
Archive for the ‘Loretta Lynch’ Category

COMMON SENSE: Yesterday, at Wellesley College, Hillary Clinton made reference to President Nixon’s impeachment, which never happened. He resigned. Since Hillary worked for Nixon’s opponents during the Watergate investigation, she knew it never happened, but she also knew that her audience, female Ivy League grads, would be historically ignorant about how Nixon actually left office.
In her self-righteous, thinly veiled comparison to President Trump, she also failed to mention that she was fired for her job and lost her license to practice law, because of her unethical conduct. Again, her ignorant Ivy League audience had no knowledge this happened, but it did.
America’s Jezebel is back at it, deceiving gullible Progressives.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Under FBI Director James Comey, the Bureau has been engaged in illegal surveillance of Americans for years. Just like the IRS was used to target President Obama’s political opponents not-for-profit status, it looks like the FBI has also been weaponized against Obama’s opponents.
According to Circa, “In his final congressional testimony before he was fired by President Trump this month, then-FBI Director James Comey unequivocally told lawmakers his agency used sensitive espionage data gathered about Americans without a warrant only when it was ‘lawfully collected, carefully overseen and checked.’ Once-top secret U.S. intelligence community memos reviewed by Circa tell a different story, citing instances of “disregard” for rules, inadequate training and “deficient” oversight and even one case of deliberately sharing spy data with a forbidden party.”
Comey, who gained prominence by being the DOJ official who cleared President Clinton of wrongdoing in the pardoning of Marc Rich, in the final days of Clinton’s Presidency, is not the squeaky clean public servant the media wants us to believe he is—far from it. From the time he got Bill off, Comey has been in bed with the Clintons, becoming extraordinarily wealthy in the process.
Now, as part of the Deep State, his purpose is to bring down President Trump, but the corruption at the FBI, which is just beginning to surface, threatens Comey’s agenda.
Tuesday’s broadcast of WATTS UP! will be, “Comey: The man, the Myth, and the Miscreant.” I will post a link later. Stay tuned. (By the way, I’m not suicidal.)

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COMMON SENSE: “The American Spectator” is now reporting that in February of this year former FBI Director James B. Comey was captured on surveillance cameras in the White House blowing his nose on White House curtains. This is not a joke.
The nose blowing took place in the Oval Office after President Donald J. Trump excused himself for several minutes to take a call from his wife, Melania. Comey was alone. A picture of President Andrew Jackson was clearly visible in the background.
If I learned about Comey’s actions and was his boss, I would fire him too. There’s something wrong with Comey. His actions display a level of passive-aggressive defiance to his boss that is not only unacceptable behavior but also potentially dangerous.
You will not learn about this from the mainstream media, but it happened.
Jack Watts

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th-2COMMON SENSE: The mainstream media has charged that the 1st Amendment is under attack because President Trump calls their reporting “Fake News,” but is the press’ assertion accurate? I don’t think so.
First, Trump gives the press more access to him than any President in recent history, and the White House holds daily press briefings. Second, unlike Obama, Trump hasn’t used the power of his office to squelch reporters he holds in disdain, which is what Obama did to Fox News’ James Rosen. Third, the press corps accompanies the President, wherever he goes, on Air Force One. So, why does the press insist there is a problem?
It’s because President Trump does not, and will not, submit to the press’ way of thinking. Trump refuses to submit to their “Totalitarianism of Thought.” Instead, he ridicules it, calling it “Fake News.”
Because Trump is not a Progressive, his worldview is not the same as the Washington media’s. Its entirely different. Trump is not a Globalist, which the members of the media are. He puts America first; the media doesn’t. Trump wants growth, a strong military, and strong borders, none of which are highly valued by the media.
So, when they say that the 1st Amendment is under attack, it simply means that Trump will not knuckle under to the media’s way of thinking. Thank God he doesn’t. I like this about Trump.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: It’s no secret that the Democrats and the Leftwing Media have been relentless in their criticism of President Trump’s America first agenda. Their attack has been vicious and personal, and it has gone unchecked for too long.

The one promise that Candidate Trump made that has made no progress, however, at least as far as I can tell, is his commitment to Drain the Swamp. This needs to change, and it needs to change immediately.
The criminals from the Obama administration who have undermined our national security for profit need to be held to account, including people from the White House. Endless investigations about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS targeting of Conservatives, and the Bowe Bergdahl deal have never been finalized or brought to prosecution. This is unacceptable. The Swamp must be drained.
Now, the ill-advised Iran Nuclear Deal has taken a sinister turn that may involve criminality on the part of President Obama as well as Hillary Clinton. It involves seven men, six of whom were Iranians. While under indictment for espionage by Obama’s own Department of Justice, Obama had them spirited away in the middle of the night and returned to Iran. He told the American people they were businessmen, which was a lie—Obama’s specialty.
This incident, like all the others, needs to be pursued like a spurned wife pursues her ex-husband for alimony. Drain the Swamp, Mr. President. You promised you would. Do it now.
—Jack Watts

