
Archive for the ‘Donald Trump’ Category

WATTS UP! The entire program, which broadcasts at 5:30-6:15 EDT tomorrow, will be devoted to the scandal involving Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the corrupt DNC, Imran Awan’s espionage for the Muslim Brotherhood, and the murder of Seth Rich—none of which interest the mainstream media. By the way, Imran, circled in red, was with Seth Rich the day he was murdered. Be certain to tune in.
Here is a link to tomorrow’s program: http://tobtr.com/s/10171573
Creating Trump Nation: mcgeeandme.net
Jack Watts

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PRESIDENT TRUMP: Here’s a suggestion: With General John Kelly becoming Chief of Staff, move Attorney General Sessions over to become Secretary of Homeland Security. Appoint Ted Cruz to become the new Attorney General during the August recess.
That way, since Cruz had nothing to do with your campaign, you will have an Attorney General who does not have to recuse himself. Cruz is fearless and will not let Special Counsel Mueller investigate beyond a very narrow scope of inquiry. You would also be throwing a bone to the Never-Trumpers, because Cruz is one of their favorites. It will position you nicely for 2020.
In this scenario, everybody wins except for the Democrats, the Deep State, and the mainstream media.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: This was the last meaningful vote Senator John McCain will ever make. His brain cancer, which is very aggressive, will force him to retire from the Senate, and I doubt he will live to see another Christmas.

Instead of making a stand for the principles he and all of his Republican colleagues have steadfastly promised to the American people to repeal and replace ObamaCare, he chose to be a Quisling instead. He used his last vote to shoot a bird at his constituency and to conservatives nationwide.

While the Democrats will champion him for saving Obama’s disastrous scheme to socialize medicine in America, those of us he has betrayed will not allow his perfidy to demoralize us. We are taking America back—period.

This is just a setback—a lost battle—but it is not the end of the war. In fact, McCain’s treachery marks the beginning of the campaign of 2018, where the following Senators need to lose their jobs:

—Bill Nelson, Florida
—Joe Donnelly, Indiana
—Angus King, Maine
—Debbie Stebenow, Michigan
—Claire McCaskill, Missouri
—Joe Tester, Montana
—Sherrod Brown, Ohio
—Heidi Heitkamp, North Dakota
—Bob Casey, Pennsylvania
—Tim Kaine, Virginia
—Joe Manchin, West Virginia
—Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin

Each of these Senators voted for ObamaCare, and they have been obstructionists to the Trump agenda. They are all vulnerable, especially the ten from state Trump carried in 2016. Let’s get rid of all of them. They may be heroes to the Beltway Progressives, but they are worthless, dead weight to the American people.

—Jack Watts​

Creating Trump Nation: mcgeeandme.net

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COMMON SENSE: Former CIA Director John Brennan colluded with former spies to sabotage the Trump campaign, and there is hard evidence to prove it.
According to American Spectator, “An article in the Guardian last week provides more confirmation that John Brennan was the American progenitor of political espionage aimed at defeating Donald Trump. One side did collude with foreign powers to tip the election — Hillary’s.
Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.
John Brennan’s CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump.”
Brennan needs to do hard time at Leavenworth. This is real and the DOJ must prosecute—period.
For more, see Creating Trump Nation
—Jack Watts

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17760171_1166945333431164_4892622199645181364_nCOMMON SENSE: “Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man . . . ” Stated clearly in the book of Romans, this is the great sin of Progressivism—the Leftist worldview that has deceived millions of Americans, including most Millennials.
Almighty God created Man, and from Man, fashioned a Woman—two distinct genders. Now, according to Progressivism, there is no distinction. You are whatever you think you are, regardless of your unchangeable genetic markers.
From the union of a man and a woman, God established a family, but this has been under attack by Progressives for decades.
From families, God established nations, with Israel having a unique place in history. America was established as a nation to be “a City on a Hill” for the entire world to emulate, but this vision is being soundly repudiated by Progressive globalism. To them, we are citizens of the world first and American second, which is exactly opposite to the way we were founded. This is why “Make America Great Again” is so distasteful to them.
So, ISIS may be our enemy without, but Progressivism is definitely our enemy within, deceiving millions of misled Americans.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters are mounting an effort to have President Trump impeached, tried in the Senate, and removed from office. That’s not going to happen, but it will dominate the news and make the Progressive media believe Trump’s base has abandoned him.

