
Posts Tagged ‘Puritan Work Ethic’

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

—Helen Keller


In 1776, at the time of the American Revolution, how many people do you think were church member—members not attendees?

  • 5 percent
  • 25 percent
  • 35 percent
  • 55 percent
  • 75 percent

Before you answer, think about that generation of Christians for a moment. These early Christians influenced the founding of this nation and the Constitution that established the laws of the land. In many ways, we still live in the wake of their blessing a dozen generations later. Their influence has been that powerful.

Currently, more than 50 percent of Americans are church members, and our influence is pitifully weak—not just politically, but in service to our nation and to the world. If 50 percent can’t get the job done today, it must have taken 75 percent in the late-18th century, right?

Well, not exactly.

If you guessed 5 percent were church members, you were correct. That’s right, just one out of twenty, but being a believer in that era was far different than it is today. Those early Americans were strong, resilient men and women, whose faith impacted every aspect of their lives. In their era, making disciples was the emphasis—not evangelism.

In our generation, the emphasis is getting thousands of marginal believers to say they are members, and there is practically no emphasis on making them strong men and women, filled with knowledge and estimable character qualities. This shift in balance has weakened our impact upon society dramatically—much like Common Core has downsized educational excellence.

Christians in the 21st century like to blame Progressives, liberals and political correctness for the state of affairs, without taking a hard look at themselves. What has changed is the quality of Christians. We have dumbed down, while telling ourselves we are okay—worst of all, we believe it.

Jack Watts


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To all of my conservative friends: You cannot complain about Lois Lerner invoking her 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination and hold fast to your belief in the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments. All of these rights are inalienable, including the 5th. If you’re against the 5th but you are for the 1st, 2nd, and 4th, you are no different than the Progressives who believe it is their right to pick and choose whether or not we should have the right to freedom of religion, speech, privacy, and the right to own weapons.

These are rights our Creator bestowed on us as inalienable. So, if you believe in the Constitution, you must accept the 5th Amendment as valid. You do have every right, however, to come to the conclusion that Lerner’s need to remain silent means that President Obama was lying when he said there was not “even a smidgen” of corruption, concerning the IRS’s targeting of conservative 501c-4 political action groups. Remember, Lerner was willing to lie about her involvement in the IRS targeting before she was under oath, but not after she was placed under oath. Obama’s remarks were not under oath, which definitely makes their verity suspect.

—Jack Watts

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There is a vast difference between what I believe is a scandal and what Progressives believe. In a recent interview, Bill Maher said that Benghazi wasn’t a real scandal. Apparently, it was just something concocted by the Republicans to embarrass President Obama and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. By the way Maher said it, to me it was obvious he believes what he said.

This didn’t anger me. Instead, it made me become more reflective. Out of my reflection came increased determination. Our job is to retake our nation from the Progressive Socialists, but it isn’t going to be easy. Nothing of great value in life ever is.

It does no good to lament where we are, bemoaning the way things used to be. Instead, we must become stronger in our convictions, while also becoming less strident, which is counterproductive. We can do this, but only through the strength of Holy Spirit of Almighty God. So, gird yourself for battle. This year, our goal is to retake the Senate, ending Harry Reid’s reign of injustice. In two years, it’s the White House.

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It’s time that we, as believers, step out of the gray drab existence of multi-culturalism and political correctness—for fear of offending anyone, or for our own desire to be liked. We must stand for the One who declares Himself to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We must never forget where we’ve come from—out of the darkness into His marvelous light.

—Ernest Pullen.

Extolling the virtues of the Christian way of life to millions with a watered-down version of who Christ is, is ineffective. Neither is filling churches with members who have marginal beliefs, other than the desire to instill “good values” into their children. It just doesn’t work—never has, never will.

In the twenty-first century, the fire is nearly out in America—the fire for Christ and for serving others in His name. It has been replaced by other fires—from pastors addicted to pornography to millions of church members consumed with materialism. Countless Christians live worldly lives while, at the same time, expecting God to enrich them because they are His children.

