
Posts Tagged ‘Prince of Darkness’

Almighty God,

We are few, but we are strong and resilient.

Empowered by You, we will not fear the wrath

Of the Prince of Darkness or those who rule on his behalf.

You are Almighty, but the Prince of this world is not.

We have nothing to fear. Our victory is assured.

You are the one true God, and we are Your people—

Those who have not bowed our knees to the false gods

Of Progressivism or of the all-inclusive Pantheism

That dominates our American culture.


Our lives, and the fate our nation, are in Your hands.

Multiplied millions have strayed from You,

Bowing their knees to vain beliefs and false gods,

Abandoning the ways of our forefathers,

Squandering the accumulated wealth of generations,

All to pursue the false beliefs of Political Correctness.

Their precepts repudiate Your will and Your Word,

Unwisely believing their way is enlightened and superior.

Their foolishness, which they believe is enlightened and superior,

Is obvious, but they refuse to admit it, choosing instead

To revise reality to suit their fanciful beliefs.


Using the machinery of the federal government,

They erroneously believe they can subjugate us,

Keeping us under their thumb, but they are wrong.

Because we are so few, they view us are weak, misguided

And without direction, but they are mistaken.

They believe we are easy to intimidate by insulting

Our intelligence, saying we are obscurants, but we are not.

They are convinced they can overpower us with false beliefs,

Championing fairness over righteousness, but they are wrong.

We are stronger than they can possibly imagine,

Because our power and the source of our strength comes from You.

We will not be intimidated, nor will we ever capitulate.

Surrendering to their false gods is not an option for us, and it

Will never be one, regardless of the consequences—never.

Almighty God, we are Your people, strong, resilient, and unafraid.

Jack Watts

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I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.

Heretofore, our opposition to President Obama and his radical agenda has been ineffective at best. There’s a reason for that. We have not really been clear about who he really is and about exactly what his final goal for America has been. Because of this, concerning his agenda, many of us have picked and chosen what we will oppose and what we will accept, doing our best to not be completely negative.

Abhorring the criticism and contumacy that accompanies being vocal in our opposition, many have simply kept their opinions to themselves and their disagreements to a minimum. That is no longer an option. It’s a mindset that will ensure Obama’s plans are victorious.

The months ahead are certain to be precarious, as Obama’s goals become more widely known. The stage is set for an escalating battle for the heart and soul of this great nation. It’s a battle between the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness. By simply picking and choosing what we will oppose and what we will not, the False Messiah of the religion, Government Cures All, will win. It’s not his policies we must oppose; it’s his worldview—not just some of it—all of it.

When he ran for President the first time, Obama promised to fundamentally transform America. That’s a campaign promise he is keeping. As a false Messiah, President Obama talks about being transparent, but he loves the darkness, as do his followers, the Children of Darkness. When the Children of Light voice their opposition, the Children of Darkness denounce them, calling them “haters,” while accusing them of being racist and worse, just like the Prince of Darkness has done about believers before God since the dawn of time.

Once the Children of Light recognize the False Messiah for who he is, along with the Children of Darkness, false accusations will no longer work. Learning to recognize the truth about who Obama really is will be freeing you. Once that happens, your ability to stand strong and oppose him will become more effective. More than anything else, Obama fears the truth.

The stakes are high—the future of our great nation. Taking a line from Les Miserables, “Who will be strong and stand with me?” The battle is a spiritual, not just political. With that in mind, our victory cannot and will not come from our human efforts alone. Look to the Lord, and remember the power of His might is far greater than the power of the Prince of Darkness, the False Messiah, the Church of Government Cures All, and the Children of Darkness combined. We are well able to regain our nation, to return to being what Almighty God intends for us to be.

As the days and months continue, we will address each area of what needs to be done.

Jack Watts

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