
Archive for September, 2018

COMMON SENSE: When you think about abuses of the secret police, most think about what the KGB or the Gestapo did decades ago. For those who know history, Stalin’s NKVD, under Beria, would also be justifiably thrown into the mix, but few would mention the FBI—not since the days of J. Edgar Hoover anyway.

Traditionally, the Liberals have been far more concerned about the abuse of power by the FBI than Conservatives ever have, but that is no longer the case. Until quite recently, they have been at the forefront of civil liberties, but this has changed since Donald Trump has become President. Because of their hatred for him, abuse of power by our secret police—the FBI—has been championed. Getting rid of Trump, by whatever means is necessary, even if it’s illegal, is considered justifiable by the Left.
This position is very short-sighted, and it’s also dangerous for our democracy. Because the leadership of the FBI did not want Trump to become the 45th President of the United State, they used the massive power of the Bureau, combined with favored news outlets, to keep him from getting elected. When that failed, they didn’t stop. Instead, in an unprecedented abuse of power, which violated their oath of office, these nefarious villains hatched a plot to have Trump removed from office.
The revelation that agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were creating a false narrative about Trump colluding with the Russians, by feeding fake stories to the media, is just the latest piece of the puzzle to be revealed. Of far greater importance is the reluctance of the FBI and the Department of justice to be forthcoming about any wrongdoing by the Bureau. There is a reason for this. They want to keep the truth hidden about what they have been doing.
That this is their position is the greatest problem we face in America today. Our secret police, like the KGB of old, is too powerful, and it is out of control. They have been acting lawlessly, and nobody has been able to reign in their behavior—not even Congress or the President of the United States.
Recognizing what has happened, and what is at stake, Conservatives have begun to fight back by asking hard questions and by demanding the release of documents through FOIA requests, but it has been slow going. What we need is for Liberals to think beyond their disdain for Trump and join us in the quest for absolute transparency. Without at least some real investigative journalism by a noted Liberal or two, it is going to be much more difficult to bring the FBI under control, but we are committed to doing it.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In an effort to block Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has assaulted Kavanaugh’s character by introducing a letter from an anonymous source, saying that Kavanaugh was sexually inappropriate with a girl when he was in high school.
Since Feinstein has had the letter since July, but chose not to confront the Judge either privately or during his extensive hearings, its introduction into the process at this point is suspect.
In his defense, five dozen women, who knew Brett Kavanaugh when he was in high school, have signed a letter attesting to his character, but Feinstein’s attempted character assassination has gone one step further. She turned the letter over to the FBI and asked them to investigate the matter. The Bureau declined, which speaks volumes about the letter’s verity.
This should be the end of it, but I doubt that it is. Planned Parenthood has already weighed in, and this is too juicy for the MeToo movement not to get involved. Despite zero substantiation, Kavanaugh is guilty because of an anonymous source. No decent person should accept this.
Because I knew that dirty tricks like this would be part of the process, I have asked for patriotic Americans to stand with Judge Kavanaugh and his family. These fine people are in the way of the agenda of the Progressive Left, and they need us to stand with them.
As the vicious wrath of the Left continues, let us counter them with steadfast support for Kavanaugh. Remember, the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women like us to do nothing.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: In an obvious attempt to derail the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) turned over a letter from an anonymous source accusing the Judge of being inappropriate with a girl in high school. There has been no indication about what the indiscretion might have been or who the young lady was either.
Despite this matter being so vague, Feinstein turned the letter over to the FBI for investigation. Now, the Democrats want to postpone the vote on Kavanaugh until the FBI completes an investigation of its merit.
What makes this so suspicious is Feinstein has had this letter since July, but she has chosen not to come forward until now—one week before the vote on Kavanaugh is to take place in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Why has she waited so long?
Feinstein’s timing is suspicious. Even after interviewing Kavanaugh personally in her office, and repeatedly questioning him in open hearings for the nation to see, she never said a word. Why is that?
The tactic Feinstein is using is reminiscent of Anita Hill’s accusation of Clarence Thomas in 1991. Just like what happened to Justice Thomas, this seems to be politically motivated, totally unfair, and a little sneaky.
This is the reason why I have been calling for prayer for Judge Kavanaugh repeatedly. He needs it. The Democrats, and the radical Left, will do anything, including using dirty tricks like this, to keep Judge Kavavaugh from being confirmed. We must bathe Judge Kavanaugh in prayers, asking God to protect him. We also ask God to expose this desperate tactic of the Democrats to the American people for what it is.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: More than any other factor, having Donald Trump make nominations to the Supreme Court, rather than Hillary Clinton, is why 81% of patriotic Christians voted for him. With the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the President has been true to his word in selecting a Conservative who is committed to abiding by the Constitution instead of trying to legislate from the bench.
This is exactly the way it should be, but the hatred from the Left has become so blatant and so offensive that we cannot simply stand aside passively and allow events to take their course. The most radical elements in America, in their attempts to derail the Kavanaugh nomination, have actually threatened Senators who support the Judge.
In Maine, for instance, Senator Collins has received threatening calls and 3,000 coat hangers have been sent to her in the mail. Over $1 million has been raised for Collins’ campaign, if she votes against the Kavanaugh nomination. If she doesn’t, these funds will be given to her opponent in the next election. The legality of this seems suspect, but it is happening.
Because of the militancy of the Left, we must intervene on behalf of Judge Kavanaugh. It is up to millions of believers to uphold this fine man in prayer. We are asking God to put a hedge of protection around his family and him. We must also ask God to protect our faithful Senators and to give them the conviction they need to stand firmly against the vicious assaults of the Left.
Will you be faithful and join us in this righteous endeavor? Because there is power in numbers, please repost this. The more united we are in prayer, the stronger we will become.
Thank you
—Jack Watts

