
Posts Tagged ‘Puritan Work Ethic’

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.

Heretofore, our opposition to President Obama and his radical agenda has been ineffective at best. There’s a reason for that. We have not really been clear about who he really is and about exactly what his final goal for America has been. Because of this, concerning his agenda, many of us have picked and chosen what we will oppose and what we will accept, doing our best to not be completely negative.

Abhorring the criticism and contumacy that accompanies being vocal in our opposition, many have simply kept their opinions to themselves and their disagreements to a minimum. That is no longer an option. It’s a mindset that will ensure Obama’s plans are victorious.

The months ahead are certain to be precarious, as Obama’s goals become more widely known. The stage is set for an escalating battle for the heart and soul of this great nation. It’s a battle between the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness. By simply picking and choosing what we will oppose and what we will not, the False Messiah of the religion, Government Cures All, will win. It’s not his policies we must oppose; it’s his worldview—not just some of it—all of it.

When he ran for President the first time, Obama promised to fundamentally transform America. That’s a campaign promise he is keeping. As a false Messiah, President Obama talks about being transparent, but he loves the darkness, as do his followers, the Children of Darkness. When the Children of Light voice their opposition, the Children of Darkness denounce them, calling them “haters,” while accusing them of being racist and worse, just like the Prince of Darkness has done about believers before God since the dawn of time.

Once the Children of Light recognize the False Messiah for who he is, along with the Children of Darkness, false accusations will no longer work. Learning to recognize the truth about who Obama really is will be freeing you. Once that happens, your ability to stand strong and oppose him will become more effective. More than anything else, Obama fears the truth.

The stakes are high—the future of our great nation. Taking a line from Les Miserables, “Who will be strong and stand with me?” The battle is a spiritual, not just political. With that in mind, our victory cannot and will not come from our human efforts alone. Look to the Lord, and remember the power of His might is far greater than the power of the Prince of Darkness, the False Messiah, the Church of Government Cures All, and the Children of Darkness combined. We are well able to regain our nation, to return to being what Almighty God intends for us to be.

As the days and months continue, we will address each area of what needs to be done.

Jack Watts

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Half the harm that is done in this world

Is due to people who want to feel important.

They don’t mean to do harm—

But the harm does not interest them . . .

They are absorbed in the endless struggle

To think well of themselves.

—T. S. Eliot

It’s time that we step out of the gray drab existence of multi-culturalism and political correctness—for fear of offending anyone, or for our own desire to be liked. We must stand for the One who declares Himself to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We must never forget from where we’ve come—out of the darkness into the light.

“Witnessing” to people with a watered-down version of who Christ is seems to be of little value, yielding poor fruit. Neither does filling churches with large numbers of people who have marginal beliefs—other than their desire to instill “good values” into their children or to increase their business networking efforts. It doesn’t work well—never has and never will.

The problem is much deeper than this. In America, the fire is nearly out—the fire for being Christ-like—the fire for being loving, giving, and generous, for bearing one another’s burdens, expecting nothing in return. It’s been replaced by fire in the loins—from pastors addicted to pornography, by adulterous church members by the millions, and by a society determined to validate perversion.

As believers, we act like the world and expect God to bless us, regardless of what we do or think. For many, God has become a blessing machine, a higher power that dispenses material rewards for marginal behavior—just because He’s a nice guy. We’re lukewarm at best and expect God to reward mediocrity with prosperity. We pursue the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the boastful pride of life, expecting God to be satisfied with us. Collectively, we’ve lost our fear of Him, especially our leaders who are more interested in notoriety than service. Being of service has lost its appeal, which is never God’s will. As our prosperity is frittered away foolishly, we whine to God about returning to Him, but it never seems to happen, does it?

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I would that you were cold or hot So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,’ and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. (Revelation 3:15-17)

Jack Watts   The Search for Reality

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If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.

—C. S. Lewis

Many Christians have the mistaken notion that we are okay the way we are, regardless of how we act, how we treat others, or what the state of our mind may be. We want to believe that being wishy-washy is acceptable to God and to everybody else. We want to be strong believers, while at the same time making certain we don’t offend anyone with our beliefs. In this way, we are more culturally Christian than committed believers.

If this was as bad as it was, it would be one thing; but it’s actually worse. Over the years, in a very subtle, insidious way, we have become unwilling to stand firmly in the face of a culture that has grown increasingly hostile toward Christianity, choosing instead to wring our hands in despair. Wanting to appear enlightened by accepting the beliefs of others—regardless of what they might be—we have allowed our convictions to be trumped by the political correctness of our culture.

As men, we’ve lost our gumption and, as women, we’ve lost our focus. We blame the liberals for the decline in our society, while never taking a good, hard, penetrating look at ourselves. We share emails, Tweets, and Facebook posts by the thousands, reminding us about the “good old days,” while never considering that we are more responsible for the societal decline we lament rather than the liberals we repeatedly castigate.

