
Posts Tagged ‘United States’

Kirsten Powers, who is my favorite liberal, said, “The President tends to surround himself with people who suck up to him . . . ” She added, “I think he has a lot of Kool-Aid drinkers who think everything he does is right, and I think he needs to be able to have people there to confront him.”

Surrounding oneself with sycophants is a characteristic of a narcissist. In the three decades I spent working with the superstars of evangelicalism, I witnessed this type of behavior repeatedly. Narcissists crave adulation and cannot handle criticism, so it becomes the unspoken job of the leader’s staff you assuage their master’s ego. In evangelicalism, it led to the scandals of Bakker, Swaggert, and Robertson. In the Obama White House, it has led to the scandals of Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS, the VA, and much more.

Unfortunately, there is no way to deal with a narcissist effectively. All we can do is hope to weather the storm until Obama’s time in office has expired. Narcissists never change, and those who criticize them pay a heavy price for doing so.

Jack Watts

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When Barack Hussein Obama took the oath of office nearly six years ago, there was great anticipation about all that he would accomplish, as evidenced by the Nobel Peace Prize being given to him for what he was going to do. The Progressives were ecstatic, having won the White House. The intellectuals to the Left were certain Obama would fulfill their agenda and transform the world. For them, peace and prosperity were inevitable now that Obama was in charge.

But things haven’t worked out as anticipated, have they. Now, six years later under Obama, what do we have? We have:

—Massive debt, going from 10 trillion to 18 trillion.
—Our credit rating degraded twice.
—Allowed China to surpass us in GDP.
—ObamaCare, which is expensive and the people don’t want.
—Insulted our allies—Israel and the UK—while apologizing to our enemies.
—Dramatically and unnecessarily set back race relations.
—A government riddled with scandal, including the IRS, Fast & Furious, the VA, Benghazi, the EPA, and more.
—More graft and corruption at the federal level than we have had since Reconstruction.
—Allowed illegals to pour into our country, doing nothing to secure our borders.
—Degraded our military—just when we need it to be strong.

Obama, once considered the President of “Hope and Change,” has become an albatross, even to his own party. As the Senate is about to flip, Americans by the millions brace themselves for two more years of Obama’s ineptitude. His record, dismal as it is, speaks for itself. When people refer to him as the worst President in American history, they do so for good reason; he is.

Jack Watts

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A second healthcare worker at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas has tested positive for the Ebola virus. Evidently, President Obama’s assurances that it was “highly unlikely” Ebola would break out in the United States was inaccurate—kind of like “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” Meanwhile, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, President of the Black Grievance Industry, is encouraging Patient Zero’s family to sue because the West African’s death was because he was black, while the missionaries who survived were white.

Perhaps the two healthcare workers should sue Patient Zero’s family and President Obama for putting them at risk needlessly. That is, if the two healthcare workers survive.

Obama, whose name will forever be associated with Ebola, as it should be, doesn’t know what the hell he is doing. His incompetence in dealing with this terrifying disease couldn’t be clearer. He sends the 101st Airborne to West Africa to contain the disease, while simultaneously continuing to allow flights from that region to come to the United States, further exposing Americans. His strategy also puts our troops, who have no training in how to deal with Ebola, at risk. At the same time, Obama is still putting Americans at risk by allowing flights to continue. That few recognize this contradiction amazes me.

Obama’s strategy of leading from behind doesn’t work; nor does his policy of “don’t do stupid shit”—his words, not mine. Unfortunately, that ship has already sailed. Our great Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning-President is the Emperor who is wearing no clothes.

Obama took an oath to protect and defend us, and he isn’t doing it, is he? Although it’s late in the game, he can still do something positive. Name Dr. Ben Carson the Ebola Czar. We need a strong leader with medical knowledge to take charge, and Carson can do it. Of course, that will not happen, will it? But it is an idea that has merit.

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President Obama doesn’t have a coherent foreign policy—not in the traditional sense of having a specified purpose around which every decision is measured. From the end of World war II until the dismantling of the Soviet Union, our foreign policy has been one of containment. Every President, whether Democrat or Republican, accepted containment as America’s fundamental foreign policy goal.

