
Archive for September, 2016

bleachbitlogoCOMMON SENSE: The reason FBI Director Comey gave for not recommending indictment was that there was “no intent” on Hillary’s part, but now we know that’s not true. When Congress issued a subpoena and a Preservation Order to Hillary, the State Department, and the IT company, concerning Hillary’s emails, they had not yet been destroyed. Defying the subpoena, which is a felony—Obstructing Justice—the emails were destroyed, using the “Bleach Bit” program to do so. Now, not even God can read them.
It is no longer credible for Comey to say there was no intent. President Obama has said this too. What we have here is a massive cover-up to keep the Democratic nominee for President from having to face the legitimate consequences of her actions. Make no mistake about it, crimes have been committed. Comey has disgraced himself and needs to resign—now. If Obama wants to save any part of his legacy, he needs to stop protecting Hillary.
The Democrats keep hoping this will go away, but it will not. This is their Watergate.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I just watched Hillary Clinton’s abbreviated press conference on her plane, and I have two comments:
1. That it ended abruptly because Hillary was overtaken by a coughing fit indicates that she is physically unfit to do the job. She just isn’t healthy enough to be President.
2. When she suggested that the Russians wants Trump to win, you need to ask why that would be? Putin is aggressive and has territorial aspirations in Eastern Europe. Who is more likely to stand in his way, Trump or Hillary? Neither Hillary nor Obama were willing to check Putin’s annexation of the Crimea, were they? Also, if Putin has Hillary’s deleted emails, he can blackmail her throughout her Presidency, which she knows. Instead of admitting how vulnerable this makes her, because she never admits anything, she is projecting her weakened position onto Trump. Keep this in mind because it’s how Hillary plays the game.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: I love that Donald Trump went to Detroit, spoke at a black church, and visited the impoverished neighborhood that was once Dr. Ben Carson’s home. Will it get him black votes? No, I doubt that it will, but I liked what he did anyway. It was the right thing to do.
Trump’s idea to bring home American capital, tax free, if 10% of it is invested in inner city development projects, aimed at creating jobs, is brilliant. This would be a $2 trillion stimulus, which is huge. Plus, it’s real money—not printed money that brings nothing other than inflation.
This is the kind of out-of-the-box thinking a successful businessman can do. By any standard, Trump’s outreach was impressive, and so was his idea.
Jack WattsDonald-Trump-visita-iglesia-Detroit_LNCIMA20160903_0095_5

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