Perhaps we should look back to the behavior of our Founding Fathers. During the Colonial and Revolutionary era, they routinely held days of fasting and prayer to try and determine the leading of Almighty God. That really happened, and there were also days of repentance, which would never be acceptable to today’s lukewarm Christians, who have convinced themselves they are fine just the way they are. Although repentance might offend the politically correct crowd and some weak-willed Christians, it never offends the Lord, and it is definitely what He desires from us.

Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries which are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments have become moth-eaten. Your gold and your silver have rusted; and their rust will be a witness against you and will consume your flesh like fire. It is in the Last Days that you have stored up your treasure! (James 5:1-3)

Jack Watts   We Believe: 30 Days to Understanding Our Heritage

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Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

—Helen Keller

In 1776, at the time of the American Revolution, how many people do you think were church members? Was it?

  • 5 percent
  • 25 percent
  • 35 percent
  • 55 percent
  • 75 percent
  • 95 percent

Before you answer, think about that generation of Christians for a moment. These early Christians influenced the founding of our nation and the Constitution that established the laws of the land. In many ways, we still live in the flow of their blessing many generations later. Their influence has been that powerful.

Currently, more than 50 percent of Americans are church members, but our influence is pitifully weak—not just politically, but in service to our nation and to the world. If 50 percent can’t get the job done today, it must have taken 75 percent or more to get the job done in the late-18th century, right?

Well, not exactly.

If you guessed 5 percent were church members, you were correct. That’s right, just one out of twenty, but being a church member in that era was far different than it is today. Those early Americans were strong, resilient men and women, whose faith impacted every aspect of their lives. In their era, making strong followers of Christ was the emphasis—not evangelism.

In our generation, the emphasis is getting thousands of marginal believers to say they are members. Not wishing to offend anyone, there is practically no emphasis on making them strong men and women, filled with knowledge and estimable character qualities. This shift in balance has weakened our impact upon society dramatically, and not for the good.

Christians in our generation love to blame liberals and their politically correct worldview for our decline, without taking a hard look at what we have become. What has changed is the quality of Christians. We have dumbed down, while telling ourselves we are knowledgeable. Worst of all, we believe it.

All authority has been given to Me in heaven and in earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end if the age (Matthew 28:18b-20).

Jack Watts    We Believe: 30 Days to Understanding Our Heritage

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I feel so grieved and disheartened,

As I see how far America has strayed

From the nation we once were—

From the people You called us to be.

As our narcissistic leader seeks to enhance his power,

Betraying the public trust repeatedly,

He points a blaming finger at others,

Repeatedly condemning them for his failures.

As I watch him abandon candor and forthrightness,

I long for the honorable leaders we once produced—

Men and women who did what was right,

Regardless of personal consequences;

Whether it was in their best interests or not.

We have elected a spineless man—

An empty suit who refers to himself as “Eye Candy.”

He has appointed regulators who look good but are not—

Czars with impressive resumes but who lack character—

Men and women who speak mellifluously of noble things,

While camouflaging their self-serving intentions

With layer upon layer of deception,

Tickling the ears of the ignorant and uninformed,

Which most of us have become.

As modern day Sophists, these unelected miscreants

Regulate our lives, mandating wrong while calling it right,

As they repudiate what is honorable repeatedly,

Castigating it contemptuously as being politically incorrect.

Willfully and consistently they mislead us,

While scoundrels benefit from their duplicity.

Licking their lips greedily, these malefactors reap

Ill-gotten gains at the expense of our great nation,

Increasing our debt as another piece

Of our cherished heritage is destroyed by their mischief.

Lord, spare us from the calamity that is upon us.

If we bow our knee and humble ourselves before you,

Will You restore us to what we once were?

If You do, others will see that

You still have a purpose for us—for the

Land of the free and the home of the brave.

Jack Watts   We Believe

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Based upon some of the comments I’ve received, many people equate turning back to God as being passive. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, it’s the exact opposite.

As I see it, our situation has become so alarming and so serious that there is no other acceptable alternative. Institutionalized Evil encompasses us, and nothing can spare us from future calamity other than an outpouring of God’s Spirit upon the land. We have:

  • Abandoned His ways for those of the false gods of pantheism.
  • Legislated Evil, making wrong right, and right wrong.
  • Chosen leaders who do not serve but loved to be served.
  • Allowed corruption and greed to replace altruism and service.

We talk about all that we have lost, but we do little more than whine about it. That will get us nowhere. We also talk about humbling ourselves before God, but we don’t do that either. Instead, we call non-believers names, chiding them for their inability to discern Truth, forgetting that the Natural Man is unable to do so.

