before You, asking You to hear our plea for justice.

We acknowledge our faithlessness—our willful abandonment of Your will

But we have no choice other than to beseech You for help.

Nothing is too difficult for You. Rise up, Lord, and move in a mighty way.

Spare Your children from the wrath of those who curse Your name.

We ask this, in Your Precious Name, for ourselves and for future generations,


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COMMON SENSE: From the beginning, Jihad has been an integral part of Islam. That has never changed, and it never will. What has changed is this recent encroachment into Western society, which hasn’t happened since Ferdinand and Isabella expelled the Moors from Spain in 1492.
The idea that Islam is a “Religion of Peace” is a new concept, espoused by the Progressives and Leftists who routinely engage in historical revisionism. Islam has always expanded by the sword. This will never change either. What we have to decide, as a nation, is whether or not to allow people into America—who have no intention of assimilating in our great “melting pot”—like all of our ancestors once did. It’s as simple as that.
Should we permit people who consider the United States to be the “Great Satan” into our country? To not allow them entrance is a repudiation of our values—no question about it. But to allow them in is probably suicidal. For me, I say keep them out. It’s easier to deal with feeling guilty than it is to deal with a severed head, which is the intention of many who want in. Don’t kid yourself about this either.
—Jack Watts

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Because of my dismal personal record concerning marriage, I have remained silent about the 5-4 Supreme Court decision to recognize gay marriage throughout the land. Knowing how unpopular it would be to oppose the euphoria of the national hedonistic juggernaut, which is being championed by millions, I have not wanted to address this subject.

Nevertheless, my conscience will not allow me to remain silent. My experience has taught me that, when I feel this strongly about a subject, I often have words that are useful to others.

If those of you who are giddy about this decision believe people of faith will take this lying down, you are mistaken. If you believe you hold the moral high ground about what has happened, you don’t. You just think you do. If you think you can beat us into servitude by hammering us with your position, think again. None of this will happen.

We remain resolute. Those of us who believe marriage is defined as one man-one woman are stronger than you can possibly imagine. In referendums across the country, more than 50 million people have agreed with this position. In the 2012 Presidential election, Obama only received 59.9 million, so our numbers are legion.

Those who love this decision, which essentially redefines morality, believe the Court’s verdict is fair, but this is a very shortsighted view. If your moral compass has no due North, which Progressivism doesn’t, it is fair. Whatever is popular is right; whatever is unpopular is wrong. Buzz Feed, John Steward, and the whims of our electronic consciousness are defining our nation’s morality.

If your moral compass is based on the Judeo-Christian beliefs of our forefathers, however, right versus wrong isn’t a matter of public opinion. It is based on 5,000 years of heritage. When the radical GLBT assaults the institutions of Catholicism, Conservative Judaism and Evangelicalism, you will learn just how strong we are.

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