
Archive for the ‘Barack Obama’ Category

COMMON SENSE: Surprisingly, so far in his Presidency, Donald Trump, the successful businessman, has been more successful in foreign policy than he has with his domestic agenda. There is a reason for this.
Other nations worldwide, having been adversely impacted by the absence of American leadership under Obama, are anxious for our new President to restore order throughout the world, which he is doing. In the Middle East, President Trump has gained the cooperation of fifty Muslim nations to fight terror at the grassroots. In Asia, he has confronted North Korea head on, and has also eased tensions with China—no small task.
Now, he is in Belgium, addressing the problems of NATO, our primary alliance in the world. At this point, 24 of our 29 partners are not keeping their commitments to spend 2% of GDP on defense, while we are increasing our indebtedness by spending nearly 4% to defend them. Instead of begging our allies to pay their fair share, like George W. Bush and Barack Obama did, Trump should demand that they pay up or leave the alliance. That will get their attention. Why should we pay for defending them, when we are in debt and they are thriving?
Trump’s domestic agenda isn’t doing as well, primarily because the Progressive Democrats have forced him to remain on the defense. Led by the media, who have viciously opposed Trump and everything he wants, Trump hasn’t gained the traction he needs to move us forward. Despite this, so far this quarter, our growth rate is above 4%, something Obama never came close to achieving.

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COMMON SENSE: In the Middle East, President Trump has been magnificent. This is exactly what we wanted and expected from him, when we voted for him. His optics have been very Presidential, but that’s superficial and trivial.
It’s what he has said that has been so important. Standing in front of fifty Gulf State Muslim leaders, Trump didn’t mince his words, nor did he apologize for America. He led by speaking the truth boldly and confidently. Then, he flew to Israel and did the same thing.
He was honored and respected for being decisive in both Riyadh and Jerusalem—just like we knew he would. His only naysayers are the Progressives in the media and in Congress. The rest of us, the Deplorables who have created Trump nation, are more firmly behind him than ever. You can count on it.
Creating Trump Nation: http://tinyurl.com/buytrumpnation

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COMMON SENSE: The largest contributors to Hillary’s campaign were the Saudis. They didn’t like her, but they thought she was going to win. Now, with U.S. foreign policy backing the Saudis and Israel, they are thrilled with President Trump and the $110 billion arms deal he has negotiated.
While in Riyadh, if I were Trump, I would ask about what Saudi intelligence knows about Russia, Obama, Hillary, and the attempt by the press to destroy my Presidency. What the Saudis have learned, which is completely out of the box, may be quite interesting. Because they like what Trump is doing as much as Deplorables like us do, they may have a great deal to say.
When Trump goes to Tel Aviv, which will be the first direct flight from Riyadh ever, I would ask the same questions of the Israelis, knowing how much they hate Obama and Hillary.

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Father, Lord God Almighty:

We come before You today on bended knee,

Because our hearts are troubled and sorrowful.

We are apprehensive about our nation’s future.

In Your goodness to us, six months ago,

As our nation was about to go over the cliff,

You spared us from certain destruction,

By foiling the ambitions of America’s Jezebel,

And her equally nefarious and detestable partner, Ahab.


Hearing our prayers, which were legion,

You honored us by stopping the cold-hearted schemes

Of those who mock Your Name and ridicule Your children.

In Your benevolence, You gave us another chance

To change our wicked ways that are so dishonoring to You.

Thank You for Your benevolence and for Your mercy to us,

Which we do not deserve, but which You have granted graciously.

Believing restitution of all that is good was within our grasp,

We, Your children, were overjoyed with the prospects for the future.


But now, our joy and our enthusiasm have been short-lived,

As a dark shadow has come over our the United States,

And ominous clouds threaten to undo our legitimate victory.

The forces of darkness, led by damnable men and women,

Loathsome creatures who hate Your name—those who

Champion corruption and depravity, have joined forces

With Jezebel and Ahab to alter the will of the American people

And abrogate our voice, which produced an electoral landslide.

Do not allow their scheming and plotting to succeed, Father.

Foil their plots and refute their lies so that the entire world can see.

Refuse to grant the desires of the arrogant, those who believe

Their godless voices should exercise dominion over the righteous.

Defeat them, Father—not because we are justifiably deserving—

But because You have been merciful to America for centuries.