We have embraced mediocrity, calling it strength, while doing little more than sitting idly by, hoping to be Raptured soon. As Christians, we can no longer live like this. It’s time to do more, and it begins by repudiating the false gods of our culture and returning to Almighty God—as He has revealed Himself in the Scriptures—not the feckless gods of American civil religion.

Such an act is not passive but, if enough men and women do so, our God can and will rally those who are His sheep for actions. It’s time to stand firm, and that’s not being passive.

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After we repent of tacitly accepting the Cultural Religion of America, which is our form of Pantheism, what do we do next? Where do we go from there? What’s our next order of business?

We wait.

“Surely, there must be something more we can do than wait,” you might ask? Of course there is. We can spin our wheels in a thousand different directions, but none of it will be productive. In fact, most of it will be counter-productive.

If our enemy is a spiritual one, and political correctness certainly is, we may choose to fight in the power of our strength, but we will continue to fail. We have been failing for years, losing the battle badly. Remember, the battle is the Lord’s, and He will fight it for us. All that is required of us is fidelity, which has not been our strong suite—not for a long time.

So, while we are waiting, continue to purge yourself of accepting the false god of Pantheism. You may not think that has anything to do with restoring our nation to its traditional values, but I can assure you it does. Accept what Christ said as true. “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.” He meant what He said, or He wouldn’t have said it.

To be faithful to Christ means you must be willing to accept the criticism that will come your way for being ignorant, intolerant, and narrow minded—none of which are true. If we want the Lord to fight the battle, we must be willing to put on our spiritual armor and stand with Him. If you cannot do this, pray that the Lord will give you the internal strength to do so. It’s important.

For decades, we haven’t been as faithful as we have needed to be, and look what has happened. So, get busy with your one task. Then, wait for what the Lord will do as He fights our battle for us.

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In a nation where we legislate what is wrong and call it right, while also calling what is right wrong, where do God’s people begin to make a difference. To most Christians, the problem appears to be so overwhelming, there doesn’t seem to be a good place to start. The answer may surprise you.

Here’s where we begin. Stop accepting the multi-cultural pantheism of our society as being correct, and stop apologizing for Almighty God. In America, all ways are God’s ways—period, end of subject. To believe anything different is to be narrow-minded, ignorant, and intolerant, which is something no red-blooded American wants to be, not even Christians. So, when people talk about the God of their understanding, we sit back and keep our mouths shut. By remaining silent, or even providing a measure of validation, we are denying the Lord.

Most don’t like to hear this, but it is true. Our battle is not against flesh and blood; it’s a spiritual battle. For God to fight it for us, we must be faithful. It’s the first Commandment, for goodness sake:

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.

For God to go before us, we must return to Him in purity. There’s no other way to right this ship. With institutionalized Evil all around us, we cannot reclaim our nation in our own strength. The Lord has to do it for us. America has turned her back on God. It is up to us—the faithful remnant—to stand in the breach of the broken walls until the Lord wins the battle.

Are you willing to do this? Who will be strong and stand with me? It will not take many, but the ones willing to fight the battle must be committed.

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The United States is the wealthiest nation in the world, despite all of our current economic problems. Regardless of one’s political perspective, everybody agrees this is empirically true. The most important question, however, is this: what is the source of our wealth?

Obviously, we have been blessed with abundant natural resources, which we developed free from the wars that engulfed Europe in the nineteenth century, thanks to the Monroe Doctrine. But there’s more to it than resources.

From our earliest settlers in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the people had a mindset that spawned the growth of our great nation, and we still live in the residual blessing of their accomplishments. Our forefathers worked hard and were frugal. Making more than they spent was a way of life for them, and they never deviated from it. It wasn’t in their nature to do so. As a result, tremendous wealth was accumulated, readily available for the Industrial Revolution.

In his seminal work, The Puritan Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber explained how all of this came about. Perhaps you read it in school.

In the twenty-first century, however, we have forgotten the ways of our forefathers, choosing to spend more than we earn, which has made us a nation of debtors. The problem isn’t simply that we spend more than we make. If it was, the remedy would be easy, but the problem goes far deeper.

It’s our mindset that’s the real problem. We have come to believe we deserve wealth; we are entitled to it. Consequently, we elect politicians who promise us more, when our resources have declined, making their promises beyond their capacity to achieve.

If we continue in the direction we are headed, we will eventually collapse—just as the Romans did fifteen hundred years earlier. It’s inevitable. Our only hope is to return to our original values—hard work and frugal living. To accomplish this, we must renew our minds, repudiating the false message of the prosperity gospel, which is believed by millions, and return to out foundational heritage. The Puritans led the way, and we—as Christians—must pick up the mantle and return to the ways that made us great. If we don’t . . .

Jack Watts


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