That hasn’t happened, nor will it. The “Make America Great Again” movement is gaining strength, not diminishing, as the fools in the media believe. Pelosi and the Democrats are certain they will retake the House of Representatives next year, but that’s not going to happen either. In the Senate, the Republican majority will actually increase. You can count on it.
This photo tells you the reason why. Trump loves America, and he is proud of us. President Obama, the consummate Progressive globalist, was ashamed of us and of American leadership in the world. Because Trump’s naysayers only converse among themselves, they have no idea what is really happening across the fruited plain. I do.
We are taking our nation back from the anti-American, anti-God, anti-morality Progressives one skirmish at a time. Our effort is ongoing and relentless, but the result is certain. Trust me about this; I know what I am talking about.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: Two men, Peter W. Smith and Klaus Eberwein, who were about to testify against Hillary Clinton, in completely different incidences, have apparently chosen to commit suicide instead. How convenient for Hillary.
Smith tied a plastic bag over his head and said there was “no foul play whatsoever.” Thank God for that. It certainly lets Hillary of the hook, doesn’t it? What a relief!
Klaus Eberwein chose the standard method of suicide for those who oppose Hillary—a gunshot wound to the head.
But what has happened to the documents these men prepare for their testimony? Has all the evidence disappeared too? Just as important, how many more people have to die at the hands of America’s Ahab and Jezebel—Bill and Hillary Clinton—before they are stopped?
Although murder is a state crime, and Klaus Eberwein died in Haiti, RICO crimes (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) have federal jurisdiction. Lynch and Comey are gone. It’s time Attorney General Sessions does something about these evil, corrupt people. How many more have to die before justice is served? The list of “questionable deaths” at the hands of the Clintons is already longer than your arm. Sessions, do your job and conduct a real investigation.

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COMMON SENSE: The Donald Trump, Jr. story is a non-story. At worst, he made a bad decision to meet with the female Russian lawyer, which is certainly not a crime. The woman had no information about Hillary to give; there was no money exchanged; and there was no follow-up meeting.

That it was poor judgment on his part I’ll give you, but this is much ado about nothing. What is serious, however, is the continuous discord this produces in the nation. It also undermines all efforts to normalize our relationship with Russia, which can have very serious consequences in the future.
Regardless of this, the Progressive media is obsessed with discrediting President Trump no matter what he does. So are some Republicans. The viciousness never abates, which means we have to hold our ground daily against the media’s relentless attacks. None of this is healthy for our nation, but it is what it is. We will fight back—trust me about this. We will.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: When discussing our conflict with Russia, people tend to think in Cold War terms. They also view Russia as if it is currently as powerful as the Soviet Union once was, but this isn’t true, other than in nuclear weapons.

At the time the Soviet Union disbanded, its population was 287 million people, compared to the U.S. population of 248 million. Although we had 40 million less people, we were essentially comparable. Now, Russia has 147 million people, while the USA has grown to 327 million. We are more than twice the size of Russia.
Economically, Russia’s Gross national Product, which is everything they make, is $1.5 trillion annually. The GDP of the USA is $19.4 trillion. This means our economy is thirteen times larger than that of Russia’s. Their GDP is slightly larger than Indonesia’s, which speaks volumes about Russia’s power.
Putin may talk about the glory days of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, but that’s all it is, talk. Russia will never be the geopolitical adversary it once was, and by unleashing our energy sector, Trump has ensured that Eastern Europe, and even some Western democracies, will never again be dependent on Russia’s natural gas for survival.
Russia is boxed in. They may not like it, but there is no way for them to extricate themselves from their situation in the foreseeable future. So, when our media says that Putin will “play” Trump, they have no idea what they are talking about. Trump, the consummate businessman, understand these dynamics, which our media obviously doesn’t. Remember this, and take courage.
Jack Watts

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angry-obama-scCOMMON SENSE: Only 52% of Americans are proud of our nation. In 2003, the number was 70%. This is a dramatic drop, and it is the true legacy of Barack Hussain Obama. This nefarious accomplishment is far more destructive than anything else he did during his failed Presidency, including ObamaCare, the secret Iran nuke deal, weaponizing the IRS and intelligence agencies against Americans, or the abdication of American leadership worldwide.
From his perspective, however, and that of his sycophantic legion of Progressive followers, this is exactly what he wanted. Obama said he would “fundamentally change” America, and he did. At that, he was very successful, but not in a good way. By destroying patriotism in the eyes of millions, especially Millennials, Obama has punched a hole in the fabric of our society that is wide enough that it may lead to the collapse of our nation. Again, in my estimation, this was Obama’s intent.
To be fair, some of the disillusionment among Americans originated with George W. Bush’s decision to dismantle the Middle East, but the lion’s share belongs to Obama. This is his true legacy.
But we are not about to sit by idly and allow his globalist agenda to stand, are we? Hell no, we’re not. Obama has done a great job of shaking our foundation, but our resiliency is one of our greatest attributes. Just as our forefathers did, we will overcome this, and America will become stronger than ever. You can count on it.
(There are many posts like this in my book, “Creating Trump nation“)
Jack Watts

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