The theory was this: Communism was monolithic and had to be checked everywhere it raised its ugly head. This included Indochina, which is why we became involved in the Vietnam War—a decision that made no sense for any other reason. As it turned out, nationalism was far stronger than the universalism of Communism. Unfortunately, our policy of containment didn’t recognize this, understand it for what it was, or take into consideration the reality of what was actually happening in the world.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, a proliferation of nations ensued, and we have not had a foreign policy that makes sense since the early 90s. By the way, the rise of nationalism has not been limited to Eastern Europe. It’s worldwide, including the vote of the Scots today to determine whether or not they will remain in the UK. The outcome of this plebiscite, which is a sign of the times, remains in doubt.

Without the Soviet Union as our primary enemy, we have struggled to have a coherent foreign policy. Because we are so much stronger than any other nation, or group of nations, we have been able to do this without much negative consequence—until now that is.

The times are changing. So far, we have failed to recognize this, let alone address reality coherently. On the horizon, the worldwide global domination of radical Islam has reared its ugly head, replacing Nazism and Fascism before the War and Communism after the war as the primary enemy of the western democracies.

As the undisputed leaders of the free world, we have not done well in confronting this encroaching Evil. In fact, our current administration, which mirrors the worldview of Barack Obama, has refused to even recognize the enemy for who it is. Additionally, the Obama regime also refuses to accept the Islamic goal of a worldwide Caliphate as being Islam’s true purpose, despite Jihadists repeatedly telling us this is what it is. Our failure to admit this truth is putting us at a terrible disadvantage. Some compare Obama’s responses to those of Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister who tried unsuccessfully to appease Adolph Hitler. Chamberlain’s failure to stop Hitler, when he could, led to World War II. Perhaps Obama’s naïveté will cost the world as much.

Similarly to the 1930s, America is filled with those who refuse to recognize the seriousness of what we are facing, including our Commander-in-Chief. He is making poorly thought out decisions and implementing policies against ISIS that cannot possibly succeed—not militarily anyway. Success on the international stage, however, is not Obama’s goal. His foreign policy is driven by his domestic agenda, which is to placate his Far Left power base, while also making a feeble effort to actually do his job. Proverbially, he is trying to serve two masters, which is a strategy that never works.

The basic problem is Obama’s flawed worldview, which refuses to accept Islam for what it is. Obama has consistently redefined Muslim atrocities in a desperate attempt to mitigate its true horror. At bare minimum, he’s sympathetic to Islam, favoring Islamic goals and ambitions that are diametrically opposed to the best interest of the United States. The results of his fecklessness and foolishness have been catastrophic. He has alienated our strongest allies, while arming our greatest foes. While pursuing his  imprudent agenda, he has been cheered by the Far Left and its sycophantic press corps.

Neither Obama nor his foreign policy will change, regardless of what happens. The reason is simple. His ideological beliefs are far stronger than his ability to see the reality of what is actually happening in the world. The best scenario we can hope for is to weather the storm for the two years he remains in power. I don’t even want to speculate about what the worst case scenario might be.

Jack Watts

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I like that President Obama makes his selections for the NCAA BAsketball Tournament each year. Like many, I make my selections as well, betting a lunch with my brother. Obama is picking Michigan State this year. I’m picking Florida. Picking the winners and losers is fun for millions of guys, and many women too. It’s a place where political differences cease to be important, which we all need.

Nevertheless, that our Commander-in-Chief has time to do this, but does not have time to attend his daily National Security Briefings is troubling. He is so busy he has skipped half of his briefings throughout his Presidency, including times of national crisis like the days before and after the attack on Benghazi, the Syrian crisis over the use of chemical weapons, and the current crisis in Ukraine.

Even worse, as our political influence in the world declines under his watch, he has surrounded himself with incompetent sycophants for advisers, while routinely snubbing our primary allies—the United Kingdom and Israel.

That he spends his time on the NCAA Brackets and not on American interests abroad is unacceptable. How anyone would think differently is beyond my comprehension.

Jack Watts

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There is a vast difference between what I believe is a scandal and what Progressives believe. In a recent interview, Bill Maher said that Benghazi wasn’t a real scandal. Apparently, it was just something concocted by the Republicans to embarrass President Obama and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. By the way Maher said it, to me it was obvious he believes what he said.

This didn’t anger me. Instead, it made me become more reflective. Out of my reflection came increased determination. Our job is to retake our nation from the Progressive Socialists, but it isn’t going to be easy. Nothing of great value in life ever is.