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9/11 STORY FROM A FRIEND OF MINE. That morning, I usually took the 6 to Courtland Street to get to my job at a law firm, just a few blocks from World Trade Center. I overslept and had to take a cab down the FDR. Traffic was unusually terrible, and the cabbie told me about a plane that had flown into the World Trade Center.
I couldn’t help but think how terrible, assuming a pilot must of had a heart attack. The cabbie immediately said no it’s terrorist. That was an unfamiliar term at the time. I got out and was trying to get to my building, but it was somewhat chaotic. Plus, my cell phone was not working. I wanted to call work to let them know that I was going to be late, because a plane had flown into the World Trade Center.
As I was about two blocks from World Trade Center, everyone start screaming. We looked up, and that’s when the second one hit. Everything was a little vague after that, but I do remember heroes—lots of heros. The main message from the NYPD was to head north head north. There’s another plane that might be coming.
Head north. I was waiting in line at a pay phone to call my mom to tell her I was okay. I also wanted to know if she had heard from my sister, who also lived in NYC, but the line didn’t move. What I saw, while waiting in line for twenty minutes I will not share.
Realizing that this event was bigger than I could comprehend, I eventually followed the direction of the brave and screaming FDNY that was pleading for us to head north. Looking back, I was in shock. Everything seemed be in slow motion. I saw an old lady crying, and a high schooler.
I approached them and grabbed their hands. They were strangers too. They had nowhere to go, as the bridges and tunnels were closed. Our cell phones did not work, and one of the twin towers was starting to fall. Walking and then running away from one collapsed building in terror, the most overwhelming thought in my mind was trying to find my sister, Laurie, who also lived in NYC.
We all had soot on us, and my feet were bleeding. But we were alive and so many others weren’t.
My sister lived in Soho, and I wanted to find her. So, we all just started walking and running north to Soho. For some reason I was convinced that when I found her everything would all be okay. But when we got to her apartment, we rang and rang the doorbell, but she never answered. Little did I know, but she was at her best-friend Katie’s house just a few blocks away.
So, the teenager, the old lady, and I went to the shark bar around the corner. That’s where we saw the second tower tumble. We thought we were finally out of the white soot, but it was slowly creeping up towards us; so we decided to keep walking north. I lived on 51st, in midtown, and I was concerned the old lady might not be able to make it.
My feet were still bleeding from my shoes, and it was hot outside, unusually hot for September in New York City. There was a Muslim cabdriver that was giving survivors free rides north. When he stopped for us, despite his minivan being packed, we got in the back hatch and he drove us about 20 blocks north with the back hatch open.
He couldn’t take us any further north than the United Nations, because that whole area was blocked off for security reasons. I had about another 20 blocks to go. The last leg of our journey was humbling. People of all faiths, races, etc had set up tables along 2nd Avenue, and they were handing out water, crackers, doughnuts….to the mass exodus that was “heading north.”
People offered us places to stay. We finally got to my apartment, but the Internet did not work; and the cell phones still were not working. It wasn’t until 1:30 p.m. that I was able to get an AOL IM message to a vague acquaintance, through the old internet dial up connection to call my mom. I sent her a message telling her that I was alive. I was not able to speak to her until 3:30 p.m. to find out that Laurie was okay.
The rest of the day was kind of a blur. The two women stayed at my house all day. I couldn’t tell you their names, and never saw them again. I can honestly say, that the most I have ever wanted my Dad was on that day, when I was twenty-four years old.
That is where I was, and what happened on September 11, 2001.
(I found this true story so compelling that I simply had to share it with y’all.)
Jack Watts

