
Archive for the ‘Attack on Brussels’ Category

COMMON SENSE: President Obama doing the wave at a baseball game, sitting beside a ruthless dictator, conjures images of Nero fiddling while Rome burned. This isn’t the first time Obama has been in the wrong place at the wrong time, when terrorism has reared its ugly head, nor is it the worst. Playing golf ten minutes after speaking about Foley’s decapitation may have been more inappropriate, or perhaps it was Obama partying with Beyonce in Vegas the night after the Benghazi attack.
Such images of Obama being asleep at the wheel tell us a great deal about the man. If these attacks had been perpetrated upon Muslims by Christians or Jews, do you believe Obama would be so cavalier about them? I do not. His outrage would be palpable.
The reason Obama doesn’t take these assaults, and others like them, seriously is they do not fit into his narrative of reality. Consequently, he denies the gravity of what is happening by doing what he does best, having fun. At this point in his administration, being a lame-duck, he is more disengaged than ever, choosing to double-down on his core beliefs that Islam is a religion of Peace and that there is no reason to keep GITMO open. After all, we have won the War on Terror—at least according to the American version of Nero.

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COMMON SENSE: Although nearly everybody predicted Ted Cruz and Donald Trump would be among first candidates to drop out of the Republican race, they are the last two standing. (Mathematically, Kasich cannot win). There is a reason for this. Both have tapped into the deepest desires of Conservative, which isn’t fear but righteous indignation. That’s the good news.
Here’s the bad news. Yesterday, ISIS attacked Brussels—just like it attacked Paris four months ago. Watching this on TV, Americans are justifiably concerned. We need leadership, but we’re not getting it. Obama hasn’t provided any, and Hillary is incapable of doing so. This has left a vacuum both of the Republican contenders should have addressed.
Instead of being Presidential, however, the two of them are Tweeting nonsense about each other’s wives. How juvenile. How inappropriate. And how trivial. If either of you intend to be our Commander-in-Chief, act the part. Grow up! Man up! And take charge.

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