It does no good to lament where we are, bemoaning the way things used to be. Instead, we must become stronger in our convictions, while also becoming less strident, which is counterproductive. We can do this, but only through the strength of Holy Spirit of Almighty God. So, gird yourself for battle. This year, our goal is to retake the Senate, ending Harry Reid’s reign of injustice. In two years, it’s the White House.

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Make no mistake about it, the Progressives have seized the moral high ground. According to their thinking, they are the undisputed advocates of fairness in marriage and the unrelenting champions of women’s rights. Because of this, they are the only ones whose opinions are noble and praiseworthy. Theirs is the only enlightened perspective, and it’s also the only viewpoint that should be tolerated.

To offer a refutation, or to be critical of their wisdom in any way, is to invite character assassination and a stinging rebuke. Most who do not accept the Progressive worldview keep their opinions to themselves, refusing to do battle with this era’s Leviathan. Sadly, Christians have abdicated the moral high ground without putting up much of a fight.

Progressives are convinced history is on their side and the end result of their endeavors will produce a better society. It’s why they are militant in their unrelenting assault upon the institutions of our nation. That we thrived on them for more than two centuries is counterproductive to their cause. It’s why they continually engage in revisionist history.

The enemy of the Progressives is the Judeo-Christian worldview, along with its narrow, confining interpretation of God. To a Progressive, all roads lead to God. He or she can be whatever you want, according to Progressives. God is how you understand him to be—not how He defined Himself to be. To not believe He exists is fine too. It’s all okay, according to their pantheistic perspective.

Their worldview is founded on polls and the consensus of their spokespeople. A good example of this would be when President Barack Hussein Obama recently addressed Planned Parenthood, asking God to bless their endeavors. This pleased millions of Progressives. Bolstered by polls trending in their favor, an ever-increasing number of people embrace their beliefs. Giddy from success, Progressives believe they will remain in power from now on, and they will usher in their utopian society. Their god is on their side, but their god is not Almighty God.

Almighty God remains the same from age to age. His righteousness is constant, never changing. His standard doesn’t change either. He is who He says He is, and our understanding of Him comes from His revelation of Himself in the Scriptures, which is much different than the conjured god of the Progressives. That being said, let me ask you:

  • How does Almighty God describe anal intercourse between two men?
  • What would He have to say about normalizing pedophiles, calling them “child attracted”?
  • What would He have to say about those who use His name to champion the cause of infanticide?
  • What is His perspective about having strange gods before Him?

The answer to these questions is important. If you are a Child of the Light, can you sit on the sidelines while the Children of Darkness redefine what is right, calling it wrong? Millions of Christians voted for President Obama—some out of wilful deception, but most out of ignorance of who he really is. If you are one of them, it’s time to repent and stand for God’s Truth.

The Progressives maintain they are on the right side of history, but they most definitely are not on the right side of eternity. If you think the Progressives are too strong and their victory is inevitable, then your God is too small. It’s time to rise up and reclaim this great nation. which was founded to be a beacon on a  hill and a light to the world.

I will be talking about this on Jack Watts Live today at 5:30 EDT. To participate, call (347) 326-9949.

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I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.

Heretofore, our opposition to President Obama and his radical agenda has been ineffective at best. There’s a reason for that. We have not really been clear about who he really is and about exactly what his final goal for America has been. Because of this, concerning his agenda, many of us have picked and chosen what we will oppose and what we will accept, doing our best to not be completely negative.

Abhorring the criticism and contumacy that accompanies being vocal in our opposition, many have simply kept their opinions to themselves and their disagreements to a minimum. That is no longer an option. It’s a mindset that will ensure Obama’s plans are victorious.

The months ahead are certain to be precarious, as Obama’s goals become more widely known. The stage is set for an escalating battle for the heart and soul of this great nation. It’s a battle between the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness. By simply picking and choosing what we will oppose and what we will not, the False Messiah of the religion, Government Cures All, will win. It’s not his policies we must oppose; it’s his worldview—not just some of it—all of it.

When he ran for President the first time, Obama promised to fundamentally transform America. That’s a campaign promise he is keeping. As a false Messiah, President Obama talks about being transparent, but he loves the darkness, as do his followers, the Children of Darkness. When the Children of Light voice their opposition, the Children of Darkness denounce them, calling them “haters,” while accusing them of being racist and worse, just like the Prince of Darkness has done about believers before God since the dawn of time.