We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Your Son,


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COMMON SENSEth: Everybody who was in the Oval Office, including the Russians, deny that President Trump divulged classified information, but the hatred for him is so deep and so intense that millions are willing to believe the account of an “unnamed source” the “Washington Post” maintains is credible.
The Progressives in the media do not play fair. Everybody knows that, but it seems unimaginable to me that they would go as far as they have. Does this shake my confidence in Trump? No, but it does let me know that he needs his friends and supporters to stand up for him more than ever, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. #DrainTheSwamp
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: The firing of FBI Director Comey has given new life to the accusation that Trump colluded with Putin to steal the election from Hilary. It has also prompted the Democrats to clamor for a Special Prosecutor to be appointed. That’s not going to happen for two reasons.

First, there is no proof that a crime has been committed for a Special Prosecutor to investigate. All there has been is innuendo coming from the NY Times and late night comediennes. That’s not enough. When asked under oath if there was any evidence a crime had been committed, James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, said, “No.” No crime . . . No prosecutor—Period!
Second, the perpetual whining of the Progressive Left is not wearing down the resolve of either the Trump administration or of his supporters. It’s having the exact opposite effect.
As a bonus to Comey’s dismissal, a new Director may take another look at Hillary’s case, which is loaded with crimes—real crimes. Trump promised to “Drain the Swamp,” and this may be the best way to do it. Let’s hope so. If the FBI can find the missing $6 billion from her tenure at State, we can build 1/3 of the Wall.
(For additional analysis of this issue, read “Creating Trump Nation,” which is available at B&N, CBD, Amazon, and here: http://tinyurl.com/buytrumpnation)

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COMMON SENSE: Concerning the French election, Obama, who backed Macron, said. “You appeal to people’s hopes, not to their fears.” Although this sounds noble and high-minded, it is the statement of a fool.
Nevertheless, the French people bought Obama’s nonsense and elected a man without experience who will have a policy of “Strategic Patience” toward Radical Islamic that will be as destructive to France as Obama’s feckless appeasement was for the United States.
“Hoping” that Muslims will behave and assimilate is as worthless as investing in a Ponzi Scheme. Recognizing what the goals and aspirations of Islam really are, is not fear. It is wisdom. It is what discerning men and women do, which Progressive believe they are, but they are not.
The French have chosen to invite further destruction upon their nation, which is heartbreaking for those of us who love France. It’s time to begin praying for the French people because they are going to need it.
“Creating Trump Nation” is available at B&N, CBD, Amazon, and here
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Former President Obama has spoken out for the globalist, Macron, in the French election, saying that it is better to appeal to people’s hopes rather than to their fears. This sounds good, but what it really means is this: It is better to believe in a noble illusion than it is to face reality and deal with what is destroying your nation.
By the way, isn’t it a little disingenuous for Obama to be offended by Putin interfering in our election, while he has taken sides in the French election? While in office, Obama also did everything he could to defeat Benjamin Netanyahu in 2015. Obama, the darling of the Progressives, is a consummate hypocrite.
Jack Watts
Obama delivers statement on Ukraine from the White House

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search.jpgCOMMON SENSE: By allowing the Continuing Resolution to move forward and not allow the government to be shut down, President Trump has foiled the trap set for him by Shumer and Pelosi. By not being an obstructionist, like the two of them are, Trump turned the minor setback of the CR into several major victories, especially the dismantling of ObamaCare.
In the Continuing Resolution, which is the last part of Obama’s Presidency, Trump was able to get funding for border security and the military. With some of these funds, Trump is going to start building the wall—just wait and see.
Now, the battle turns to the Senate for ObamaCare. Replacing it will be just as difficult there, but the momentum is decidedly against the continuation of ObamaCare. While this is happening, Trump will turn his focus to tax reform.
By the end of the year, our GDP will be above 3% growth, which even the Progressive media cannot discount. All of these are major issues. Trump is accomplishing his agenda and keeping his promises to the American people.
Jack Watts

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1383419_536445246424265_80873271_nCOMMON SENSE: The Progressive Democrats were consumed with Trump’s first 100 days, believing they could either get him out of office or derail his agenda completely. Their thinking has been delusional, of course, but since they don’t talk to anyone other than themselves, they believe their own nonsense heart and soul.
Trump is here to stay, so my advise to you is to learn to deal with it. That’s what we had to do with your hero, Barack Obama, the most secretive, divisive and corrupt President in American history, including Nixon.
Jack Watts

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