To our generation, God has become a blessing machine—a higher power who dispenses material rewards for marginal behavior—just because He’s a nice guy. Christianity has become sappy and weak for many of its adherents, while being harsh, legalistic, and judgmental for others. The former expect God to reward their mediocrity, while the latter expect Him to honor their self-righteousness. It’s no wonder why there is such a scarcity of the fruit of God’s spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self-control. People pursue the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the boastful pride of life, expecting God to be okay with it. Collectively, our generation has lost the fear of God, especially our leaders, many of whom are more interested in notoriety than service. Not surprisingly, in this setting, character doesn’t mean what it once did.

The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it? I the Lord search the heart. I test the mind, even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds. As a partridge that hatches eggs, which it has not laid, so is he who makes a fortune, but unjustly; in the midst of his days it will forsake him, and in the end he will be a fool. (Jeremiah 17: 9-11)

Jack Watts

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Can you hear it? Can you feel it? Does it make you tremble? It should, because there’s a stirring in America that is palpable. It’s the rumbling of disquietude among people of faith—among those who long for righteousness. We are the producers of plenty in this great nation, and we are fed up with your deceit and corruption. We have been forced to accept your deceptive version of reality as normal, which it certainly is not. Even worse, we have been bullied by the leaders of Progressivism in our nation’s capitol. They are an odious lot of Cretans.

With one unresolved scandal after another, we have been manipulated and deceived, never getting close to the truth, as the spin-doctors deflect from factual accuracy to create a new reality, which we the people are expected to accept as true. These leaders of Progressivism smile at their mischief, certain the mainstream media will turn a blind eye to protect their deceptions and America’s first black President—the most deceitful and incompetent man to ever hold the office. Because he is black, the press and spin-doctors expect us to refrain from any criticism of his behavior, his leadership, or his anti-American policies. At first, this strategy was successful, but it will not work any longer.

Being obedient to the Holy Spirit of God, we will not sit by any longer and witness the demise of our great nation. We are going to rid ourselves of the damnable corruption that threatens to destroy us. We will not tolerate your ways any longer.

Instead, we will stand for God’s way and not for the perverted worldview we have been force-fed by you for years. We are tired of your corruption—sick of it. We are tired of your deceit, tired of your manipulation, tired of having our values discarded in favor of perversion.

We are not just tired of President Obama. We are equally tired of most of our self-serving legislators—both Democrats and Republicans—who have sworn to uphold our Constitution but do the exact opposite. We are tired of right being called wrong and wrong being called right.

In your arrogance, you have mocked Almighty God and His people, thinking we are powerless to stop your encroachment upon our inalienable rights, but you are wrong. We are not weak, and we are not powerless. We are stronger than you can possibly imagine, and we are resolute in our convictions. We will prevail—if not now, soon. You can count on it.

—Jack Watts

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When I look around and witness

How much our great nation has changed,

A sense of despair and foreboding comes upon me.

I am afraid of what the future holds for those

Who will be tasked with restoring order from the mess

This generation of Americans has created.

Even more troubling is what I discern among the youth.

They lack resilience and have no intention of striving for rewards.

Instead, they want everything to come easily, as if they are entitled

To wealth and a life of abundance with little to no effort.

They seem lazy and self-serving, lacking erudition and purpose.

They lack the mettle and the fortitude to face what awaits them.

Choosing to embrace comfort and folly over fortitude and resilience,

A new generation of Americans has emerged—one that is

A shadow of our determined forefathers, who were responsible

For creating the land of milk and honey out of a barren wilderness.

Witnessing how badly we have declined, I wonder if we have

Ceased to be the land of the free and home of the brave?

Worst of all, our children do not know who You are, Father.

Foolishly, they have chosen to embrace lies, championing deceit as the truth.

They are convinced they can define You, choosing to believe what they desire,

Rather than accepting who You have declared Yourself to be in Your word.

They have no foundation to face uncertainty, or the reversal of fortune

That seems certain to destroy our nation’s righteous liberties.

Without Your active intervention, through the stirring the people’s hearts,

Our future is destined to be short and bleak, ending in servitude.

Father, raise up men and women of honor and integrity by the scores,

As You have done in generations past, to help us reclaim our heritage.