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th-1COMMON SENSE: Weaponizing our intelligence agencies against American citizens is criminal behavior, no question about it. This is what police states do—not the home of the free and the land of the brave. Despite the nonsensical assurances of the mainstream media that this is a non-story, it most certainly is. It’s not going away, nor should it.
This wasn’t inadvertent spying either. As more evidence is uncovered each day, it’s clear this was a systematic effort to get as much information as possible on Candidate Trump and his team—all to gain leverage over him, if he won the election. When Trump did win, Susan Rice doubled down on President-Elect Trump and his team. Her “intelligence” reads like something a private eye would put together for a divorce case. She is corrupt, deceitful, and sleazy.
Her conduct cannot be allowed to stand, but Congressional inquiries will not get the job done; they never do. Attorney General Sessions needs to bring all of this before a grand jury, where Rice must be subpoenaed to testify. As National Security Advisor, Rice reported to President Obama. She needs to be asked about his involvement.
By the time the entire scope of this spying is uncovered, it will be a massive scandal—far worse than the IRS targeting Obama’s political opponents. Rice and Brennan are Flotsam and Jetsam for the true villain, but they will protect Obama, America’s Ursula, at all costs.
This discovery is a gift to the American people. By pulling the plug on this criminal espionage, it will be much easier to Drain the Swamp.
(Be a mensch and get my new book, “Creating Trump Nation”—http://tinyurl.com/buytrumpnation)
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Why would National Security Advisor Susan Rice collect intelligence data on the Trump Campaign and Trump transition effort? What would be her motivation? This is the question people cannot figure out. I have an answer, but you have to connect the dots to understand it.
First, Rice didn’t act independently. It’s not in her nature to do so. Although her efforts have been misguided, she is definitely a team player, and Obama is the team leader.
Barack Obama does not want to Make America Great Again—at least not according to Trump’s definition of what makes America great. Obama was highly successful at taking America down a notch or two, which was his purpose. So, everything Trump is doing—the dismantling of Obama’s vision—is counterproductive to Obama, Rice, the Democrat Obstructionists, and the mainstream media. Each successful stride Trump makes moves America further away from what America should be, according to the Progressive worldview.
So, finding out everything that could be known about Trump, in order to destroy his Presidency, became Rice’s true job. To accomplish this, she weaponized our national intelligence to discredit Trump and make every moves he made seem shady. What Rice did with Intelligence is exactly what Lois Lerner did with the IRS to thwart Obama’s opponents.
In the weeks and months to come, Americans are going to be shocked by the magnitude of spying by the Obama administration on his opponents. It’s inevitable, but here’s something else that’s interesting. Despite all of the unethical surveillance, they have never been able to come up with one concrete thing on Trump. If there was something there, Rice, Obama, and their shadow team would have used it by now.
Jack Watts

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17499468_1254995944569188_8936696684599230911_nCOMMON SENSE: Other than Fox News, there has been virtually no reporting about how Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, used the intelligence community to gather information on the Trump campaign before the election and the transition team afterwards. This doesn’t surprise me. I would be more surprised if it received the coverage it deserved.
Now that real evidence of malfeasance has been uncovered, there will be further evidence to come. I suspect this isn’t an isolated incident. It’s more likely that the intelligence community was weaponized to spy on all of Obama’s rivals—just like the IRS, EPA, and DOJ were throughout the Obama years.
Rice reported to Obama, nobody else. This is why the media is trying to dismiss this as a non-story, but we’re not going to allow that to happen, are we? If Rice is responsible for leaking Flynn’s name to the press, she has committed a crime, and she needs to serve time in prison for it.
Once again, scandal has reared its ugly head over the Obama White House. It’s time to expose what they did in secret to the light of day.
Jack Watts #DrainTheSwamp

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COMMON SENSE: According to Adam Housely of Fox News, the person behind the unmasking of Trump campaign personnel was Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice. This unmasking went on for more than a year, with all results being sent to DNI James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, and Obama Senior Advisor Ben Rhodes, perhaps more than this.
Rice, who lied to us about Bnghazi, saying it was caused by the You Tube Video, is also famous for telling us that Bowe Bergdahl served “with honor and distinction.” Now, we have learned she is the one who authorized the weaponizing of our intelligence agencies and used them against Donald Trump and his campaign. Her actions were illegal, and they weren’t random or inadvertent. She authorized an systematic use of electronic surveillance to keep tabs on Trump and his team.
Criminal charges need to be brought against her, as well as Clapper, Brennan, Rhodes, and others. Such injustice cannot be allowed to go unpunished. I urge Attorney General Sessions to impanel a grand jury and seek indictments. Let Susan Rice and the others serve time for this.

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thCOMMON SENSE: There has been a dramatic decline in illegal immigration since President Trump took office less than seven weeks ago. It’s down by 40%, and the only thing he has done so far is enforce our existing laws, which President Obama refused to do. Despite being hampered by the Left, the strident media, and foolish globalists, Trump has been busy doing what he said he would do. The results are beginning to manifest themselves, and they are all positive.
Being true to his word, Trump is doing exactly what he promised to do. This is why we elected him, and it’s why our support for him is unshakable. But that’s not all. The Jobs Report has spiked as well. Trump is creating new jobs—just like he promised he would.
There is no telling what he would be able to do, if the Progressives would simply allow him to do the job the American people entrusted him to do. That will not happen, of course, but Trump’s leadership capabilities are so solid he’s getting the job done anyway. The media has been busy pointing out any faux pas they can, but it isn’t working. America has begun to move forward again, and there’s no stopping us now.
Jack Watts

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