
Posts Tagged ‘Ebola’

A second healthcare worker at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas has tested positive for the Ebola virus. Evidently, President Obama’s assurances that it was “highly unlikely” Ebola would break out in the United States was inaccurate—kind of like “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” Meanwhile, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, President of the Black Grievance Industry, is encouraging Patient Zero’s family to sue because the West African’s death was because he was black, while the missionaries who survived were white.

Perhaps the two healthcare workers should sue Patient Zero’s family and President Obama for putting them at risk needlessly. That is, if the two healthcare workers survive.

Obama, whose name will forever be associated with Ebola, as it should be, doesn’t know what the hell he is doing. His incompetence in dealing with this terrifying disease couldn’t be clearer. He sends the 101st Airborne to West Africa to contain the disease, while simultaneously continuing to allow flights from that region to come to the United States, further exposing Americans. His strategy also puts our troops, who have no training in how to deal with Ebola, at risk. At the same time, Obama is still putting Americans at risk by allowing flights to continue. That few recognize this contradiction amazes me.

Obama’s strategy of leading from behind doesn’t work; nor does his policy of “don’t do stupid shit”—his words, not mine. Unfortunately, that ship has already sailed. Our great Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning-President is the Emperor who is wearing no clothes.

Obama took an oath to protect and defend us, and he isn’t doing it, is he? Although it’s late in the game, he can still do something positive. Name Dr. Ben Carson the Ebola Czar. We need a strong leader with medical knowledge to take charge, and Carson can do it. Of course, that will not happen, will it? But it is an idea that has merit.

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