Expose the corruption, fraud, and deceit of those who champion

False gods, false beliefs, and deceptions that have led us to perilous times.

You are Almighty—You and You alone. There is no other like You.

Only You can restore us to be what You brought us to this land to be—a

A city on a hill for the entire world to emulate.

Jack Watts

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Americans by the millions are outraged by the abuses of the IRS. Using the machinery of the government to suppress political opposition is the definition of tyranny. Because conservatives have been the ones targeted, they are the ones most outraged, but many liberals share their misgivings, knowing they don’t want similar treatment the next time a conservative is in the White House.

As I’ve thought about exactly what has happened, some additional thoughts have come to mind. The three groups most frequently targeted were these:

  • Tea Party and patriotic activists,
  • Biblically-based Christian groups, and
  • Groups committed to Israel’s survival.

Not having thought through this thoroughly, most assume this is all there is to it, but that’s a mistake. Think about it. There has been no politically motivated targeting toward mainline Republicans or the right-of-center establishment—none whatsoever. Yet, those are the groups that have the most power to oppose President Obama. So, if that is true, why have they been spared in favor of  persecuting much less powerful groups?

I think I know the answer. It isn’t financial power that Obama fears, far from it. What he does fear is the power of people whose goals are not political. He fears those who desire righteousness. It’s as simple as that. The Children of Darkness always fear the Children of Light.

The Republican establishment, which embraces compromise above all else, is not a threat to the Obama agenda. Establishment Republicans are more conservative than establishment Democrats, but they are not more principled. They are two peas in the same pod.

However, that’s not true about the targeted groups. Tea Party activists, committed Christians, and friends of Israel are all deeply principled people—men and women who would rather die than abandon their faith and convictions. They are committed to the principles of our Founding fathers, which are viewed as non-negotiable. Regardless of how isolated these people become, they will stand, never bowing their collective knees to the Progressive agenda.

This should tell you something. Obama and his cronies have targeted groups that have the potential to derail their collectivist agenda.

So, instead of listening to the whining of the Republican establishment that says you need to move to the left to win elections, remain true to your principles instead. Doing the right thing for the right reason will prevail in time. Be strong and do not lose heart. If we weren’t a real and legitimate threat, we would have been left alone. That we have been attacked shows just how strong we really are.

Jack Watts

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When I began blogging and participating in the social media, my primary goal was to develop a platform so I could sell my books, particularly Recovering from Religious Abuse and my memoir, Hi, My Name Is Jack—both published by Simon & Schuster.

That changed almost immediately, as I realized how poorly informed most Americans are about our heritage. So, I co-wrote We believe: 30 Days to Understanding Our Heritage, which can help anyone grasp who we are as a people. I thought that informing people about our true heritage was all that was needed, but I was mistaken—badly mistaken.

The main problem isn’t ignorance, it’s deception, and much of it is willful. Millions have chosen to believe the lies of Progressivism, embracing revisionist history, while also championing perversion as being normal. This deception is so pervasive millions of Christians have been caught up in it, deluding themselves into believing it’s God’s Will.

Because criticizing them for this is counterproductive, I’ve joined forces with Dr. Robert McGee, who started Rapha and wrote The Search for Significance years ago. Together, we have written The Search for Reality, which will help you understand what is happening in America in a new light. Plus, it will help you renew your mind to fight the battle that awaits us—the battle for the heart and soul of America.

On my radio show, Jack Watts on Recovery, Dr. McGee and I will go through the material from The Search for Reality for the next twelve weeks. You can listen live at 5:30 EDT on Tuesdays, beginning on May 7, or to the archived version. I urge you to pay attention—not just because I want to sell books—but because the Children of Light have been ineffective in countering the Children of Darkness. In fact, many believers have given up trying. Instead, they are doing nothing of value, other than praying to be Raptured. This is a poor strategy and not what we have been called to do. So, if you want your life to count for the Lord more than posting critical comments on Facebook, I urge you to join us.

—Jack Watts

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Make no mistake about it, the Progressives have seized the moral high ground. According to their thinking, they are the undisputed advocates of fairness in marriage and the unrelenting champions of women’s rights. Because of this, they are the only ones whose opinions are noble and praiseworthy. Theirs is the only enlightened perspective, and it’s also the only viewpoint that should be tolerated.