Once the Children of Light recognize the False Messiah for who he is, along with the Children of Darkness, false accusations will no longer work. Learning to recognize the truth about who Obama really is will be freeing you. Once that happens, your ability to stand strong and oppose him will become more effective. More than anything else, Obama fears the truth.

The stakes are high—the future of our great nation. Taking a line from Les Miserables, “Who will be strong and stand with me?” The battle is a spiritual, not just political. With that in mind, our victory cannot and will not come from our human efforts alone. Look to the Lord, and remember the power of His might is far greater than the power of the Prince of Darkness, the False Messiah, the Church of Government Cures All, and the Children of Darkness combined. We are well able to regain our nation, to return to being what Almighty God intends for us to be.

As the days and months continue, we will address each area of what needs to be done.

Jack Watts

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As I watch Christians across the land

Point critical fingers at the “liberals,”

Criticizing them for all the woes

And terrible consequences America now faces,

While never taking an honest look

At our role in our nation’s deterioration,

Which has been far greater than we care to acknowledge.

We fail to disclose how uncaring we have become,

Never admitting we have embraced a judgmental spirit,

Rather than steadfastly holding to Your desire for us

To remain the loving people You have called us to be.

We have failed by demanding materialism be Your will

And that we be the rightful beneficiaries of Your bounty.

We have fattened our wallets, disregarding Your mandate

To serve the poor and to encourage the less fortunate.

In our self-righteousness, while constantly blaming others,

We have ceased to be the salt of the earth.

Our light, which should shine brightly, has dimmed.

As we embrace indifference, waiting to be Raptured—

To be bailed out of our societal responsibilities by You—

We refuse to accept any sense of accountability.

We have failed and are to blame—nobody but us.

Like those we gleefully criticize, we have become expert

At faulting everybody other than ourselves.

Our character has atrophied; none of us are free from guilt.

We are all responsible, Father, each of us.

Although we refuse to admit the truth,

Preferring to live in denial, eagerly embracing a lie,

We have precipitated our own decline

And have endangered the future of all Americans.

Forgive us, Father, and restore our nation to wholeness.

Jack Watts   Real Prayers for Real People with Real Problems

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According to Klein Online—a reputable news source about the Middle East—Israel may be preparing a preemptive attack on Iran’s capacity to make offensive nuclear warheads. Klein wrote, “Multiple eyewitnesses reported seeing Israeli military trucks in recent days transport and station large missiles at the periphery of Jerusalem” in locations inside the West Bank.

Although there could be other explanations for the move, the action is unprecedented, and its timing is significant. The description of the missiles was consistent with the Israel’s mid-to-long range Jericho ballistic missiles, which easily have the capacity to reach Iran with pinpoint accuracy.

Does this mean an attack on Iran is imminent? Certainly not, but it does indicate the growing level of concern in Israel over Iran’s nuclear capability.

Is an attack being contemplated by Israel? You bet.

It may be Israel’s only option, especially with the tepid support given by the Obama administration. Very little is being done to thwart Iran. The sanctions imposed by the United States are not even as great as the United Kingdom, who has historically not supported Israel as firmly as the United States. This is why Iranian protestors have assaulted the British embassy.

Obviously, an attack on Iran would have catastrophic consequences in the Middle East, which the Israelis understand, but time and options for them are running out. To allow Iran to be a nuclear power would threaten Israel’s existence, and that’s something no nation-state can accept.

Since the beginning of the nuclear age, the greatest fear has been that an irrational, rogue nation would obtain nuclear weapons and use them to settle a grudge. This is exactly what appears to be happening between Iran and Israel. The Iranian leadership, who disputes that the Holocaust was real, has stated that Israel has no right to exist. This shows how irrational the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad administration is. With an estimated arsenal of five warheads available by spring, the balance of power in the Middle East will shift, and Iran will have the capacity to obliterate Israel.

Realizing this—and with no other recourse—Israel will be forced to act soon. The Israelis simply cannot allow this to happen. Perhaps that’s why the Israel Defense Force has scheduled meetings at key Jewish synagogues throughout the United States in December. They want to explain the situation to the influential American Jewish community before striking.

Israel’s situation is desperate, and the Obama administration is doing what it does best—nothing, which is unacceptable. If you want to help, repost this article with a comment of your own. Let’s see if we can generate the support for Israel that it’s our responsibility to give.

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