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The Call of 9/11

COMMON SENSE: The unity we experienced after the attack on 9/11 has evaporated, as both the Left and the Right become more firmly entrenched in their positions, but the answer is not to embrace globalism at the expense of American patriotism. It is the exact opposite. We must reaffirm our heritage by embracing it—the good, the bad, and the ugly.
We are not the villains of the world, as the radicals on the Left would have you believe. American exceptionalism is real—not a myth. We are Mankind’s greatest hope in a world that has come to call right wrong, and wrong right.
If anything, 9/11 has taught us to stand strong, to be the first to enter harm’s way, and to continue to be a beacon of light for those who want to live in freedom. When we say, “God bless America,” that is exactly what we want, and it is exactly what we mean.
So, on this solemn occasion, please take the time to remember who we are as a nation, and ask yourself what you can do to make America stronger.
—Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE: If you believe the midterm elections are not that significant, think again. This year, more than any other in my lifetime, your vote for Conservative candidates is crucially important. People of faith must show up at the voting booth, or every bit of progress we have made, including with our robust economy, will be lost.
If you think I am overstating this, guess again. The Left is so consumed with their hatred for Trump that they will do anything to remove him form office—and I mean anything. In a Post/ABC poll, 49% of Americans support impeaching the President, even though there is no Constitutional justification for doing so.
According to the Washington Post columnist, Megan McArdle, “By any metric, Trump is in trouble.”
This isn’t how I see things, but I live in a different universe than those who are single-minded in their hatred for President Trump. I see a robust economy with 4.2% GDP and every economic indicator being positive. McArdle and others see their globalist agenda slipping away.
Who is right? Is America’s resurgence to greatness enough to maintain leadership in both houses of Congress, or will the Progressives, who are consumed by rage, be strong enough to get their way and bring economic woes upon us all? Only God know the answer, but we can keep our nation moving forward by praying, fasting, and voting for candidates who will continue to make America great again.
Jack Watts

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COMMON SENSE—FIRST MAN: While I was in graduate school at Baylor and Emory, I wrote many papers, some of which were published in scholarly journals. Nearly all involved different periods of American history. Each was scrutinized mercilessly by my peers, and I had to defend every word I wrote.
During seminars, the worst error any graduate student could make was to exercise in historical revisionism. That’s when you reinterpret past events based on your political or religious perspective, rather than explain the worldview of the participants from their perspective. If even a hint of revisionism was detected, the scolding the presenter received was worse than what the media does to President Trump. Trust me; it was brutal.
That being said, for the producers of “First Man” to leave the planting of the American flag out of the movie about Neil Armstrong landing on the moon was an egregious error of historical revisionism. Because the producers are globalists, they left the planting of the American flag out of the movie, even though it was of monumental historical significance. They chose to revise history to show it from a globalist perspective, rather than allow the actual events to speak for themselves.
This is not only wrong historically, but it will also cost them a fortune. The backlash from reinterpreting events to leave out American patriotism will limit the size of their audience appreciably. If you think I’m mistaken about this, just wait and see. Their historical inaccuracy will cost them big time.
—Jack Watts

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