To offer a refutation, or to be critical of their wisdom in any way, is to invite character assassination and a stinging rebuke. Most who do not accept the Progressive worldview keep their opinions to themselves, refusing to do battle with this era’s Leviathan. Sadly, Christians have abdicated the moral high ground without putting up much of a fight.

Progressives are convinced history is on their side and the end result of their endeavors will produce a better society. It’s why they are militant in their unrelenting assault upon the institutions of our nation. That we thrived on them for more than two centuries is counterproductive to their cause. It’s why they continually engage in revisionist history.

The enemy of the Progressives is the Judeo-Christian worldview, along with its narrow, confining interpretation of God. To a Progressive, all roads lead to God. He or she can be whatever you want, according to Progressives. God is how you understand him to be—not how He defined Himself to be. To not believe He exists is fine too. It’s all okay, according to their pantheistic perspective.

Their worldview is founded on polls and the consensus of their spokespeople. A good example of this would be when President Barack Hussein Obama recently addressed Planned Parenthood, asking God to bless their endeavors. This pleased millions of Progressives. Bolstered by polls trending in their favor, an ever-increasing number of people embrace their beliefs. Giddy from success, Progressives believe they will remain in power from now on, and they will usher in their utopian society. Their god is on their side, but their god is not Almighty God.

Almighty God remains the same from age to age. His righteousness is constant, never changing. His standard doesn’t change either. He is who He says He is, and our understanding of Him comes from His revelation of Himself in the Scriptures, which is much different than the conjured god of the Progressives. That being said, let me ask you:

  • How does Almighty God describe anal intercourse between two men?
  • What would He have to say about normalizing pedophiles, calling them “child attracted”?
  • What would He have to say about those who use His name to champion the cause of infanticide?
  • What is His perspective about having strange gods before Him?

The answer to these questions is important. If you are a Child of the Light, can you sit on the sidelines while the Children of Darkness redefine what is right, calling it wrong? Millions of Christians voted for President Obama—some out of wilful deception, but most out of ignorance of who he really is. If you are one of them, it’s time to repent and stand for God’s Truth.

The Progressives maintain they are on the right side of history, but they most definitely are not on the right side of eternity. If you think the Progressives are too strong and their victory is inevitable, then your God is too small. It’s time to rise up and reclaim this great nation. which was founded to be a beacon on a  hill and a light to the world.

I will be talking about this on Jack Watts Live today at 5:30 EDT. To participate, call (347) 326-9949.

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Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man . . . (Ro 1:22-23a NASB)

When Barack Hussein Obama said he intended to “fundamentally transform” the United States of America, he meant what he said, and the religion of Government Cures All is the vehicle through which this transformation will occur. This religion has been effectively marketet by Obama’s Deacons of Damnation, the main stream media, who champion everything their False Messiah does, which includes consistently hiding the truth about what is happening from the American people.

The Children of Darkness flaunt their religious beliefs as the only ones having value and legitimacy. Because of this, they have seized the moral high ground—just because they say it belongs to them, based upon them championing the politically-correct doctrine of “Fairness.” If you have an alternative belief system, such as a biblical worldview, you are scoffed at as ignorant, intolerant, and on the wrong side of history. Completely intolerant themselves, the Children of Darkness defend their beliefs by attacking those who oppose them. Just like the Prince of Darkness, the champions of darkness act as the accusers of the Children of Light, grinding God’s people heartlessly into passive submission.

It’s a strategy that has worked quite well, as right has become wrong, and wrong has become right. Cowed, the Children of Light have been silent too long. It is time for those who fear the Lord to shake off our lethargy and make a stand for the glory of our incorruptible God. It is time for us to speak out against this False Messiah and his false religion.

If we do not, our ability to do so will continue to be systematically stripped away from us. It is for such a time as this that our God has created us. Who will be strong and stand for Almighty God? Will you cast aside your fear and be that person?

Jack Watts   We Believe: 30 Days to Understanding Our Heritage

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